2021: the year of the Chief of Staff?

Scott Amenta
Chief of Staff Network
3 min readJan 14, 2021

If you’re an existing (or former) Chief of Staff or just interested in the role sign up on our site!

We also launched on Product Hunt today — please give us an upvote to show your support!

More than ever, our companies (and the world) need highly organized generalists to help navigate increasingly complex challenges. With coronavirus still ravaging our communities, the effects of climate change impacting more and more lives around the globe, and even our democratic institutions under threat, these challenges directly or indirectly affect our livelihoods, our families, and our companies.

Over the past decade we’ve seen Chiefs of Staff emerge out of the political world, integrate into large Fortune 500 corporations, consulting firms and financial institutions, and finally land in the most ambitious of the lot — early and growth stage startups.

A quote shared in our community sums up the value of a Chief of Staff—

“You are the glue that holds us together and you are the grease that makes us go faster.”

A Chief of Staff’s function can often resemble feeling around in the dark for the right answer. In many instances, though, others have been down a similar path and can provide direct support to help identify pitfalls and make better decisions. Until now, this knowledge and support has been locked up in 1-to-1 relationships and informal networks.

In other cases, like with Covid-19, the territory is brand new for everyone and the urgency to figure things out often falls on the COS. In these cases, building relationships and sharing knowledge is even more crucial.

2021 will be the year startups and scaled companies around the world recognize the Chief of Staff as one of the most critical positions on their executive team.

A role like this, still in its infancy, is at risk of being mischaracterized or misunderstood by the companies recruiting for it and the people considering it as part of their career path. Chiefs of Staff requires a dedicated community to nurture and guide the role to its rightful place of strategic importance within the industry.

The Chief of Staff Network aims to serve these purposes.

  1. By fostering more connections between Chiefs of Staff we help members upskill, solve their challenges faster, and excel in their position.
  2. By gathering together the best Chiefs of Staff and defining the role as a group, we will unlock their potential to level up as a COS or leverage the role as a launchpad to other leadership positions.
  3. By continuing to educate the industry (founders, CEO’s, executive teams, recruiters) we will continue to elevate the position, attracting more world-class talent eager to take on the Chief of Staff role.

If you want to learn more about the role and community, sign up on our site or show us your support on Product Hunt!



Scott Amenta
Chief of Staff Network

founder of Chief of Staff Network, co-founder of Propel, co-founder of Sylva, former CoS at Spring, producer @WatchRoomMovie