Chibis Global Community Update #2 — Wow, just WOW…..

Chibi ? ? ? ? ?
28 min readAug 22, 2020
Chibis Global

Honestly, I don’t even know where to start. Since we last posted an update to Chibis Global here - the entire ecosystem has changed; funding goals met, new communities included, new artists hired, investors making offers, pre-presale successes, extensive marketing campaigns launched, new social media channels updated, and story and assets expanded to include MORE 3D !!!!!!!!WoW!!!!!!!!

ALL WE CAN SAY IS, Thank You and we are SO GRATEFUL for all that has happened these last 2 weeks! Before taking off to the moon, let’s stop a minute and use this article to chronicle all that has happened. Although the first three articles provide a weath of info, alot has changed. So lets discuss what and how first.

You can find them HERE, HERE and finally, HERE. The Great Philosopher kowtows in appreciation to each of you and begins to chronicle these weeks.


Instagram: (Under Construction)


Things that have CHANGED:

WAX Blockchain

This is probably the biggest change. Chibis Global will still be a multi-chain game. however — we are now on the WAX blockchain!!! This is a completely different standard, and you can find all of our pre-release assets on! Had we not made this decision when we did, we would probably have had to cancel the project to the creeping gas fees on Ethereum. We will still produce ethereum based assets, but we are also likely shying away from the multiverse of Enjin 1155’s for now as well, and this is because:

Our good friends over at OpenSea have whitelisted us going ahead so we can build Chibis Global marketspace on OpenSea. Traditionally OpenSea has been the goto assets marketplace for all game NFTs over the past few years (as long as the game was on ethereum of course). They have alot of utility, and our team had a hand in helping get OpenSea off the ground when they first started up! We’ve also worked with them hand in hand over the few years, so you may see some of their core team around discord at some point too!

(This means we will revert to ERC-721s for market-placing) plans to go 1155 are still in the works, but the way OpenSea is coded — we will begin on a lower standard for the time being. Regardless, anything on ETH is a bit impossible atm, hopefully ETH2 will provide some yummy development opportunities.


One of the biggest changes overall to the gameplay model will be the Fiefdom experience. Originally intended as a master control, auctioned land system — we have enough funding that we can scrap this model and reconsider a new approach. It is our expectation for everyone to have fiefdom access now(probably scrapping subscription model as well — depends on real time server costs). This is something we should all be very glad about, and we are happy to announce. Stay tuned to future updates to see what will come for Fiefdoms!

Subscription services will also be re-designed. We haven’t decided on a final outline just yet so stay tuned. The reason for the change is that we have attracted some large potential funds — and for those that know me, once we have cleared budget costs, we GIVE BACK to the community a portion (or more) of what we raise through sales and other initiatives. On my last project (Mythereum) we never kept a single penny and gave nearly $250k worth of crypto back to the community (2017–2020). We also built the very first interoperability forge, and plan to use similar tech to that to port previous iterations of chibi game assets into chibis global.

Mythereum Forge

Community Statement from Development

With that all being said and done, lets move forward and cover all that has happened these last weeks. First and foremost, lets deal with any leftover FUD (fear, uncertainity and doubt). There is some inappropriate rumormongering and conduct by nameless community members in an effort to spread fud and gain attention for themselves. We’ve mostly handled it and they’ve stopped-and as you know Chibis hate fudders right?

This project is independant from any other chibi project. Noone owns the word “Chibi” it has been in use for over 40 years for cultural reference and has several hundred years of light usage. Our first article highlights this. Further, this project was born from a community initiative by chibi players who got RIPPED OFF by other unsavory developers. My team had actually invested a large sum of money to get previous iterations of chibis off the ground, only to get taken advantage of. Version 1 ended abruptly and people stole alot of money from players. The main dev from this project made a Version 2, which also turned out to be a way to milk players. I wont get into the details.

This is one of many projects I’ve developed over the years. With nearly 20 years (probably more) I have developed triple A games and indie games alike. It was my personal decision after a superior from a prior game for Square Enix decided to open his own cryptogame studio, to swap and start developing on blockchain as well. After having been here for over 3 years, I will never go back to strict fiat game development ever again. It has its upside and downs, but in the long run, blockshain SHOULD be the future of gaming. Remaining in walled garden fiat gaming is like a prison for players.

With all of that being said, Chibis Global is a game by the community for the community. We have all been through alot over the years and for the most part 99% of us are excited and can’t wait. That 1% of trolls and fudders can cause some sadness and cogntive dissonance — which is why we added Mr. Fudder and fudders to the world of Chibis so we can further highlight how bad fudding really is. Chibis is about all things love, fun and cuteness (Kawaii anyone??) and there is no real room for fud. We are strict about inappropriate behaviour, so if u find yourself muted or removed from a community, you know why. Noone just wakes up and says im gonna go fud all over today. Its a conscious choice to create fear, uncertainity and/or doubt. You made your choice, and so shall we!

With that being said, lets end on a positive note! So much has happened this past 12 or so days and we are absolutely flabbergasted! Grateful barely describes how we feel, and we are so thankful for the warm reception. Moving forward we look to seeing what is possible on the Wax blockchain, and will not forget our ETH roots (gas is just too darn high atm).

Starting where it all Began

Alpha, Heir to the Air

Alpha, Heir to the Air was an amazing success. We decided to cut the initial sale price in half to encourage onboarding in an affordable fashion. Sure enough this decision made the pre-sale extremely successful. For just 1000 Wax (Approximately 52 dollars at the time of release) We sold out in just 3 hours !!!!!!!

Within a few days time, Alpha’s were being resold for up to 7x their original price (7k wax!). This was an amazing feat, and we really would like to thank all those who supported us in this pre-sale. We were able to raise enough funds to cover not just some, but ALL launch costs!

Further, with the success of Alpha, we became the second most traded project on the Wax chain through atomic. This is so humbling, and we really want to extend our thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. We never expected to see this! Since we have had investors, project managements, collaborations with other proejcts or games, and private parites all reach out with their own interest in Chibis Global.

OG Founders Key

Players and collectors alike didn’t know at first how valuable their Alpha, Heir to the Air would be. That discovery would be made once we announced the Heirloom airdrops (Each of 4 heirloom Chibis will provide unique airdrops). This was further encapsulated when we airdropped 25 Founder Keys to random Apha Heirloom owners.

These Keys also provide airdrops and other unique benefits. They have sold for large amounts of monies, and are highly coveted. Players are just beginning to discover the overall value of their small investment and the potential ROI over the next several years.

On top of receiving Keys, 10 unique 1x use Scrolls were dropped. These scrolls allow a permanent change to one single Alpha, Heir to the Air. Each scroll has a limited time ability that can enver be acquired elsewhere, or ever again.

Each are unique, but only 1/10 of the scrolls was designed for non-combat purposes. This specific scroll (Genesis Infusion) should have high value once the game is playable. It allows that Alpha owner to infuse genesis sparks into non-genesis assets. Initially this will not be so important, but after Genesis is all sold out, and future sets come, turning non-genesis cards into genesis enabled sparks will be a key component. Only 5 units/items are set to ever have this function, giving the owners their own niche market to charge as they feel.

Creating niche, non-combat markets is one of the key success components of previous titles I’ve worked on, so it was an easy decision to add it to Chibis Global.

Apocalypse Blade

Another aspect of the airdrop — each Heirloom Chibi will drop it’s own unique gear assets to the first owners of that Chibi. To be eligible, you must own that chibi at the snapshot for the airdrop. (Snapshots occur at randomized times and unannounced in an effort to avoid gaming the system). The above weapon was one of 15 items droped to Alpha holders. It is a one of a kind, 2 handed weapon. It can be seen HERE and we can see in the atomic hub schemas that it is provably scarce, only 1/1 will ever exist!

Alpha Token

Alpha Tokens were also dropped to some of the holders. As mentioned in previous articles, Alpha will be released in waves over the course of several weeks. Alpha Tokens will provide a series of unique benefits — including the ability to participate in wave 2 of Alpha testing!

As mentioned in previous articles, Alpha testing is largely technically, and not gameplay testing. Activities such as account creation, inventory databasing tests, etc will be the large part of Alpha testing.

Alpha Testers do get to enjoy one major benefit — Bug Bounties! We will eventually allow testers to be rewarded for discovering bugs of all sizes.

Beta Tokens were also distributed to Alpha Heirloom holders. Beta Access is what most people are used to. This is where gameplay gets tested, new features added and experimented on.

By the time we are in beta, alot of the game will have been rounded out, and playable. We will also be able to host more players than Alpha would. Alphas are generally ten or less people — while betas can have thousands.

In addition to being very to be able to access the game early — alpha and beta testers will be able to impact the design and implementation of various features into the game. Alpha and especially beta sessions, provide unique interaction between devs and players in the overall process. This isn’t generally a thing after a game has been released, so if you have one of these — lucky! If not, head on over to HERE !!!

Alpha, Heir to the Air — Stats

So, let’s discuss asset stats. These are immutable qualities (unchangeable) baked into the asset for life. All units will be able to equip up to 12 items, but not always all 12. The odd ones to look out for atm are: Back, Trinket and Relic. Everything else is self explainable. Heirloom Chibis will also have a Rune Slot that you can directly interface into the Chibi. Other future chibi will likely only be able to infuse runes onto their gear, as their spritual essence could not handle such an event.

We discussed Variants in an earlier article, but to just remind everyone — a party can have up to 2x special acquisitions, 2x exquisites, and 1 core (or less of the others and more cores in a combo). Alpha for example is a special acquisition.

The Leader call function determines whether a unit can lead a party. Not all chibis will have this feature, and you need at least 1 leader to dispatch a party onto the world map (players can run around chibiville without a leader).

The Medic call function determines whether a unit can perform field medicine on another unit in the world map. This is extremely important, as chibis can never truly “die” but if knocked unconscious, a medic is required to stabilize a unit when reduced to 0. It’s important that if a unit is knocked out in a battle, a resurrect effect is required to get them back on their feet. Out of combat, healing magic won’t work on a knocked out chibi until stabilized by a medic.

(*Protip: having a combat abled chibi is key, as most medic active chibis will not be combat viable, and require an escort to get to a unit in need.)

The Partner call function is very unique. When a unit is paired in a party with their partner, special synchronic abilities will be activated. Additionally their spark fills faster, allowing Evolutions to trigger more often. This will need extensive testing, but can be very enjoyable. Alpha for example pairs with Omega for the Alpha Omega effect!

The Storyline call function determines whether this unit can trigger a primary storyline feature or not. This is still in testing, but pretty much it means unique story dialog and reactions by npcs. This gives a player deeper interaction with the game, and potentially provide unique clues to questlines, or locations of rare items, or quests!

The Questgiver call function provides the owning player with a 1 time quest or quest line based on the unit! This will geenrally offer large rewards, especially unique gear related drops to that specific chibi. Only players with the chibi with this feature will see that questgiver in their game, so keep your eyes peeled, you never know where you’ll find your chibi trying to reach out to you!

Classes and Passive Talents

As seen above, each Chibi will have its own unique class base set (Class 1) and advanced class (Class 2) as well as up to 8 passive Talents. Advanced classes will also eventually open up into selectable second advanced class, but this is planned later on in development. When implemented, it will provide a unique way to build your chibi to differentiate it from choices others make — just remember to choose wisely. Skills within each class will also use skill points, and it will rarely if ever be possible to max all class skills, so planning which skills to invest in will be a thing. Hopefully community members will work on player made content to help identify strategic placements. Once such player has begun a wiki project for just this btw, and can be found HERE. (Under Construction) !!!

Passive Talents

We are initially going with 8 base passive talents — its quite possible that these are the only ones that will ever exist, or we may release future seasons with new talent pools. Each of these are pretty self-explanatory to people familiar with gaming, so feel free to read on, but if you know, dont hesistate to skip to the next section as we have alot of inquiries from people who havent played games.

So as to not be repetitive in the descriptions — recipes are a thing! Throughout your chibi journey parchments with recipes will be discoverable in and out of game (airdrops anyone YCO!) These can provide unique combinations of materials for the respective passive talent to learn and reproduce. Single use, limited recipes are the most coveted, allowing you to generated a niche market.

Alchemist: An alchemist generally mixes concoctions that produce a variety of useful liquids, generally in the form of potions. Healing potions, weapon apply poisons, agility potions, and many more are just some of the examples of whats possible! try mixing concotions to discover new, valuable recipes!

Armorsmith: This talent allows you to deposit the Chibi at the local Armory and put their talents to use. depending on what type of gear and material is being used/made — the longer your Chibi will be inaccessible — so plan ahead accordingly!

Blacksmith: Similar to the Armorsmith, Blacksmiths will generate useable heavy items (not weapon, not armor) and parts used to build things. A blacksmith could be the chibi version of an engineer I guess we could say.

Crafter: Crafters will be the most common of all Chibi passive talents. This can be used to make every day stuff, to some slightly complex stuff, in little time. Unlike blacksmith, Crafters generally wont need to be deposited at a crafting station — meaning you can make things if you have the materials in the field even! Very exciting!!

Gatherer: Gathering skils are the cream of the crop. You’ll be able to passively/actively gather useful items while travelling throughout the world. There is no limit to where you may gather something, so make sure to bring at least 1x gather along for the ride whenever possible!

Jeweler: These will be highly coveted Chibis. Jewelers are able to make TRINKETS (some blacksmith recipes can too!). Additionally they can make some forms of neck gear — having one of thse in your chibi army is a boon. You can find or generate unique recipes, potentially giving you a niche market area, making a large ROI for some of the rarer stuff!

Miner: Miners are similar to gatherers — however they require tools and mining spots to acquire their materials. Miners generally provide the materials that blacksmiths, armorsmiths and weaponsmiths need to craft their wares. Rarely they will find gems and other archaeological finds, so connecting with your favorite jeweler is key for a miner.

Weaponsmiths: They do what their namesake says — make weapons. Weapon crafting and repairs (yes gear can break!) is key to progressing throgu hthe main storyline. being able to take down the raid bosses will require nothing but the ultimate weapons, many of which can be made or refined by a weaponsmith.

Hype Squad

Hyperion, the King of Hype (loves to explore ruins in search of stuff to giveaway)

With all the unexpected success, ALOT of attention has been drawn to Chibis Global. With that being the case, we decided to launch our Hype Squad Program a bit early! 10 or so Hyperion Chibis (useable!) have been distributed to admins and social media influencers! As a thank you forputting the word out, Hyperion periodically airdrops giveaways to current owners!!!

These items will be used for mutual promotion — when we promote your channels, people discover new outlets for info, updates and even other games and giveaways. In the same time, influencers reach gets to discover chibis, our chats and community (which is key!) With that being said, we like to reward our Hype Squadders for getting the word out, so every so often we will send them tokens of appreciation! Speaking of tokens, check out the first airdropped Hyperion item:

Hype Coin

These unique 1st Edition Golden Hype Tokens will be worth….well their weight in gold! One person won the 11th in a giveaway, the rest are with the Hype Squad being given out this weekend!!

How will they be used you say? Well Hyperion himself will randomly appear on the world map and possibly even within Chibiville city limits from time to time. He wil have a rotating, randomized inventory offering a variety of items. Most of these will be Vanity items, to help continue the hype and funability of Chibis Global.

1st Edition Hype Tokens will be claimable for some seriously limted stuff, so get as many of these while you can! Items offered by Hyperion are never guaranteed, so seeking him out multiple times before making a purchase is ideal — but FOMO, because sometimes something listed, may never be relisted as they will have % chance to appear. The rarest of items will have a starting rarity of .0001% chance to appear, and increase over time as other items are bought up.

Since these will be vanity items, they will have no impact on the game, so their drop chance will not be revealed — it is up to you to determine the value and rarity of stuff that Hyperion offers over time! Items offered will also change with yearly seasons, and game story chapters — so once the chapter changes over, previous chapter drops wil be gone forever — sealing their scarcity!

Bushido Rei

Hype Squadders will soon receive specialized “Chibi Fragments” that when combined — will reward the player with a unique chibi. The first is shown above — Bushido Rei !!! He slices and dices and cuts his enemies to pieces. The shards will be randomly given out to the community in giveaways in the various channels and social influencer sites. Each week 10x of the same shard wil go out, so after 7 weeks, a saavy player could collect those pieces and make the very first Bushido Rei !!!

Chibi Wax (Ver .1)

Chibi Wax is the first currency released for Chibis Global. In honor of being on the Wax blockchain, we termed it “Chibi Wax”!

The lore behind it is as follows:

The forces of Entropy helped Mr. Fud become Mr. Fud. His mission is to find innocent, unsuspecting chibis and melt them into wax, which they then turn into currency for badguys.

The Great Philosopher Chibi has since authorized all chibis to beat up Fudders on sight, and take all their wax. With the gifted chibis in Chibiville, sometimes a Chibi Soul can be returned to life, but alas — most ar elost into wax forever. As such, to further inspire prospective FUD hunting, chibi stores have begun to accept Chibi Wax as a form of payment. Others will accept them as on-going questlines expand. Other crafty Chibis have been using the Wax to make custom Chibi Wax statues to commemorate the loss of their friends and colleagues.

What you do with Chibi Wax is up to you! But there are many available optiosns— spend your Chibi Wax wisely.

Hype Squad Custom Chibis (Set 1)

Chibis Global decided to support those who support us, and took the first ten owners of Hyperion and made them into custome chibis (above~) These are pretty awesome, and have fun names like Merry Jam, Han Yolo, and Big Time Mike! These were given out as promos for giveaways, and a few of each were sold in sets or individually. We also got to test various image qualities, positions etc, so this helped us deliver better future products as well!

Each of these custom Chibis have art that may be used elsewhere later on, but they have custom names, setting them apart — for a reason. These are the first released “CORE” chibis. U can use an unlimited amount of core chibis in your parties (up to the max party size of course). Each of these Core Chibis also has something most other chibis, let alone core chibis will ever have.

Multiple Passive Talents!!!!

So its unlikely, especially down the road - that a player will have more than 1 core chibi in their party. If you own core chibis with passive talents, you can keep them dispatched 24/7 to make things! Exciting right, so go grab those limited edition mints before they’re gone forever~~

Gigi the ChibiFriend

GiGi the ChibiFriend

Wandering around aimlessly in Chibi Land — GiGi was searching for friendship. Unbeknowest to GiGi — he had a very special Chibi watching over him. As he travelled to lands afar, Alpha, heir to the Air stood by and watched curiously as noone helped GiGi. GiGi is an honest, fun loving chibi travelling afar, looking to befriend any and all who offer him a helping hand. Due to the widespread FUD spread by Mr. FUD and his fudders, GiGi was mischaracterized and ostracized instead of being welcomed into community.

As such, GiGi returned to Chibiville empty handd, unable to even play with his friend sin the square. Seeing this, Alpha went to the Great Philosopher Chibi and explained what had happened to GiGi. They both praised that GiGi was not overcome by the fudders, and devised a plan to get GiGi honor.

They built him a suit of combat gear, and invited him to a gathering. Unbeknowest to GiGi that very day, he would be immortalized as one of the founding Chibis that would save the world from Entropy! Being gifted unique skills, talents and receiving a special blessing, Alpha and Philosopher sent GiGi off into the world, equipped and prepared so that he would be safe, and welcome in any community!

Congratulations GiGi and welcome to Chibi Land, where only good feels and communal love are spread — may you carry on the good fight !!!!

Metal Shredder 2H Sword

The GiGi announcement kicked off our Weekend events — from here we dropped some more big news, with 4 announcements AND 4 giveaways!

The first communal giveaway awarded one lucky player the above weapon — The Metal Shredder 2Handed Sword! This is a 1/1 provably scarce item and cane be further inspected HERE. It is an element Fire blade, with bonus damage to metal elements and the ability to cauterize.

Devolution and Evolution given away!

Devo / Evos were also given away fro the first time!!! This is a huge precendent, and lucky to acquire item. 20 Tiny Mages and only 5 Minotaurs were given to lucky winners! If you’ve read our previous articles — you will know how useful and important these are. By having given aay some, we have helped some players along in their journey. Generally a base Devolution or Evolution is NOT accessible until 8–10 hours of gameplay as planned.

However, for these lucky 25 players (or resales) they will be able to apply these (if you so dare — they’re 1 time use!) and have an upper hand. They are exceptionally powerful when compared to tutorial entry level devo/evos. There may be one or two on the atomichub, so make sure if you didn’t already — check and see if there are any up for grabs! You won’t be disappointed!

Additionally, we dropped several new items for Hyperion Squad peeps to giveaway! The first is an ultra rare, Hyper Vigilant (Ring) {Trinket}. This item effectively increases and buffs player chibi speed! Speed is key, allowing higher chances at dodges and multiple hits before slower enemies can get a hit in. Avoiding ranged attacks can also be affected by agility, so nab one of these rare gemstone rings before they become unavailable!

These beauties are delivered to Heirloom holders at random — as each Heirloom Chibi patrols the wilds for Fudder camps, they occasionally recover property of captured Chibis hence turned into Chibi Wax :(

Chibi players will need to collect these chest and unlock them with special keys bought for chibi wax (Wax Keys!) These locked loot boxes will provide completely randomized items. Eventually we will produce a list for players to purview.

Each list will have a series of items, and we believe that we will allow players to choose which loot table they will pull from. 3 of these have already been delivered to three lucky players by Alpha, Heir to the Air!

We also released some F.U.D. Stew recipes! These stews increase the effect of FOMO and help Chibis everywhere resist Fudders. Just don’t let Mr. Fud get his hand on your recipe before you learn it! Surely he will dissect it apart and use the parchment as a napkin…….

Recipes are geenrally 1 time use items that grant a player with an associated passive talent such as crafting to “learn” the recipe. Thereafter — the player can replicate the recipe on their own, as long as they have the materials. Some limited recipes will have a limited reproduction value — meaning it may say 50/50. Each time you make the recipe, that value drops by 1 (49/50 etc) once the recipe is completed (0/50) it may never be used again.

The Golden Chibicorn!

Our partner — Silica Nexus is hosting a virtual conference at the end of August into september. In an effort to reward ticket sales further, we’ve agreed to mint up to 300 of these to be given to each ticket purchaser between now and the event! Check ou ttheir tweet:

(*Note: Due to extreme gas fees, Silica Nexus highly suggests using fiat atm on their partner site to purchase tickets)

The Golden Chibicorn is surely going to make your fellow Chibis jealous, so head over and buy one (or two, or three) today! The Chibicorn is so fearsome, fudders flee at its sight. Players finding themselves in dire situations can call upon the great Chibicorn to scare away fudders, or run away wih greater success if in dire straits. These will never be reprinted, so don’t miss out!

The Nifty Show

Last friday, we were featured on the Nifty show! The creators of Blockchain Heroes ( have daily podcasts, and they featured us to highlight all the wonderful things we are bringing to the community. You can check them out HERE !!! We also plan to collaborate with Blockchain heroes at some point, so keep your ears to the floor, never know what can be accomplished!

Anders, a key member of our Hype team, also hosted me for a virtual interview! He covered many topics and even showed off some previous iterations of (now) failed chibi games. We really got in depth in the interview on a variety of topics — feel free to listen in HERE !! We’re looking forward to future Ander events, so stay tuned, very informative!!

Wax Announcement

Julian gave us a nice plug that was re-announced by the Wax community! So much is happening on this little known chain, and we are glad to be here, check the full article out HERE ! Let’s goooo Zen Blocks IO!

This brings us to our largest announcement since Alpha was released!

Meet Tau, harbringer of Gaia:

Tau, Harbringer of Gaia

By popular demand, we decided to open up another Heirloom Chibi sale and auction!!! tau is the second in our storyline Heirloom Chibis to be added to the fold. originally slated to be sold in OCTOBER, an early arrival of the first 100 mints has arrived!

Tau is the guide along “The Way’ and hence his earthly nature gives him command over the elements of the earth. One of his major properties is that he can equip 2x Relic gear pieces. its unlikely ANY other chibi will ever have this ability (but not guaranteed). He provides unique utility to the party and partners with Beta, who will be released when we move from alpha development to beta development.

We are currently holding a promotion for the community. Tau #1 (HERE) is being auctioned from Thursday August 20- August 22, 2022 (Pretty cool right!) at which point the auction will end at noon EST. The proceeds would normally go to budgetary, but since we have had so much amazing community support — we wanted to give back to the community!

After enough Tau’s have sold, he will provide his very first airdrop as well! One lucky airdrop recipient will also receive the ENTIRE FINAL WINNINGS from the TAU #1 Auction!! This is how we say thank you and show appreciation — investment in Chibis Global IS investment in the community!

We also decided to make entry into the chibi community even easier with these 100 Tau Flash Sales this weekend. At exactly 9am EST and 9pm EST — we will list the other TAUs for just 750 WAX each! Thats nearly 67% off from the intended sale price for Heirlooms! Wow, just wow!!!! I always wonder how things will go, but at this price, I expect hotcakes to be flipping hard tomorrow!!!

Wait — the hype is not over yet! When we announced all of the above stuff, we also provided previews of future units!!! First and foremost, we revealed both Omega and Beta!!!

With no further adieu — here is Beta, Mystic of the Water! (Scheduled for sept/october release) !!!

Beta, Mystic of the River (Partners with Beta)

Beta is an exceptional Chibi. He will also be our first ranged magic attack Chibi as well. When we get closer to his release, we wil get into his skillsets and stuff a bit deeper — until then, enjoy this preview!

Here is the first animated image shared — this is Omega, Beginner of the End. he partners with Alpha, for the coveted Alpha Omega effect. Look forward to more announcements in the future on how to acquire this special acquisition! It won’t be put up for sale, so gameplay and more will be involved to get one of these bad boys ~~!

Besides all these amazing announcements, we still have MORE to share!!!! Thanks to making our first budgetary goal, we were able to acquire many assets as promised! We’ve also secured the services of more artists too, so check these gems out:

Chibiville 1
Chibiville 2
Chibiville 3

These Chibiville assets are literally off the hook! If we can cover the 3d nature of these assets, we wil fully implement them for a communal experience for chibiville! (Originally Chibiville was slated for a 2d side scrolling experience). These also have night and day cycles, so look for adventure around each corner — you never know what you may find!!!!

We acquired several assets similar to this little guy for devolution adventures. One mushroom coming up! He also has an extremely rare, yet valuable ability — extreme jump!

Previously we had spoiler alerted some Chibis we were working on licensing. Today we can proudly say, we’ve acquired licensure for all 4 horseback riding Chibis and can now award them as one of the top rewards for the endgame content for Season 1 Chibis Global! The 4 players that get to hold these beauties will have increased map speed movement, which is key. Double acquisition time, and able to get to target tiles faster is a boon to anyone with these. They will be a low % drop from a MegaMax raid boss that will require a guild assault to defeat!

Courtesy of our 3D artist

Our in house artist has been hard at work getting these tiles made for us! This beauty relaly stands out — the image doesn’t do it true justice, the glow on those shrooms is just spectacular. Its really been great working with him thus far — we look forward to seeing what else he can produce!

We have also begun to take inquiries into cross game collaborations. We will be teaming up with most of the popular wax projects such as Kogs, Nifty Wizards, Crypto Twerpz and hopefully Garbage Pail kids!! Thats right #5 on our wishlist is right here! Boom!

With that being said, our first interaction with Nifty Wizards is quite amazing! Our telegram channel has been “Dusted” !!! Join here:

And start earning Dust a unique cryptocoin for interaction. its my personal belief that Dusting has a world changing potential. Which ever channel the dust bot is in, all sync’d members will earn crypto just for chatting. Yes that could get spammy, but wit hthe right moderation and community, the possibilites are endless. So join up, and get to dusting. We have over 3k messages daily, fully legit and earning crypto, you could be too!

Learn more about Dusting here:

Let’s plug real quick! Roy from waxstash went out of his way to build a package sale feature, allowing us to sell packs of custom chibis today! The packages sold for just 10k wax in minutes — for all ten in the custom set posted earlier!

As you can see above, Chibi items are selling at some amazing price points already. There is ALOT of demand, the highest Alpha sold for 7x or so its original sale price. Foudner’s Keys which were airdropped are selling for nearly $1k USD! These items are high ticket because they provide ROI through continual airdrops for the life of the game! Players have already made their investment back and then some, so YCO!

King of Chibiville and the Great Philosopher

We have had such a great amount of love and success with the community — wetruly cannot begin to express our gratefulness this early in development. had we remained on Ethereum, the project probably would have been scratched due to the extreme gas fees. Just in time! With that being said, here is our base roadmap schedule. It is aggressive, and likely dates will need to change, but you can look forward to it:

Current Roadmap dates of interest are:

August 15th~ Closed Alpha Testing Wave 1
August 25th~ Closed Alpha Testing Wave 2
September 1st Beta Chibi and Founder Pack Sale (Limited)
September 2nd Alpha Set Wipe
September 2nd~ Closed Beta Wave 1
September 15th~ Closed Beta Wave 2
October 1st~ Genesis Pack Sales
October 8th~ Excelsior Pack Sales
October 15th~ Tau Chibi Sale (Limited)
October 27th~ Closed Beta Ends
October 28th~ Open Beta Begins!
October 31st Halloween Community Event + Alpha Air Drop
November 1st All Souls Day Community Event
November 1st Omega Chibi Sale (Limited) !

More to come!!!

Alpha, Heir to the Air

A courtesy image thanks to Anders for our time in his podcast — Alpha highly anticipates fighting Fudders everywhere along side you!

Every so often, he promises to deliver each of his holders amounts of Chibi Wax earned from defeating Mr. Fud and his cult of fudders. These drops will be directly tied to the membership numbers in our telegram and/or discord channel each time its dropped, so make sure you bring your friends too, the more the merrier!


Instagram: (Under Construction)


With that being said, we would once again like to extend our greatest thanks to each and everyone of you supporting our project. We have with the pre-sale of Alpha — reached our initial funding goals. With that seed funding, we can likely accomplish everything we’ve set out to accomplish!

From here, its strictly up to the community to keep supporting Chibis Global! We wholeheartedy appreciate you being here with us, and hopefully freeing the Chibis from their oppressors, one day at a time! Check out our telegram, you won’t be let down~ the community here is out of this world ,

(I think they may actually live on the moon, but who knows) !!!!

Till next time, the Great Philosopher and friends signing off ~~!!!


Instagram: (Under Construction)


