Chibis Global Community Announcement — Summer 2020 (Unit Presale & Alpha Launch!)

Chibi ? ? ? ? ?
13 min readAug 10, 2020

Summer 2020 — and where are we? In a pocket dimension near you of course!!! The Great Philosopher Chibi has some surprises in store for you, so hopefuly you’ll stick around and take a looksie ;)

Chibis Global is prepping and moving along fast!

So fast in fact, we have some major updates to share with each of you today!!

*Early Alpha Access !!
*Pre-release Limited Edition Chibi Sale !!
*New Art, Assets and Physical Product Airdrops !!!
*Initial Roadmap Concept Draft !!!
*Initial Pack Release Schedule !!!!
*Gameplay dynamics, setups, (and more) !!!!

First off, I’d like to introduce you to the Chibi named ALPHA, the Heir to the Air!!!

He is the first in a series of promotional, limited time, limited release Chibis that provide unique team buffs, story arcs, and access to limited time airdrops!

Story-wise, ALPHA was dethroned by one of the now referenced MegaMax bosses residing in the realm of Air fiefdom. Help Alpha and other Heirloom Chibis take back their rightful place as the safe-guardians of the Chibi Dimension!!!

We will be launching an early pre-release sale THIS WEEK (Early August 2020) with only 100 of these limited edition versions available!!! Get them while you can, Alpha wil never be sold again!

Each ALPHA sold will help cover development and marketing costs to help get Chibis Global released!!! For those investing in this wonderful piece of art — you can expect to have exceptional statistics, and unique classes for this Chibi only! Using him in your team will also provide unique healing and team buffs, as he commands the air around you to guide and protect.

Further, after a certain amount of these ALPHAs have sold, we will be AIR DROPPING tokens and unique assets to WAX wallet holders, so make sure to head on over to the WAX blockchain and setup a Cloud Wallet HERE !!!
Items to be included in the Airdrops will be:

  • 20 Early Alpha Access Key Tokens
  • 25 Closed Beta Access Key Tokens
  • 10 Unique “Alpha Scrolls”
  • 25 Founder Key Tokens (Varying Rarity)
  • 15 Upgraded ALPHA Chibi Gear Pieces
  • 4 Alternative Art ALPHA Chibi vanity Tokens
  • 1 Physically Claimable ALPHA hand painted art (Oil Painted Item)!!!

Each of these item is quite exciting! So lets discuss the rarest item — the Physically Claimable Art Piece!!!

Each Unique Chibi event will usually offer a Physically Claimable Custom Art depicting the associated Chibi, and will always be a 1/1 unique item!!! Below is a low quality concept art that our artist put together in a few minutes to showcase what can be done:

Physically Redeemable Art!

Each art piece will be made using Oil Paint on a 12 inch canvas (about 9–10 inches tall). Redemption will be made available after a certain date or when all items have been sold out for that particular sale! Expect 8–12 weeks for delivery due to time for the piece to dry and be prepared for shipping!

We thought this was quite an exciting premise, so as long as there is demand, we can pump these Collector Items out — have your purchase immortalized in a custom painting! (Remember- they will be of higher quality, this was just a concept test piece!)

Throughout their journey, Chibis will encounter many different scrolls. They will generally be applied to the “Skills” section of each Chibi. This will increase their skill values, sometimes expanding their use, or in very limited circumstances - awarding new and unique abilities.

In the case of these very limited “Alpha Scrolls” they will provide a special upgrade to Alpha Abilities for the Heir to the Air.

Each of the 10 air-dropped scrolls will provide a unique upgrade boost to the Alpha Chibi if applied. They will be one use, and no scroll will provide an identical benefit, each will have its own unique use! So a true Collector may try to collect all 10 unique air-dropped scrolls, but it is our expectation that ten unique lucky winners will enjoy advanced skill upgrades with these — thus making them very valuable!!

Token Runes

We’ve mentioned it, and finally here they are! The first in a series of various Tokens — Runes will be redeemable for associated values such as:

  • Alpha Access
  • Beta Access
  • Founder Packs
  • Unique Gear and Loot campaigns

The first of these token runes will be incorporated into an airdrop following the ALPHA Chibi sale! Additionally, each of these will also be convertible into an in-game item after claimed, making them useable for various activities.

We won’t say what/which but its up to you on how to utilize your Runes when presented with opportunities in the game!

We will be initializing our launch with the Wax blockchain! Right!? Exciting to see how Wax is making a come back and their network has some wonderful usability. In one of our previous articles (HERE), we mentioned several target groups to incorporate into the Chibi journey, and lucky for us, one is already on the WAX blockchain!!!!

So going forward, this very week we will be launching our first Pre-release Sale of a Limited Edition Chibi named “ALPHA” Heir of the Air!!! You’ll want to complete some steps to be ready for this sale — first setup a Wax Wallet HERE. Then you’ll want to grab some WAX — you can do peer-to-peer transactions or use an exchange such as Changelly. Alot of Wax people currently use a site called Cryptolocally for Wax exchanges, so feel free to head over there.

Currently, Wax is around 5cents per coin, and each ALPHA will sell for 1000 WAX ($50 usd) give or take depending on the market that day. We will be using the Atomic Asset protocol for asset sales on Wax, so you can use your Wax Cloud Wallet to login to to get ready for the sale. Sales day/time etc will be announced in our Telegram channel HERE! Additionally, you can get further communications from our Twitter and Discord Channels!!! (Click on them to be redirected!)

ALPHA, Heir to the Air

ALPHA, Heir to the Air will be the first promotional Chibi released for Chibis Global! Only 100 Copies will be made on Wax — so make sure to be ready to snatch him up before they sell out. A future release may be established for Ethereum, but not planned at this time.

ALPHA is unique and important because — the Fiefdoms that are currently dominated by the entropic forces once belonged to the Guardian Chibis who kept Chibiville and their areas safe. Since being kicked out from his Dominion, ALPHA has petitioned to The Great Philosopher Chibi and the Chibi King to have a team of worthy Chibis formed to help him recover his brethern and take back the Fiefdoms for their proper Heirs!

Its then up to you to help these heirs reclaim their land, and your clans safety!

Party Dynamics

Party Dynamics

So let’s talk a bit about party mechanics and how/why each Chibi will be useful. In the above image, you can see we have a party of 4. Initial party sizes will be 3, and increase up to 5. Each party will have a certain consistency.

Chibis will come in 1 of 3 differing varieties:

  • CORE
  • Exquisite
  • Special Acquisition

ALL Chibi parties can always be filled with CORE chibis, ensuring all players can fill up a party. However team makeup allows for unique chibis to also be included, but always requiring at least (1) CORE chibi to lead the party. This ensures storyline progression and balance matters.

Exquisite Chibis will encompass unique, acquirable Chibis that can be awarded through ingame events, specialized packs and the like.

Special Acquisition Chibis will be a special category for promotional, limited time sales, and other unique types that will separate them from Exquisities.

Each party will have specific lineups available.

3 Unit parties will allows up to 3 core, or a breakdown of 1core/1exquisite/1special acquisition. You can replace any of the specials with core if you dont have enough, or want to engage special strategies.

4 unit parties will allow for 1 exquisite and up to 2 special acquisitions.

5 unit parties will allow for up to 2 exquisite and 2 special acquisitions.

Party dynamics will be the key to success in Chibis Global. It is our plans to incorporate unit synergies. Thus having ALPHA, Heir to the Air and BETA in the same party may produce special combos or effects unable to be reproduced on their own.

Alpha Tile Concepts — courtesy of 3D Artist J.T.

With recent changes, I also wanted to announce that we have attracted the interest of several personas! In this case, we now have a wonderful 3d Artist producing new and updated tile sets for our game!

If you have not already joined our telegram, feel free to do so! He is in there with us taking requests and appreciating inspiring thoughts! He may just very well make a tile based on your suggestion and immortalize your idea into our game!

Additionally, we already had several tile sets prepped for the game prior to acquiring new art:

Original Chibis Global Tilesets

The above tilesets in comparison are low res, low poly tiles we were originally working with. However the game system already being utilized can render and utilize all the tiles our new artist is producing! Very exciting to see how it goes and what kind of tiles we end up with for the official launches!

Make sure you head on over to the official Telegram channel HERE!

Official Partnership Announcement

We would like to Officially Announce our Partnership with Silica Nexus!!! Having worked with them on additional projects, we’ve decided to go ahead and enter into a strategic partnership again on behalf of Chibis Global!!! They are a wonderful group of people and have decades of top tier game industry executive experience.

Silica Nexus is a key strategic front facing mass adoption strategic organization. Their Player Acquisition Engine will help bring a great many people into the cryptogaming space, something that we can all agree is needed. As you can see, many top tier Organizations are listed as well. You can find them on Telegram HERE !

Silica also offers it’s own cryptocurrency called Droid Tokens, which can be used in their physical redemption centers as well as online marketplace(s). They describe Silica Nexus and partners as part of the 1st Cross-Reality Virtual Universe Combining different contextual based interfaces w/ blockchain backbone securing virtual goods.

Silica Nexus & Partners

Each of these organizations now standby and support all Silica Nexus strategic Partnerships such as ours. We are very excited to be a part of this network, and to see all that we can accomplish together on behalf of crypto and gaming throughout the world! If you would like to know more about the Silica Nexus and Convergence projects, head on over to:

A few more refinement updates:

Evo/Devo Concept

Above you can see a vast improvement to our Evolution/Devolution system! Better art assets, size comparisons and timers are now in development for release. Our Alpha Testers will be the first to try out the devo/evo system, so look forward to hearing all about it!

2d Side Scrolling Battle Scene Concept

As you can see, in comparison to previous Chibi iterations, the new combat system is coming along quite nicely!!! This image is also a bit of a spoiler, so enjoy :)

Meet Mr. FUD

I would also like to introduce you to Mr. Fud! Adding another fun aspect to the game, players will battle incarnations of real life enemies, the first being the man who spreads FUD!

Be assured he’s never alone, usually followed by his cult of little fudders, always making sure that they’re spreading fear and disinformation everywhere they go.

These enemies will be unique and worthwhile to challenge, they will provide unique currency for Chibis Global when defeated!

Chibis Global Currency Concepts

The first currency to be announced will be Chibi Wax! (First coin on left — above) Chibis Global will incorporate an onchain and offchain environment. This will be utilized to managed the thousands and thousands of assets that each player will collect during the course of their journey.

Chibi Wax will have a variety of uses, and you’ll definitely be able to “Wax On & Wax Off” (chain) with your Chibi Wax!! Stay tuned to future Dev Updates for more currency discussions! (Word has it Mr. Fud had turned unaware Chibis into the wax coins in the first place….so please recover as many coins as possible from the evil fudders!)

Roadmap Discussions

2020 Roadmaps

On or around August 15th, the first set of Alpha testers will be entering into Chibis Global for the very first time!!! This initial group will be core community members who have been participating in the development for several months.

Initially, the game will be unrefined. Alpha testers will be testing browser and network compatability, account creation and inventory management. From there we will move onto story testing and map exploration.

Thereafter, on approximately September 1st, the second wave of alpha testers will be granted access. To access this second cycle ALPHA airdrop tokens will provide you with your access keys, so make sure to partake in the ALPHA Chibi airdrop on WAX mentioned earlier!!!

Game modes, unit selection, skill, class and gear upgrades and much more will be tested at this stage. Once all is said and done and the testing community feels confidant, we will mobilize for a Mid-September Closed Beta!!!

With Alpha Access just around the corner — we would like to delve briefly on what players can expect in the coming weeks as well. First and foremost, there will be three unique pack release for game assets during the pre-release, alpha, and beta stages!

  • Founder Packs
  • Genesis Packs
  • Excelsior Packs

Each pack will be presented at specific intervals, with unique assets included in each. Packs will consist of one or more of the following categories:

  • Genesis Rated
  • Excelsior Rated
  • Founder Only
  • Ingame Currencies
  • Account Modifications
  • Shards (Unique cards requiring up to 7 shards to be completed)
  • Special Acquisition/Exquisite Chibis
  • Passes and Access Codes
Winged Knight Sharding

Above, you’ll see our super rare, first 1/1 drop for the upcoming Founder’s Pack event! We’ve conceptualized for you how the sharding will work. Each pack has a low chance to drop 1 of the 7 pieces of this Chibi. Only the player that has collected all 7 pieces AND claimed it will be able to utilize this super rare, powerful Chibi!!! Other unique Chibis will also be released, but won’t be limited to 1/1 — so make sure when we announce the pack pre-sales you’re on top of things, these babies will go fast!

The first packs to be sold wil be Founders Packs. They will include (subject to change) the following:

Small Packs

  • 1x Founder Token (varying rarity)
  • 1x Random Shard (need 7 pieces that fit to create a limited shard chibi)
  • 1x Admin styled item (useful for subscriptions, account utility etc)
  • 5x Random Genesis/Excelsior/Founder items or chibis (varying rarity)

Large Packs

  • 1x Founder Token (varying rarity)
  • 3x Random Shards (need 7 pieces that fit to create a limited shard chibi)
  • 1x Admin styled item
  • 27x Random Genesis/Excelsior/Founder items or chibis (varying rarity)
  • 1x Special MegaMax Item (unique to mega packs)

Types of Administrative Items:

Subscription Services (42)

  • 1x Lifetime Subscription
  • 3x 3 Year Subscription
  • 12x 1 Year Subscription
  • 20x 6 Month Subscription
  • 6x 1 Month Subscription

— Bring a Buddy Pass — Fiefdoms (42)

42x 1 Month pass to share

— Shop Discounts (313 per type)

  • 1x Permanent 10% ingame discount
  • 200x (1) Use 10% discount
  • 100x (1) Use 25% discount
  • 30x (1) Use 33% discount
  • 2x (1) Use 88% discount

— Magic Carpet Ride Passes (200)

  • 1x Lifetime 1/day pass
  • 12x 1 year 1/day pass
  • 88x 1/week use pass
  • 109x 1 free ride pass

(*Must have unlocked base, and at least one other location to use)

(*All items subject to change, for example, one of our investment prospects would potentially remove the need for player subscriptions)

With all that being said, the Great Philosopher wishes you well and hopes for your continued presence as we approach these exciting days!

ALPHA the Heir of the Air is an exciting addition to our arsenal in pushing back the forces of Entropy — and he is hopeful that enemies such as Mr. Fud will have a harder time battling Chibis and that Chibi Wax can be returned safely.

Do please join us in our new and various social media channels:




Instagram Handle: @ Chibis_global (still under construction)

Thanks for checking us out! We always appreciate the community and look to provide the best gaming experience possible! Keep an eye out on these channels for updates, especially regarding:

  • ALPHA Chibi Sale
  • Early Alpha Access
  • Website Release
  • Roadmap Milestones
  • Future Development Updates

Until then, stay strong, and Chibi on!!!

