Sassy Salamander

Mariana Santos
Chicas Poderosas
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2017

Don’t you dare touch my algorithm

That’s it, the last couple of weeks before the very final week and presentation. We’ve already jumped into so many different waters and now os time to mix them all.

Week #07 was all about grabbing a double sided marketplace, i.e: Airbnb, give it a twist and create your own from scratch. We teamed up with our final group members and came up with the “new airbnb”. In my team, embracing awkwardness and the fact that we want to play and learn not taking ourselves too serious, we did a combo of airbnb for restaurants (aka fork) meets tinder — Let’s go for a cool restaurant and meet someone new while sharing your meal. Some other teams did airbnb to rent surfboards, something super useful in Lisbon, another did the rent your desk, in Lisbon with a selection of the best coworking spaces in Lisbon. Another team went a bit further and defined how to rent your own friend ;)

By the end of week #07 we all have a double side market place, we all learn the process and bits & pieces of working in pair programming teams, and we run through the gems, we did our migrations of databases… all things, that a few weeks back didn’t make any sense to me, I now understand and know how to move forward with a building app structure.

Week #08 — the one before very last we started building our own apps for the final presentation on Friday of week #09. We’ve implementing all the learnings and avoid the failures we’ve come across in the previous weeks. At the end craft takes time and is much about repetition, we’re on it!

The folks who have been having a harder time (aka me) are finally having those click moments we’ve been told about right at the beginning. This week was a full hands on to make sure we have a working app by the end of following week.

So Sassy Salamander… these random names and expressions you can find on the terminal…don’t even dare to touch my algorithm as that took me days to figure ;) … This is a taste of what it feels for a junior developer to share the code and having the team members pushing and pulling code on github… it’s a lot of fun and while we can enjoy the ride, it’s all good.



Mariana Santos
Chicas Poderosas

Founder & CEO Chicas Poderosas ˚JSK Stanford 2015• ICFJ Knight Fellow ˚ former @guardian ˚visual storyteller ≈ triathlete