5 Friends that everyone must have

Because there is only so much we can torture strangers…

Priscilla Ramya
Chic Chat
3 min readApr 24, 2016


One of the most beautiful relationships, as clichéd as it sounds, is friendship. It is almost impossible for a sane human to get by without friends. They come in all forms, shapes, sizes, species and specimens. They might be living, dead, abstract or non-existent. It could be your parents, your boyfriend, your book, your dog or the imaginary voice from inside the closet. Their sole purpose is to help us bide our times: the good ones and the bad. We usually find friends among peer groups in schools, colleges or our work place. Some of us hang out in twos or threes others might like to hangout in bigger groups. Whatever the number, below is a list of 5 types of friends you should have to make your life one big crazy-ass ride!

1. The BFFs

The Best friend forever! Might be one, two or many. May or may not be human. We all have that one friend we just need. They make the world seem like a better place. They know our wildest dreams and the zaniest moments and are yet happy to be with us. We may talk every day or not talk for months at all, but begin from exactly where we left off. We need not explain things to them and we need not tell them what’s in the refrigerator. They already know! From a tiny secret to a major mishap, they know it all.

2. The Agony Aunt

What would I do without them? They listen to us patiently and always seem to have the time and patience. From 4 am phone calls to drunken episodes, they can handle it all. They may sometimes even tell us the right thing to do. Parental issues, relationship troubles or just PMSing. They have heard it all. They are sane, mature and seem to be forever poised. These are precious little gems and very hard to find. Treasure them.

3. The Soul Mate

The one who you never argue with, because you never disagree. You have the same beliefs, the same principles and the same thought process. You like the same people and you hate them same people…well, you get the drift. They are the ones you need when you are going for battle. They will always take your side and make you feel right. Word of caution: The soul mate does not necessarily have to be your partner/lover. It could be anyone.

4. The Know-it-all

They always…and I mean ALWAYS have a solution. To everything! Information about a tribe found few days back in the Amazonian jungles, the genealogy of a vegetable I found in my pasta, or the origin of a quote I read on a graffiti. They seem to have all the answers. They also know how to fix my broken TV, tell me how to get my tan off and how to make amends to my disastrous cooking ventures. This is my very own handyman.

5. The Dormant

These are the ones who barely speak up. But do make their presence felt when the time comes. They are always there, yet never there. They know everything and yet only contribute when it matters. They may be incredibly wise or appallingly stupid. But then, they are an integral part of the group and we love them to bits.

No matter the place, no matter the language, each of these characters bring a different flavour to our lives.

Click here to find out how Niveditha categorises her friends.

