Chibis Global — Development Update #2 September 2020

Chibi ? ? ? ? ?
30 min readSep 1, 2020
Chibis Global — New Cover Art!

Welcome back to this developer update! It has been quite the week/month, and we here at Chibis Global have a ton of updates and insights to share today wit h each of you! Our community has been steadily growing — quite quickly! Its beginning to get harder and harder to keep track of who each and every person is~ Luckily, we have some amazing community managers, moderators and promotional staff to help keep everyone up to date and personable.

The Great Philosopher Chibi welcomes each of you back. First — he wants to congratulate everyone in their recent battles with Entropy and Mr. Fud! Its unfortunate he says that these experiences exist, however becoming battle hardened Chibis will help you in the battles to come.

As a community, (collective being) even, as a philosopher would suggest — is key to overcoming the challenges that lay ahead. Beware of those “individualistic” cowboys! Working together is the ONLY way the Chibi community will be able to overcome obstacles placed befor eus all by Entropy and his agents. Good luck and may the Chibi Blessing be upon you! — the Great Philosopher Chibi

Let’s talk community for a bit! With Alpha Testing beginning this weekend, we think it is important to highlight the fact that we will utilize Discord as the official management panel for the game. Its quick, easy to use, and administratively UI friendly. Information can be centralized in an easy to find manner, and tagging groups of players is a 1–2–3 process. Further — due to the complexity of Fiefdoms, Discord is the only gamer friendly app capable of providing our necessities at this time.

Chibis Global Discord (Join HERE)

As we can see there is a growing, vibrant community here in discord. We’ve recently been accepted as a “Community Approved” Discord, meaning we are globally searchable and whitelisted as well as family friendly (sorry no NSFW!). As we grow in membership (next goal is 500 members) we get new perks as well — so keep the hype up!!! Discord also produces unique opportunities for posting media, storing files and streaming. We hope to have some more Server Boosting action soon too! It will add features that increase the fun! Although new to telegram, Discord is a familiar, chibi-friendly space!

Chibis Global Twitter (Follow HERE)

We’ve had quite the exciting times on our twitter recently! Several giveaways have occurred and our follower base has increased greatly (remember, quality over quantity!) As you can see — we have some new art! Our newest artist has been quite busy, coming up with ideas and inspirations sometimes at the tick of each hour! We look forward to seeing what new and slick graphics he comes up with next!

Please do follow us, as this is where many announcements are made! Freebies are for everyone, all you need is a wallet to get an airdrop! (Wax Cloud Wallet is ideal, sign up for one HERE!) Its been loads of fun, Joel Comm even coined a new term “Chibinetics” for all your chibi enhancing needs! We also want to welcome Kenn Bosak back into the fold! Welcome home bro bro, Chibis love you!

Chibis Global Telegram (Join HERE !)

Telegram, oh what a relationship you and I have. For years it has been the oddball bane of my social media lineup. Never could really get into its methods………….well until WAX! What a warm welcome — as we have extensively stated in our previous articles.

You can simply join at

Its a solid community, filled with fun, positivity and love. We’ve repeatedly said that with such darkness in the world right now, Chibis Global TG chat is like an oasis of goodness — which is characteristic of all things fun!

Alot of our current giveaways, sales, airdrops and community activities occurs here. This is largely due to the Wax community being primarily on Telegram itself. Hence we are now enjoying establishment on telegram, a feat in and of itself!

Chibi Avatars

Developmental Updates and Insights

We have an entire new slew of resources made available to us thanks to the Wax Community!!! Above are our initial “Player Represented Chibi Avatars”. We’ve additionally added new functionality to allow for unique color customization!!! The way these avatars works is as follows:

When initiating the game for the first time, after account creation (more on that another day) you will have the following four options when selecting avatar:



When selecting one of these four, an appropriate Chibi Avatar will be appointed to you. Please note that once selected, you will not be able to change your gender selection. This is strictly for game play usage for selecting your overworld avatar and has no other input besides story tale text.

We decided that the world is an ever evolving place, and we really have more important things to worry about ,and since Chibis is all about love, cuteness and all things inclusive, this option is available.

Storyline and npc interactions will work to be inclusive of the gender option that you choose. Males will have He, Him etc. pronouns. Females will have She, Her etc. pronouns. Those choosing to not assign will have appropriate pronouns included as well (They, Them, etc).

Random will randomly assign you one of the three options above it and you wil be locked into that option, so please only pick random if you do not truly care which is applied. Picking one of the above mentioned options will determine which of the avatars are assigned to you as well.

Here is a short clip showing the new functionality of coloring:

Chibis Global Player Avatar

As you can see, they’ve come along quite well. Coloring, even the eyes, are customizable. These avatars do not perfectly match “Chibi Dynamics” being less deformed — which is intended. These avatars wil strictly represent each player on the world map, helping each other to distinguish who is who. Since it is a representation of the player into Chibi World, the need to deform it is less necessary. We look forward to seeing who will pick what form, and color!

Next up we have our recent test of enemy AI. This test highlights not just player mobility, attack range, and health — but also the enemy AI’s usage of walls to get closer to the players. It also highlights the pathology of AI choice based on player position, and choice of ranged/melee attacks to achieve its goal (Player Defeat). It was a successful test as you can see, which is quite exciting for our next development stages, so stay tuned!

Chibiville 3D

Chibiville 3D rendered!!! Yet another milestone for us thanks to the Wax Community. Briefly discussed in our recent community update article, we now have the assets to build an entirely unique, 3D Chibiville. This is an amazing opportunity — though I absolutely loved our 2d assets for Chibiville, this brings our potential to an entirely new level. It also enables us to use the above mentioned Avatars in a 3d environment, reducing stress that would had evolved if we were converting our 2d assets to operate in this environment.

Eventually, we would like to incorporate “instancing” so that players could live in a guild focused private instance area, separate from the main city. This would allow players to have partially sandboxed living areas where they could acquire land, place a housing schematic and decorate their interiors (and eventually their exteriors)!

Day and Night cycles

It could look something like this — have a mayor set up districts for their guild, and players could become “neighbors” in their section of chibiville. Additionally, players could convert their land plot to a market styled place. Since crafting will be an important feature within Chibis Global, having a palce to market your wares for all who wander by can be quite the boon to business. In this example, you could even set store hours to the day/night cycle! Quite exciting~~

New Units!

A while back we posted some updates on a mage Chibi license we recently acquired. Well, continuing in that tradition, we will post one of our newest acquisitions in each update article!

Meet our newest addition, the Chibi Barbarian — don’t let his axe get too close or you may end up with a new haircut!

Portals for ???

Next up — Portals!!! Everyone remebers El Cosmix right???? Well we’ve gone ahead and expanded some story elements. We can’t say exactly WHAT just yet, but its quite exciting.

With that being said, in our telegram chat we did some spoilers this past weekend for NFT Day!!! Given the incoming testing dates, we will have a large player base by the time we reach Closed Beta. People have been quite curious about this, and how airdrops work — so I dropped some spoliers.

We will likely be having our first ingame holiday events around Halloween. With a prefence for all things positive and powerful, Chibis are NOT a fan of this holiday — its when Entropy uses the dark energies from worlds beyond Chibiville to suppress them and make them simply…disappear.

As such, Chibis celebrate the long forgotten holiday of All Souls Day, which occurs just after All Hallows Eve. Players will get to enjoy al laspects of this event, and work together to keep chibis everywhere safe from the evils of entropy on this holiday event.

Will this ghostly Chibi be friend or foe?

There is a ton of art, but we would like to showcase some of the extra special art that we’ve acquired for this event. The flying ghost Chibi above (name and intent withheold for FOMO) has an excellent animation set! We look forward to implementing it during this limited time event.

Safe Haven or Witches Coven ???

Next, we have some unique background art that will provide us with some interesting story twists. Assuredly, Halloween is the oposite of all that Chibis everywhere stand for, so be on your toes when exploring during these dark times!
(Also Mr. Fud absolutely lovesssss All Hallows Eve, as he and his minions can “dress up” to make capturing unsuspecting Chibis even easier.)

Jack or Jacked?

Lastly, keep your eyes peeled for this guy! He surely is “Jacked” but just how much we don’t know just yet.

Will he be friend, foe, or……something else entirely?

Only you can find out! When? At the end of October, which should be about half way through closed beta~~

Special Vanity Items, Missions and more will be available during this holiday event!!!

GPK Artificial Dungeons (Found HERE !)

A new, fun amazing tool exists in the world today. We are looking now into ways to incorporate AI Dungeons into Chibis Global. Its completely random, and unhinged — sometimes you have to be careful what you say, or do. The lower version is free to play, linked in the above caption. GPK 3 version has been updated to be less virulent, and generally more accurate.

Feel free to check it out, link your account, and fight through a wide variety of dungeon delving adventures. Getting familiar with this tool will accelerate your learning curve once this is implemented into Chibis Global in the future.

(Disclaimer: We did not develop this nor provide the input — hence gpk2 is known to be a bit crazier of an environment, while gpk3 version is streamlined for better public consumption).

We field alot of questions regarding our inspirations, similar games, and historical games that may have gameplay dynamics we plan to adapt for Chibis Global. Above is an image of some unique, non-crypto games that exist on the game market. (I have not tested the games, nor the links, but feel free to check them out HERE). We consider this to be a thoughtful expression to help players waiting for Chibis Global to get their chibi gaming on in the meantime!

X-com UFO Defense (Play HERE)

I’ve personally been asked many times to share some of the games that have provided for one or more aspects of my games, including Chibis Global. This game right here (as well as masters of Magic by Microprose) represents a ton of my core inspiration. X-com has been resurrected and has some solid console and pc ports into a massive 3d system in modern years (2016+). Any core pc gamer in the 90s knew this game — its a cult classic.

Suikoden, Playstation (Play HERE )

Suikoden — Playstation. This game was far ahead of its time. If you were to pick one, and only one game to get a feel for Chibis Global gameplay, this is the one. You can play it online free, HERE. Besides awesome gameplay, the Suikoden series was the first roleplaying game to carry over progress into their next installation! A blockchain game decades before its time!!!

As far as gameplay — if you are familiar or go ahead and play it a bit, the main area of interest will be roster management. Chibi HQ and our 108 roster is highly inspired by this gem of a classic. If you do decide to jump in — you won’t be disappointed. Plus you’ll have a leg up on the ocmpetition when setting up your Chibi HQ and rosters ;)

Dragon Warrior & Final Fantasy

Both of these franchises started their journey i nthe 8bit era. I know them inside and out, like the back of my hand! Thereafter, they have had dozens of re-iterations of their IP, so feel free to hop on a server and play one of the mmo-rpgs, or pick up one of their console games ( I highly recommend their initial NES 8 bit releases) to get familiar with how JRPGs work!

One of our community members — @burstofenergy is quite familiar with second hand markets for older games. If you would rather play an offline, OG console version of these gems, he may be able to point you in the right direction!

There will be more lists in future dev articles to reference inspirational systems, so look forward to those if you feel like following along!

Additionally there are three current excellent Final Fantasy FTP Mobile games:

  1. FFRK (Record Keeper) fun, 8bit historical game of all final fantasy activities, can dl it here:
  2. FFBE (Brave Exvius) exciting, new expansion to the FF universe. Excellent playstation level prime time game with good story and intense roster management:
  3. FFBE WOTV (War of the Visions) A major addition to the final fantasy roster, and the only fiat game I still play. I served as admin for a few months and community lead, but moved on, too time intensive. This takes the OG Final Fantasy Tactics games to a new level. If u only pick one of these three, I’d suggest this one to get an idea of how individual unit progression may work in Chibis. Several similar elements are here. This is a $$ heavy game, so dont dive in, just get a feel (Ive spent prob 5k on this game already, dont be me lol) :
Tau, harbringer of Gaia

Lets move on to covering some of this past weeks events! It has been quite hectic, yet amazing all around (I keep saying that, but its true!!!) We’ve welcomed a couple of new Chibis to the community, and they brought along a bunch of goodies!!! As the community quickly grew, the initial pool of available Chibi items dried up fast — prices went way high, with some paying $500 usd worth of crypto or more, for special items and units. Hence, by popular demand we introduced another Heirloom Chibi and a special Hero of Chibiville for NFT Day!

Wax Mage, Hero of Chibiville

Lets recap the “Tau, harbringer of Gaia” sale first. As you may notice, several aspects of Tau have changed. The most obvious is the image — originally painted on a dirt arena with stonehenge styled rocks, Tau now strangely is frolicking in the wild. This is one of three security measures taken due to our Tau sale having endured (and successfully overcome) a social engineering attack on our Pre-sale! I wont bore you with the details, however I can share the three factors ensuring you have the newest and active Tau (previous was blacklisted to disable scammers profit).

Tau, harbringer of Gaia has a new image (seen above). Secondly it has a new unit ID number (16). Any other id is blacklisted, meaning it will not be syncable to the game. Please double check these to ensure you do not purchase a fake. Most previous Tau versions have been dismantled through an exchange system, converting old to new. We also blocked scammers from swapping their old ones to new ones, giving them that extra oompf. No FUD allowed!

lastly, we also slightly changed the name for Tau. You will notice current versions have “Tau, harbringer of Gaia” as their name. This is not an error, it is intended as a fun, 3rd security feature. The H in harbringer is intentionally left lower case to help distinguish it. We also as a fun spice of lore, decided to go with “Harbringer” over the proper “Harbinger”. It just sounds right, “bring” versus “binge”. he’s bringing the pain right, so why binge when u can bring it.


Mr. FUD tried to do harm to chibis, but with quick reflexes a wise community and years of experience we stopped the scam in its tracks and developed a quick recovery plan for those affected. We also initiated a new secure method to complete the sale with zero concerns for safety thereafter.

We were able to sell 175/200 Tau’s — originally we were just going to sell 100, but player demand after this event INCREASED — and we sold all but the last 25, all of which either sold to people who missed the weekend event, or joined later (and giveaways!). We are truly humbled by the community’s response, support and patience through this matter.

Within 5 days, Chibis Global developed a pool of assets to send to our affected members (totalling 3 major impacts, and 6 minor) all of whom received chibi swag, units and such worth well more than the scammers got. Going forward, we hope to always look out for our community because as we grow, we will exponentially be targetted by scammers, and since this is blockchain — many methods to harm communities still exist. Regardless we had a successful sale, recovery and week following the incident!

Wax Mage, Hero of Chibiville

This little gem of a giveaway made it fun for alot of people during NFT Day (weekend long) giveaways! Events across multiple social media streams (Discord, Twitter and Telegram) brought alot of attention, and new players for Chibis Global!

Wax Mage has a special story to go along with it. As the name has a limitation in length, we wanted to name it “Wax Chain Mage” to highlight its extra feature, and to tip our hat at the Wax Blockchain. We also tipped our hats to Wax as a community, identifying it as the Hero who saved Chibiville. We would not have continued development of Chibis Global had we remained on Ethereum due to the ethical nature of not expecting players to pay ridiculous gas fees for daily transactions. Thus, the Wax community literally saved Chibiville! This is the fun, slight lore behind the Wax Mage.

The Wax Mage will have a special, not coded yet, feature — magic chaining! When hitting the same enemy multiple times, Wax Mage will generate magic chains, increasing the damage output greatly. We thought this would be a fun, and interesting feature to add for the community. Enjoy!

This baby beauty is being given out periodically to OG Alpha, heir to the Air and Founders Key holders. Once distributed, the remaining statues will also be distributed to Tau holders!

By popular demand, players and collectors requested that if possible, could we produce an item that rewards low mint holders — so we did!!!

This first Commemorative statue for Founders on Wax will be displayable on their colllection and badge page. Additionally, if we implement unique player housing and/or guild housing we will make these placeable decorations. They provide no other unique benefit other than being a vanity collection item, but who doesn’t love to show off their swag?

Let’s get a bit more in depth

We all know by now, with just a handful of assets acquired — that Chibis Global will be quite the complex game. The community has undergone an initiative already to build a wikipedia (chibipedia!) to help chronicle and make sense of all the items, stats, chibis and stuff released and to be released. With a slew of new concepts released alongside Tau, harbringer of Gaia we think it would be best to cover info here to help get those new to mmo size games and jrpgs an understanding to help secure and market items properly.

Let’s talk crafting. In any familiar, viable rpg game — combat is just as important as crafting. One goes hand in hand with the other. Only the most elite combat oriented players will be able to operate without dabbling into crafting. Crafters can also be an entire sub-system game in its own.

Players who have become close friends over the years in other titles I’ve made/worked on were complete crafters and had zero interest in combat or adventuring. It was quite intriguing and really opened my eyes to the subculture of crafting in mmo’s and even the fiscal benefits of being such.

Being able to acquire and maintain control of a niche market can net a player thousands of dollars worth of real life income, and also make them very, extremely rich ingame as well.

Gathering / Alchemy

So lets talk about Gathering, and Mining. Gathering first as its a bit more universal. The “Crafter” talent allows us to make a bunch of stuff. Alchemy allows us to make a variety of alchemical items. Mostly these will be travel herbs, potions and salves when first starting out on Chibis. As you can see in the above inventory, gatherer will be able to acquire a ton of various items as you explore Chibiville and the surrounding areas. Many unique drops will be found in rarer locations or locations with increased difficulty.

With that being said we also need to briefly tap into how the roster works.

Chibi HQ

When filling your roster up, players will reach a cap of approximately 108 “active” Chibis. Each Chibi can only be used once, so holding multiples of the same Chibi wil not provide any unique benefit other than additional airdrops at this time.

Each day (24hr cycle) you can adjust your “active” roster by up to 10% change (meaning if u have 80 active chibi slots, u can swap up to 8 chibis not in the field with others). Your “active” roster will also consist of your chibi teams aka “deployed” teams. We covered this in previous article — but basically after you have unlocked all slots in season 1, you can send up to 5 teams of 5 chibis out.

Active deployed teams will consist of combat, field teams, and recovery units generally. Your other units, aka “active” roster can be put to work in chibiville doing stuff such as crafting!

HQ Cloud Ore

Just as with Gathering, Mining will produce various results as well. Mining will produce most materials used by weaponsmiths, armorsmiths and blacksmiths — all passive talents that produce useable items. Blacksmiths also will generate items that the other two use, such as weapon hilts. As a Miner, you are the DIRECT SUPPLY LINE for these three professions. Miners will also rarely produce gems when cracking ores acquired while appraising their mined ores.

Mining will produce a wide variety of things, and will find unique areas that produce very unique ores and items. This is especially apparent when an Archaeologist is nearby as well. Further, special areas such as Fiefdoms will produce elemental ores associated with their realm. These have extra special properties when applied to items crafted with the ore. Lastly, in a very small .01% or lower chance, special High Quality Ores may drop. These are extremely valuable, I cant express how rare these will be.

With the arrival of Tau — many of these HQ Ores were airdropped in honor of his arrival. Understanding the difficulty in finding one of these ores, let alone a HQ version is very important to early game success. Please think twice before selling one of these!!

We also airdropped unique Founders Mining Picks to qualifying Founder Key holders during the Tau arrival!

This is more unique than getting an early pre-release tool. It also provides a unique stat boost (+5) to your Mining Skill. Having a stat boost this high for a gathering type talent is dangerously awesome. It means your success rate is improved, as well as your yield quality.

Additionally, as an early pre-release tool, founders will be able to mine sooner than players adopting the game at launch because they will need to go through the tutorials, acquire basic tools, make basic items, and adventure forth. With the Founder Mining Pick, players will be ahrd pressed to find a better mining tool for several months — so you will have the upper hand if you so choose to partake in the mining community!

In addition to a unique tool, all passive talents have had a special item drop during the Tau Airdrop #1 Campaign. These 8 equippable items provide unique boosts to whichever unit they are currently equipped to.

This is the Alchemist Mask. It increases Alchemy overall success by 3%. Though it may seem like a small number, the way the equations are made, 3% makes a HUGE difference.

All drops like these will generally be one, if not the highest equippable crafting gear pieces in the game. So get them while you can.

*Weve also reserved the ability to mint more of these in the future to ensure a fair and equitable distribution in the case of a much larger fanbase adoption. Otherwise the niche could never be entered, and would potentially be easily monopolized with these items.

The Armorer’s Pendant provides {2} unique bonuses, making this especially coveted by armorsmiths everywhere.

First, similar to the Alchemists Mask, this Pendant provides a success rate increase of 3%.

Additionally it provides an overall quality boost as well. This boost will provide a small boost to the quality of a successful craft.

When acquiring materials via mining or gathering, each item will have a quality %. Say a metal ore wth 96% overall quality is highly sought, while a metal ore with a 53% overall quality will be used for less intense crafting due to low quality of the metal. The Quality Boost this pendant offers increase sthe final quality of a crafted armor piece, increasing its overall stats by a small, yet important portion.

Any Armorsmith with one of these can effectively build their own niche, in comparison to those with out. Say you have the best metal possible and a recipe for something cool. Someone with a similar recipe may provide say a 105 armor defense stat, but with your pendant you always craft the same item but with 112 armor defense stat. This is huge!


Each of the above items also work in exactly the same way(s). They will provide either/or/and success or quality boosts. Each works from left to right:

Crafter — Jeweler — Blacksmith — Weaponsmith

Of these, the most general purpose one will be Crafter, and the most niche (least used but valuable) would be jeweler. Weaponsmith is just like armorsmithing, just weapons. Blacksmith is a niche version of crafter, with more specific recipes that benefit other crafters generally.

Mining Boost / gatherer Boost

These two items should be highly sought after. They are both permanent equipment that increase either Mining (left) or Gathering (Right) skills. The left item will further work in tandem with a Miners Pick, making it a must have item for mining focused players.

These two special items were also dropped. The first is the Blessing of Tau — although it is an equipment, it works more as an aura. It provides a unique heavenly boost to the possessors defense.

The ring provides a similar benefit, but that of an offensive nature. Those wielding a Pearl of the Earth will gain earth infused strength, able to deal more damage. Hope you were able to snag one of these beauts!

Tower Shield, Runic Axe and Hardened Chest

Each of these unique items are capped and have extreme scarcity, provable of course. They provide extra special stats and as Tau is geared towards being a Tank — the defensive pieces should be highly sought after. Whoever was lucky enough to get one of these really lucked out!

Earthen Armor Set

Unlike the initial Alpha Chibi drop, Tau did not receive skill scrolls. In its place, we received two full sets of Earthen Armor. Alone they seem insignificant, but to the saavy gamer — knowing that there is a set bonus for owning all 5 pieces is key. With the full set, a player will gain a 10% overall defense stat boost, which is amzing. Normally items will produce a stat boost, which can be affected by diminishing returns. This set bypasses that mechanic, giving you the edge in combat defensively. Hopefully some wise Chibis will take this advice and seek to complete a set.

With that all being said and done — here is the community determined “gem” of the Tau weekend drops!

One Earthly Levitation Device, coming up!!! This unique archaeological find is a relic from an ancient world forgotten to all but the most wisest of chibis.

This device allows an equipped chibi to activate it for a short term — levitating above the ground. This makes them invulnerable to all but the most powerful ground area of effect attacks (aoe). Commonly known to be used by Raid Bosses and Guardians — this device will make your experience more palatable. Also just having it equipped enables knockdown detection, preventing the equipped chibi from being knocked over except by the strongest of enemies. This is a must have. (I cant even imagine the kind of havoc an entire team equipped with these could create!)

Single Use Scrolls

Understanding Single Use Scrolls

Unlike the scrolls released with Alpha, the Tau related scroll drops work differently.

They are SINGLE ONE TIME USE then POOF, no longer useable. They provide a short, time limited boost to whatever skill they are related to.

If it says 3600 that means 1 hour of a bonus applied directly to that specific unit. Please pay careful attention to this, and check the wikipedia. Don’t hesitate to ask in any of our social chats to us, or other players about the usage of these items. They should not be used on an amatuerly skilled unit. They should be reserved for your endgame, maxxed skill activities — this is where you will see valuable yields.

We also secretly dropped this to one lucky player! What it does, noone quite knows just yet.

This is labelled “Secret R” and has a 1/4 tag, meaning its the first piece of a puzzle of 4 pieces total.

We would love to leak what it does, but think that would take some of the excitement away, so we will let y’all prospect on its purpose/utility for the time being! Rest assured, the secret cracking chibi player will be quite pleased once the reward is discovered!

Gacha Boxes

To date, we have now released two differing types of “Gacha Boxes”. These loot boxes will generate unique chibi swag. The locked boxes (right) will require a proper key to unlock. These will generally have a high rarity/value yield, due to their limited mint amount and locked nature.

Alot of questions surround the Random Loot Crate on the left. I’ve fielded a ton of questions and even utilized the crates in some experimental cross game promotions recently.

The way these specific loot crates works is as follows:

Once Closed Beta has been launched and player account interfaces are stable, we will have an area for claiming Random Loot Crates. Now the name is slightly confusing to some so let me clarify for comfort. “Random” does not mean a random item inside, as that would mean there is no establishable value, which is not the intention for this loot crate.

The Random Loot Crate will be claimable for *ANY* available Chibis Global Pack. That means they work as both a pre-release pack acquisition AND a value over time hodl. The longer one is hodl’d the greater its value becomes. Initially we suggest valuing it around $12 USD because Founders packs will sell for 8, genesis for 12, and excelsior for 16. Averaging those three loot tables out, equates to approximately 12 bucks each.

However their value increase sover time. This is because they can be open for *ANY* card pack at any time (availablity required). The way it will work is simply this: when a pack is released, its loot table can be drawn from via loot crate (pre-release). As time passes those loot tables will either stay or temporarily disappear (with prior warning). Days, weeks, months or years later, promotions where those old pack tables are re-added to the loot crate pull table will happen. This helps new arrivals years later possibly have a chance to get some old school items (currently us who are new).

So as an example — 4th of July in the year 2022, for 12 hours only, each player owning a loot crate, can exchange for a Genesis Pack loot table pull, limtied to 5 pulls per account. This is where the true value is. So be careful about selling off your crates — they were not made with marketability in mind. These are more of delayed, wise, long term gratification for the saavy player.

Hyperion V2

After a great battle, Hyperion was able to utilize one of El Cosmix’s portals and find his way….to outerspace? Well maybe this has something to do with the upcoming releases for SolarSystems 1? Who knows. Regardless — upon teleporting, Hyperion entered into some sort of flux state and multiplied. Now there are effectively 15 total Hyperions!!! Make sure to connect with your favorite hype squad members for upcoming giveaways, and pay extra attention to our newest additions!!

Bushido Rei

You may recall a small announcement regarding this little fellow. Well with most giveaways complete, our Hype Squadders will soon receive fragments to giveaway. These will be done through Twitter promotions mainly, so admins wont receive fragments, only hype squad members. So make sure to make a list and check it twice to ensure you are able to collect all 7 fragment pieces to get one of these ultra rare chibis. There will be additional Bushido Units to come, so just like Heirlooms — Bushidos wil have their own unique features.


Official Dust Twitter Account (NEW)

We have expanded upon our previou sarticle and have moved forward with dust! It can now be traded for Wax on Alcor exchange, and is around .10 atm. Additionally, With our collab with Nifty Wizards, we have cross promoted the Dust Auctions now by listing several chibis for DUST that can be acquired by chatting in dusted channels, and rolling dice in Nifty Wizards approved chats.

To partake in Dust Auctions, make sure you are sync’d and have a dust balance for which to bid with. Several high ticket chibis have gone for 5–6k wax each!

You can join/see the auction channel in telegram here:

We’ve had alot of fun in the channel already, and dozens of items auctioned off in a matter of just a couple of weeks! Join up and learn more! many game suse dust auctions now so not just chibi swag but other solid additions are added weekly. They also have flash auctions, so make sure to keep notifications ON!

Beta, Mystic of the Rivers

In case you missed the reveal — here is the promo image of our next Heirloom Chibi, “Beta, Mystic of the Rivers”! As you can probably tell, magic and all things sage are his areas of expertise. As a Water Mage, he will have a unique set of skills unsimilar to mage stereotypes. So defenitely look forward to his release (Early October/ Late September).

As the next Heirloom Chibi, he will also provide a new set of airdrops (and trigger other heirlooms and founders!). Beta will have the largest mint amount since starting Chibi Pre-sales. His release will coincide with the ending of Alpha Testing, meaning both Ethereum and Tron announcements should have hit as well — so expect there to be multiple runs and more competition than ever before for this heirloom chibi.

Hype, hype, hype it uuuuuppppp!!!!!!!!

These gorgeous coins are quite rare! ONLY Hype Squad members get these, and theyre given out for promos.

This specific coin is a gold Hype Squad Coin. There will be common bronzes, uncommon silvers, and golden rares, and the ultra rare platinum coin, give out ONCE A YEAR!!!!!!!!

So you can see how rare it is, so what does it do? Hype Coins can be traded to Hyperion NPC’s ingame for phat lewtz! You never know what he may be peddling, and he only sticks around in a certain area for a limited time. Generally speaking, Golden Hype Coins exchange 1:1 for rarer items that Hyperion offers ingame, so this is definitely something to seek out.

So the first promotion is simply this: Find your favorite (or random) Hype Squad member that owns one of these, and offer them a trade! If they accept it, awesome! If not, try try again!!! Lets thank those who do so much for us, and see what kind of trade fun we can have — its a blast!!

Trigger Tokens — Closed Alpha (Left) and Closed Beta (Right) Access

The first of many “trigger tokens”, these specific tokens have been airdropped and given away at random intervals. When used they will trigger an exchange that provides unique items and changes to your overall account administration. First and foremost, their most popular use will be to acquire access to Closed Alpha Testing and Closed Beta Testing, respectively.

Our tentative roadmap begins this week. its likely Alpha Testing will be broken down into 3 waves total and end in October.

Open Beta may or may not begin until mid-november, but we will update as these figures become more rounded.

Regardless, what we are excited about is both making the game, then seeing everyone enjoy it in their own fashion! We also have a special announcement below. During both Alpha and Beta testing, players will have a bug bounty feature! Anyone submitting a valid discovery will receive a much coveted “Bug Smasher” badge for their collection. Additionally, anyone successfully participating in the Bug Bounty program will receive:

Alpha’s Cousin, Bug Smasher

Enter “Alpha’s Cousin, Bug Smasher”! Not fully cut out for war, Alpha’s cousin loves to chase down bugs around Chibi Land and keep it bug free. Earn one of these special Limited Edition Chibis to learn more about what he can do for you!

Undestanding Alpha Testing

Alpha and Beta testing a game before its release is an age old development process. Without this, games would be released poorly built with plenty of bugs making it unplayable. Any game you’ve pretty much ever played except maybe random indie games — always has testing phases. In NYC you can easily make 75k+ a year salary being a game tester, pretty cool huh?

So we will initially have {3} three waves of testing phases.

Wave {0} zero is core testers only. We have people who work with us, or have tested prior games in a trustworthy manner that will be a party to this wave. This is a super technical phase that will last 1–2 weeks. We test stuff like account cration, inventory syncing, wallet verification and other infrastructure to ensure the best user interface experience we can establish.

Wave {1} one is independant testers, unfamiliar with the game. They will test various aspects of the basic game as it is being developed. First experience of game play basics, interfacing and story will occur here. This group provides unique, constructive objective feedback to help develop the game further. generlaly a good 20–30% of these end up joining the player base as well.

Wave {2} two will be the trigger token access point. Wave 2 players will be those who control Closed Alpha Access Tokens, such as seen on the wax blockchain. Additionally, players can apply to be an alpha tester, if they have previous alpha experience and room is available- via our website.

Once these stages are complete — we will “Wipe” Alpha and prepare for Beta. This means all progress, items acquired ingame offchain, (not blockchain) etc will cease to exist. This is also normal development progress, and clears the way for Closed Beta. Additionally, when signing up for Closed Alpha Access, be advised that Non-disclosure agreements (NDA)will be required and you will not be able to progress to testing with signing and accepting the terms. There can be severe reprecussions for breaking the NDA, so please be kind and keep what happens in Alpha, in Alpha.

That wraps up another installation of our developmental updates! Its been quite exciting thus far! There is a ton more information we would have loved to include — however the great Philosopher Chibi suggested we hold off on making our article longer than it already is.

He seems quite wise, so we are taking his advice and picking and choosing what info we think is most relevant to each of you!

For those following our social media channels closely, alot of this info may seem familiar. For now, these artiles are reactive, producing chronicles of the previous week~ so we can reference, look back, and access what we have already accomplished. We’ve also done our best to include spoilers of interest without exposing too much of the project earlier than necessary, so enjoy!!!

As always, we look forward to you responses, and social media updates! Please feel free to follow us, like us, and engage with the community here:


Thanks and see you again!

