Future trends in blockchain technology

Shiny Shajil


Blockchain technology is currently one of the most interesting technological advancements. It’s a distributed, encrypted database model that could solve a lot of issues with online trust and security. Many people are familiar with it as the technology that underpins Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, it has considerably larger applications, including digital “smart” contracts, logistics and supply chain provenance and security, and identity theft prevention. There is a slew of others — blockchain proponents claim it can be used to improve security and integrity in any system where multiple parties share database access.

In this article, we shall discuss the future of blockchain technology.

If you are new to the concept of blockchain technology then you should check out our articles on the history of blockchain and the different types of blockchain.

What will be the future of blockchain technology?

It has been predicted that by 2030, blockchain technology could be used as a foundational technology for 30 percent of the global customer base. By 2025, blockchain would add a business value that will grow to over $176 billion. This would increase further to $3.1 trillion by 2030. It simply shows the unfolding potential of Blockchain Technology.

Many changes are coming for business and our way of life as this new technology becomes more popular and breakthroughs are achieved. Here are five predictions for blockchain technology’s future.

1. Data distribution by the government

Governments are anticipated to start using distributed ledger technology (DLT) to replace paper-based processes.

The transition to digital data systems has been underway for some time, but DLT offers additional benefits such as increased trust, transparency, and security through encryption and validation capabilities.

2. Greater inter-industry transparency

In the not-too-distant future, there will most likely be a single blockchain that is shared by multiple industries. Having one system, rather than multiple ones for different firms and industries, makes it easier and more accessible to the general public, as well as provides more transparency and security through blockchain.

3. Identity and blockchain

In a variety of ways, today’s identity systems are flawed. They’re permeable, function in isolation, and are prone to making mistakes. Blockchain technologies have the potential to alleviate these issues by providing a single source of identity and asset verification. Blockchain identification may also provide a new level of “self-sovereignty” not previously available.

According to statistics, approximately 1.5 billion people in underdeveloped countries lack appropriate identification documents. Disenfranchised people will be able to obtain legal paperwork and the benefits that come with it thanks to a worldwide blockchain identification platform.

The information will be safer in the hands of an open-source encrypted ledger than it would be in the hands of some questionable third-world agencies.

4. Blockchain and the Global Economy

International trade is currently an inefficient and dysfunctional process that delays commerce and inhibits cross-national trade. Fraud, counterfeiting, dirty politics, and errors are all common occurrences in international trade.

Many of these issues will be solved by including cryptocurrency into the equation. Much of the fraud and inefficiency may be addressed by integrating payment methods, documentation, and regulation through a single digital worldwide system. This will usher in a new era of increased international trade and increased international trust.

Blockchain technology can also be used in logistics, such as trade authentication and verification.

5. Cryptocurrency issued by a financial institution

For a variety of reasons, governments are likely to switch from fiat currency to cryptocurrency in the future. Cryptocurrency is easier to track, has shorter settlement times, and is more efficient overall.

Cryptocurrency, like fiat currency, can be backed by actual assets (Central Bank Digital Currencies and stablecoins), and its value is managed through a variety of regulations. This is similar to printing additional money to depreciate the value of a dollar. Zimbabwe, for example, has begun to use Bitcoin as a hedge against its national currency, and it plans to create its own national digital currency.

Blockchain technology
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology

Final Thoughts

Blockchain is without a doubt one of the most advanced digital technologies available today. In comparison to traditional networks, it provides greater security, transparency, data immutability, and accessibility. While blockchain has proven crucial in many developments across several industries, it is still in its early stages.

As a result, keeping a close eye on blockchain trends is critical for navigating the complexities of the blockchain world. The characteristics of blockchain demonstrate its potential as a prospective technological intervention. At the same time, the blockchain trends for 2022 highlight how the technology is evolving with each passing year.

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