Elements in Holistic Modalities

Rachel Hinds
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2020

Many traditional forms of medicine are elemental based. This means the elements found in nature influence and support the understanding of the body and systems around us.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works with five main elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Then for example each element corresponds with a different part of the body. For example Earth (in TCM) is associated with all things digestive. The flow of these elements mirror and inform the flow of “chi” or life force energy in the body. When one spot is out of balance different practices, herbs, and foods can support bringing it back into balance.

Similarly, but slightly differently, Ayurvedic Medicine (the study of longevity) also uses elements in its healing and understanding of the body. Ayurvedic Medicine focuses on: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. Each of these combine to form Kapha (a combination of Earth & Water), Pitta (a combination of (Fire & Water), and Vata (a combination of Air and Ether). These form key concepts used throughout Ayurvedic healing modalities. Based on these elements Ayurveda works to find balance through one’s system.

Finally western Herbalism also has a concept called the four elements which make up the four primary qualities or forces of nature: Hot, Cold, Moist, and Dry. Air is a combination of Hot and Wet, Fire a combination of Hot and Dry , Earth a combination of Cold and Dry, and Water a combination of Cold and Wet.

Though each of these approach the elements differently, we love that each is element based. Nature has so much to teach us, and these holistic modalities have known that from the beginning! Please note this is a very basic introduction to the different holistic modalities, each has an entire wealth of philosophy surrounding these concepts. We hope this can spark some interest and move you towards learning more if you so desire.

At chi.check we work to offer high quality holistic practitioner to clients looking for support in their health and vitality! So people can find more balance and get support anywhere.



Rachel Hinds
Writer for

CMO at chi.check, Holistic Birth and Postpartum Doula, and student of Ayurveda