Here’s Why Dragic is a Trade Option for Bulls

Ryan Borja
Chicago Bulls Confidential
6 min readJun 8, 2019

The Chicago Bulls enter the off-season looking to upgrade at the point guard position. The Bulls have cap space to sign that player, but cap space also gives you more flexibility for trades. The Miami Heat are a team that will be facing tax issues, making players like point guard Goran Dragic available. Let’s take a look and see what it would take for the Bulls to land Dragic, and the good and bad behind such a trade.

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Before we begin, it must be noted that Goran Dragic has a player option for the 2019–20 season. The option is worth 19,217,900. This article was written under the assumption Dragic will accept that player option, as I don’t see it as likely he can get his money back via free agency.

The Miami Heat are entering the offseason with only $83,431,778 in guaranteed salary. But that can change by June 29, as both Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside will have to decide by then if they want to accept their player options. I already stated how I believe Dragic would accept his option, and I would assume the same of Whiteside. I would assume that for all the same reasons I do for Dragic. Whiteside’s option as you can see in the photo is worth $27,093,018 next season. If both he and Dragic accept, then Miami’s guarantee total would jump to $129,742,696. Then we also must consider that Miami has the 13th overall pick in the upcoming 2019 draft, which will then add $3,635,520 in salary for 2019–20 season. That now brings the guarantee total to $133,378,216. We are now over the projected tax line of $132,000,000, and we still have 5 roster spots to fill. Assuming Miami just fills those spots with players making the rookie minimum, that brings their guarantee total to $137,864,006. I would say it’s safe to say though they wouldn’t just add five more rookies, so that guarantee total will be closer to $140 million. This pretty much sums up Miami’s problem. They are heading into next season about $8 million over the tax, and we are not even sure if this team is making the playoffs. That’s why Miami is likely to be making cost cutting moves this off-season, and Goran Dragic could be a casualty of that.

This is where the Chicago Bulls jump in. Chicago’s situation is beneficial to Miami. One, they are in the market for a point guard. Two, they have cap space to take Dragic on without having to send much in salary back. Three, they have a point guard in Kris Dunn they could send back that would be a cheaper replacement for Miami.

Chicago Trades: Kris Dunn, Antonio Blakeney

Miami Trades: Goran Dragic

For this trade to happen, it would have to happen after July 1. The Bulls would have to renounce Robin Lopez and Timothe Lawawu-Cabarrot’s to remove their cap holds. That would clear enough cap space to absorb most of Dragic’s salary.

A trade like this would bring Miami’s guarantee total to $120,746,554, with four roster spots to fill. Miami could fill out the roster without having to worry about going over the tax line, and will be able to use all of their mid-level exception to do so. They would get Kris Dunn to replace Dragic, which arguably is a downgrade, but they are getting Dunn with a lot to prove heading into restricted free agency. He also plays with a defensive tenacity Heat head coach Eric Spoelstra would love and it gives them a look at the former lottery pick. And again this trade is to get Miami out of the tax, which it does. Dragic also only has one year left and likely doesn’t have a future in Miami anyways. This is a trade Miami would possibly want to do, but the question becomes should the Bulls be interested in something like this?

Photo Credit: Chicago Tribune

Goran Dragic is coming off one of his worst NBA seasons in awhile. Mainly due to injury. he missed most of the season after having arthroscopic knee surgery. He was struggling a lot before the surgery playing through pain, and it really showed in his efficiency. Here are the numbers before the surgery:


Then after:


The shooting at least improved after he came back healthy and he developed a nice chemistry with Dwyane Wade in the second unit. But Dragic overall did not have a good season. He played with a lot of different lineups and was used in different roles. He heads into the 2019–20 season with a lot to prove, which again is why he is likely to accept his player option. What would the Bulls look like after this trade?

With this roster they would have $3.4 million left in cap space. If they waive Lemon Jr and Harrison’s non-guaranteed contracts along with renouncing Arcidiacono and Seldon, then the Bulls would have $7.6 million in cap space. And if they get Omer Asik’s dead money removed, then the Bulls would have $10.6 million in cap space. Plus, the Bulls would also have the room exception($4.7 million) available as well. $10.6 million could probably get you one good role player, room exception can get you value but will be a bit more difficult. Is Dragic worth it?

Dragic likes to get the ball up and down the court, and it would be fun to watch him run with the young Bulls team. While Dragic is more of a scorer, his presence can open things up for other Bulls players. But he is getting older and coming off a season where his knee bothered him and he had surgery. Dragic only has one season left, which is a good and bad thing. He doesn’t have any long term affect on your cap space for now. But you are trading a player in Dunn you have control over heading into restricted free agency for Dragic. Dragic could be a one season stop gap, which makes trading Dunn here a little more difficult. If you are doing this trade, it has to be because you don’t believe in Dunn anymore. Or perhaps if the Bulls draft a point guard you could make an argument for this move as well, as Dragic can be a one year rental giving the rookie time to grow. But this trade would be more about the Bulls not believing in Dunn anymore vs how much better Dragic makes you next season. If you think Dunn has maxed out and there is no more room to grow with him, then I can see this making sense for Chicago. If not you just keep Dunn, and focus on other options.

Either way, Goran Dragic could be a likely trade candidate this off-season. The Bulls have what Miami will be looking for, so if they want Dragic this is an off-season where they could likely get him at low value. He has a lot to prove not only coming off a down year, but going into a contract year. Maybe he is worth it? Maybe….

