Shiny Shajil
Published in
5 min readFeb 16, 2022


The metaverse is a collection of shared online realities in which physical, augmented, and virtual reality mix, as popularised by Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel Snow Crash. In this article, we shall focus on the shared network effects of the Metaverse.

The future of the Internet

Thanks to the Metaverse, people can socialise with their peers, work, travel, purchase products, and services, and participate in events. While there are numerous virtual worlds available on the internet, people cannot yet move between them while maintaining their identities and assets. This challenge could be solved in the future by combining diverse internet realms into a single, seamless entity. It’s even been labelled as the internet’s next phase.

Hence, to better put it, the metaverse is a digital space where users can create, explore, and share information, experiences, and things. Users can interact with each other and with physical items in the metaverse. The metaverse provides us with an opportunity to explore what it means to be in a digital world.

Shared Network Effects in the Metaverse

One of the reasons why the metaverse is so successful is that it has generated shared network effects that enable it to be so accessible. This is not only a function of the technical properties of the software that creates the network but also of the way in which the network was designed. The software was designed to make the user feel more comfortable with the application, which meant that it provided a very useful and enjoyable experience.

At the moment, video games provide the most realistic metaverse experience. Developers have stretched the bounds of a game by staging in-game events and creating virtual economies.

Gaming is one way to interact with the Metaverse, but it falls short of meeting all requirements for a fully living, breathing reality. Other essential components, like digital proof of ownership, value transfer, governance, and accessibility, can be provided by crypto.

It’s made up of many different elements, ranging from 3D engines to creator tools to live services. Users can design, buy, and sell virtual goods through this digital economy. It’s interoperable, letting you move virtual objects like clothes or cars from one platform to another.

The Metaverse is the future frontier for online engagement.

The nine trends shaping the Metaverse are Virtual Mainstreaming, Machine Intelligence, Stimulating Reality, Challenges of Open Platforms, Rise of Cybernetics, Accelerating Distributed Networks, Walled Garden Ecosystems, Low-Code Platforms, and Blockchain Adoption.

The infrastructure of the Metaverse

The metaverse is a theoretical construct, a framework for understanding the ways in which the online world can be used to create shared experiences and relationships across digital devices. It’s a way of thinking about the ways in which technology can be used to build a sense of place and agency in the digital world so that the same physical spaces, objects, and actions can be experienced differently and differently across time and space. The metaverse is a digital representation of the physical world that can be experienced, represented, and interacted with by users. It is a framework for understanding the ways in which technology can be used to build a sense of place and agency in the digital world so that the same physical spaces, objects, and actions can be experienced differently.

The potential of the metaverse

This new metaverse era will unleash incredible creativity and provide brands and enterprises with new territories and possibilities. Here are some of the industries that will be transformed in the Metaverse


Games, already a component of the Metaverse, will become more immersive (more tailored to a feeling of place, more social, and more participatory) and made by an exponential increase in creators.

Social Situations

The Metaverse will allow us to socialise through activities rather than just sharing photos and news links, as it builds on much of the technology that allows virtual worlds in games.


Virtual characters and avatars are created through virtual reality. In the Metaverse, virtual fashion, avatar “skins,” and virtual real estate will all have their value. Companies will need to create brands for people at various stages of prosperity.


Zoom, Slack, and Discord are already used to collaborate; the Metaverse can provide more opportunities for diverse collaborations.

Real Estate

People would like to prescreen places they want to view, revisit, and examine the augmented information about a property.


When travelling becomes virtual and multiplayer, you and your friends are there via their telepresence anytime, anywhere to experience new cultures and places.

Architecture, Engineering, and Design

Architects, engineers, and designers may collaborate to build spaces and incorporate AI models for fluid dynamics and actual physics into the environment.


A collaborative, social space for developing artificial intelligence and machine learning technology for cars and other vehicles.


It will enable outstanding educators from anywhere to lead — equipping them with tools for their creativity and transforming education to be more immersive and more social.


By making the metaverse more participatory and sociable, Supernatural VR has brought fitness.

Entertaining Volumetric Livestreaming

As live streaming, already a part of the Metaverse, becomes more volumetric, it will become even more immersive and social.


There’s a sizable and increasing audience of customers that enjoy watching video games as a spectator sport. The Metaverse allows for more excitement, social structure, and community.

Live Music

In the Metaverse, a front-row seat will no longer be a scarce commodity but something that anybody can enjoy.


Businesses will need to conduct market research on their new clients in virtual and augmented reality. People’s behaviour and tastes in the Metaverse may be quite different from their behaviour and shopping habits in real life.


Friendships, relationships, and other individuals will influence people’s decisions. For this new sort of engagement, brands will need to continue to adapt to relational styles of play and interactions.

Final Thoughts

The idea of a “metaverse,” or a virtual world that encompasses the entirety of the internet, is not a new one. It has been explored in science fiction for decades, with the most well-known examples being the virtual worlds of Second Life and the multiplayer online games of World of Warcraft and Fortnite. The concept of a metaverse has become increasingly relevant as our online lives become intertwined with real-world experiences, from AR to VR to the internet of things. Some have gone as far as to call this the “post-internet” age, a time when the web as we know it diverges from the web as we once imagined it.

In this article, we’ve looked at the potential of the metaverse, the current state of the metaverse, and the direction the metaverse is moving, and we can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

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