Where to learn Javascript online

My personal recommendations (a great place to start coding)

Anthony N. Carrillo
Chicago Edge llc
Published in
11 min readOct 22, 2017


As coding has become more and more popular so have the resources online. One search that I have undertaken is seeking out the best resources for that perennial inside joke, Javascript (JS). I say that do to its need for strict spacing and required complications when compared to Ruby.

What is JavaScript? (often shortened to JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions, and is best known as the scripting language for Web pages, but it’s used in many non-browser environments as well. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic, and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. (read more here)

See a javascript ROADMAP HERE.

If something has changed or you know of other resources please comment / message me.

The Free options

Learn Anything is a great resource to … literally learn anything. It breaks down anything you want to learn into manageable pieces that you can then better investigate further. I have found new things and seen old things there that show I am on the right track. As for JS you will find a bit.

This site has many levels to it. From html, css, bootstrap, JS, etc. I have been something that I have been working on for months but have yet to complete do to the many levels that it has NOT only JS. But since it has a large network I consider it one of the better options. And I did run across a few walls where the free request help site allows me to ask others questions. But do pay attention the activity moves quick.

I haven’t gone as far in this one but it is a collection of JS resources that allow you to create many things in the language which will teach you what it takes. But I would suggest doing this after another more basic tutorial (that’s my plan). But still a wealth of information bravo Mozilla.

A savant of information and with just a simple googling of learning online you will find Udacity. One of the TOP MOOCs (massive open online course) on the web. They have many courses on JS that are completely free. Of which I have found very thorough. One aspect I noticed was that they introduced me to the “webpage inspect console” in the first lesson of the intro course. An aspect I have yet to see anywhere else.

A convenient source that allows you to run JS in a popup browser window. Learn by playing with it seems to be their motto. Very simple and understandable, however it seems better as a copy and paste library of examples then actually learning. I use it as a quick reference and library.

Sololearn is similar to W3 schools in that it has a popup sandbox console for you to run code. But it does have a better path structure than w3. Not a bad jump off point for someone new. I would also suggest that coders take it to get their certifications and drill in the definitions to their memory.

Bento.io is a free and quick rundown of online resources. This is more of a list of links then an actual learning site as can be seen on their topics page. Still useful for newbies who are unaware of the depths to coding. You can easily introduce yourself to new ideas and information, as well as expand your knowledge on what is possible.

The Odin Project is a more in depth and structured path to learning various languages including JS and Ruby. If you are thinking about starting a coding bootcamp I would highly suggest that you take this course first. As it seems to follow a very similar path. Especially since you can do this for FREE instead of 1000’s of dollars.

FREE as an audit

Price $99=certificate

Another MOOC to pick through. Many JS courses but for the introduction course I assume it would be enough to get your started and continue on in other EDX courses. I may return for other things down the road.

FREE as an audit

Price $50=monthly (until specialization is completed) or $80=one course (of which a certificate is included for both)

And the Moocs just keep on coming. Coursera is another of the Top moocs that offers many things outside of coding, but definitely a number of them are geared toward JS. Coursera even offers specializations from different universities with them offering different tweaks to studying coding. After you will receive a certification from the University of your choice. Possible choices are Duke, John Hopkins, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of London and Univ. of California. Take a look and see.

Free after creating a profile

Price $199=Pro-intensive or $20=monthly or $200=yearly

The steps to the JS course have each of the first lessons for free but the later ones require payment. I found the layout easier then others, do to the fact that codecademy has its own special custom environment where you can test the code in the browser. A much easier option than keeping open multiple windows such as the browser and text-editor (trust me).

There is also the Pro-intensive which is 8 weeks long and will teach JS and React-js. So you get the language and a framework to build it with that is growing very popular.

Free -> $205 for JS

promocode: AUGR152017

promocode: KEEPUP2019

And last but not least the largest online learning and teaching marketplace that I know about. Now I have looked at some of them but yet to partake of any. However I would imagine that a class with over 100–1000 reviews and still above a 4.0 or 4.5 is pretty good and worth a look. I will be going over a well reviewed React.JS course (free) after I review JS again. For their laundry list of classes see here.

The Paid options

Price: $20

Learn Javascript the Hard way is a great choice to learn. Get the book for yourself from a download in pdf form or an actual softcover. I suggest downloading from their site so that you can also get the video recordings.

Price $25=monthly or $199=monthly for a Tech-Degree

A numerous array of courses that go in depth to teach you as much as possible. The treehouse site has everything broken up into tracks and some have different levels such as the intro JS course. It contains 22 hrs and is broken up further into 10 courses. And then there is the “JS React” track and “JS full stack” track. The Tech Degree is a another way go about getting a thorough education beyond just coding videos. Which will also allow you to build a portfolio in a number of different tracks, I think that you are only allowed one path though (not sure).

You could just as easily start with Javascript.com. Who allow you to have a taste of the language through there try javascript tutorial which is a quick crash course over some of the basics. Then connects you to codeschool.com which is a learning platform that allows some free learning but not much for JS. Only the first level of each course allows you access for free. So not technically free as it connects to . (below v v v )

I started with Code School.com which as I said before allows you to do the first level of each course without paying.

Price $228=year or $29=month

I started with Code School.com which as I said before allows you to do the first level of each course without paying. I have found Code School to be very engaging which is great since learning to code can be very dry at times (unfortunate as that is). I have attained a number of badges and plan on continuing through, especially through the JS path that they offer.

Which leads us to its parent company Pluralsight.

Price $300=year or $30=month

This site is the root of the previous sites and looks great and I would assume that the knowledge is quite capable and I may take one of their courses very soon do to the fact that they have extensive libraries on many different coding languages, frameworks, skills, etc. I highly suggest looking over all that they offer. But the Price of 300 a yr or 30 a month seemed a bit steep before I really got exposed to the depth of coding.

Price $30=premium month $19=basic month

An interesting site that has a massive library for all types of skills. They have numerous JS courses but you can find the very same courses on its parent site, lynda was bought in April 2015 by Linked-In. So I would advise you to do it on the site below v v v instead. At least the price is cheaper or get a profile on Linked-In.

Price $25=month (unless a paid member of linkedIn it seems)

I have been a member of linked-In for years and have taken a few courses on here already. When it comes to JS courses it has a extensive list. As far as interaction is concerned it is a bunch of video lists. For the JavaScript Essential Training course they ask you to download a file of exercises and use the Atom text editor. I however will be opting for my Sublime text but will have to install Node and NPM (see why an in-browser console is easier). It appears to be a good course but there are simpler ways to go about this (as mentioned before).

Price $1,250 (online 10 weeks)

I found their online programs very useful since I have completed the online marketing program online. But Since it has ended they do NOT allow continued access. Which is a BIG negative to me since I often like to look back and review, so make sure to take good notes. I would assume that this JS course is the same. I have gone to their workshops which were of use but alas not in person for a longer program and their prices are so steep.

Testing your skills :


SO … in case you are wondering what I am up to I am currently doing Udacity’s intro course (free) and Free Code Camp (FREE is in the name) as well in an attempt to re-enforce my prior studies and complete their certification. I also have enjoyed, and am a paying member of Code School (full disclosure).

I hope this has helped you reader. A Ruby article is coming down the pike. Good luck out there.



Anthony N. Carrillo
Chicago Edge llc

I’m a curious person who always seems to stumble across something new.