EKG Report: May 28, 2017

Hunter and Drew talk NBA Finals

Drew Edstrom
Chicago Bulls Confidential
6 min readMay 28, 2017


Drew: Greetings! As many of you know, the NBA Finals begin on Thursday. It seems like we have all been waiting for this Warriors/Cavs match-up for quite some time. I am excited for an actual competitive series (hopefully), and hopefully the third time around will be even better than the first two!

Whenever the finals roll around, I always get nostalgic about the Bulls title run in the 90’s. Unfortunately, I wasn’t old enough to remember any of the titles, but I have watched every single NBA Finals the Bulls were in. So Hunter, when you think of the NBA Finals and all of the memorable moments, which one stands out to you?

Hunter: Like you, I was born a little too late to have lucid memories of any Finals that included the Bulls, and if I’m being honest, it sometimes feels like I wasn’t born the last time LeBron James wasn’t in them, even though I was in high school. He looms as my most prominent Finals memory, but there are also Bulls highlights that I’ve gone back and watched that stick out. My favorite would have to be the Steve Kerr shot that iced Game 6 of the 1997 Finals (and of course the speech that came after it).

If you had to pick a Finals that you remember watching live, which one was your favorite?

Drew: This may seem like an odd pick, but I remember watching the Finals in 2002 with my Dad during the middle of a really crazy storm. I used to be a huge Jason Kidd fan, and if you remember, the Nets would go on to get swept by the Lakers. Something about that Finals, and being younger watching with my parents stands out to me. I remember tree branches hitting the sides of our house, my Dad yelling at the T.V. and trying to remain as calm as possible throughout Game 4. That’s the first Finals I actually remember.

Recently, I have gone back and watched the Bulls run in the 90’s. I have to say my favorite championship they won was their first. There is always something special about the first one, it also helped that Magic and Michael were squaring off on the world’s biggest stage. Pretty crazy to think that the city of Chicago hadn’t won a title since the 85’ Bears. I am sure everyone was going absolutely bonkers. The Finals are so special, easily my favorite sporting event to watch every year.

That being said, what are your thoughts about this series? Do you think it’ll be a competitive series, or will someone run away with it?

Hunter: My heart says competitive, but my brain says otherwise. The Warriors couldn’t possibly be in better shape coming into this series, and I have a feeling that we’re about to see a whole new level of play from them. I’m rewatching their Christmas day game as we speak, trying to glean something, but Deandre Liggins is playing serious minutes, so I’m not sure what I can take from this game.

If the Cavs are going to have a chance, they’ll need the LeBron we saw at the beginning of the playoffs and the Kyrie Irving we saw in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals. But let’s say it’s gets really crazy and the Cavs pull out a repeat championship. How would that go down?

Drew: If the Cavs were able to beat a team with four future hall of famers? Good God, I think that the LeBron and Jordan talk would reach an all-time high. If you thought the whole comparison talk was annoying now, it wouldn’t stop for the next year. The thing is, LeBron has to play out of his mind for the Cavs to have a chance. As you mentioned, the Warriors are playing some of the best basketball I have ever seen. LeBron, Kyrie and Kevin have to take their games to the next level. Both teams basically just walked straight to the finals, and neither team is dealing with injury issues that will really make a difference. Cleveland has been the best offensive team throughout these playoffs, and Golden State has been the best defensive team throughout the postseason — something has to give.

Kyrie Irving is the x-factor in this series. If he is able to channel that killer instinct we have been seeing, and have his inner Mamba come out every single game, this series will be a lot more competitive. I think he will have a big series, it’s his chance to silence a lot of haters. How would you compare Kyrie to the rest of the point guards in the NBA? Who else has to be an x-factor throughout this series?

Hunter: I’ve been trying to wait on judging Kyrie until he made it a whole season without being injured, which I believed he accomplished for the first time this season. He’s one of the best finishers I’ve ever seen, and he’s probably got one of the three best handles in the NBA. That said, I’m not sure he’s in that first tier of elite point guards. There’s about six or seven point guards that I would take before him if I were building a team. He’s got a lot of issues on the defensive end.

As far as x-factors, I think Tristan Thompson has to be mentioned as well. His ability to dominate the glass, but perhaps more importantly, switch onto smaller players will be essential to the Cavs containing Golden State’s offense. Here’s a question: How does our opinion of the Warriors change if they lose these Finals? Not good right?

Drew: The takes would be HOT. After all of the Durant drama, the Warriors getting even better in the offseason and Golden State playing some of the best basketball we’ve seen throughout a playoff run, only to lose to LeBron in the finals…

Damn, it would be a major disappointment. I wonder what kind of effect it would have on the league as a whole? I am one of those people who actually really like the Warriors. I know that there is a lot of hate out there, but i have never really jumped on that train. The basketball world would go absolutely nuts if the Warriors were to lose. Durant would get absolutely destroyed, and his legacy would be tarnished. However, I don’t think they will lose. I have the Warriors in six games. What is your prediction?

Hunter: I’ve got the Warriors in five. I think we’re going to see a series like the one we saw in 2014, right before LeBron went home. I think the Cavs should be able to score pretty well, despite Golden State’s lockdown defense. However, I think the Warriors will be able to get just about any shot they want, and it’s pretty easy to win games that way. Even if it isn’t as competitive as last year, I will absolutely be watching every second of it.

Drew: If you aren’t watching every second of this Finals, I question your judgement. I am hoping for a competitive series. Should be a fun one to watch. Thanks for reading, make sure to follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our newsletter. See you next week!



Drew Edstrom
Chicago Bulls Confidential

Chicago Bulls/ NBA blogger. Editor-In-Chief for @bullsconf. Co-Host of @sosassteamroom. Staff Writer for @WrigleyRapport. Opinions are my own.