Chihuahua on Cosmostation!

Your guide on how to utilize your mobile for ChihuahuaChain

Chihuahua Community Updates
4 min readDec 26, 2022


ChihuahuaChain has slowly been integrating into multiple mobile wallets. Just recently, launched with ChihuahuaChain integrated into it. So how do you use these apps? This article will show you how to use the Cosmostation App

Setting up your wallet

  1. Download the app thru Google Play or Apple Store
  2. Once downloaded, launch the app and press START
  3. There will be four options given. Let’s start with the first

A. Restore with Mnemonic

  1. Input your Mnemonic Seed phrase that may be 12/16/24 words and press Confirm
  2. Input your desired PIN number which will consist of 4 numbers and 1 letter. Repeat 2 times

3. Choose Chihuahua and all other chains from the list that you want to restore in the wallet. Press Add Wallet

4. A confirmation window will appear, press Confirm

5. Your screen should reflect the assets you chose to restore to Cosmostation

B. Create Wallet

  1. For first-time users, click Create
  2. A 24-word Mnemonic will appear

Note: Losing your Mnemonics could lead to the loss of your assets

3. Press Add Wallet

4. Input your desired PIN number which will consist of 4 numbers and 1 letter. Repeat 2 times

5. Choose Chihuahua and all other chains from the list that you want to restore in the wallet. Press Add Wallet

6. A confirmation window will appear, press Confirm

7. Your screen should reflect the assets you chose to restore to Cosmostation

C. Watching only Address

  1. Watch mode enables checking the status of an account without importing the mnemonics or private key. Insert the desired address to be watched, for ChihuahuaChain the address should start with chihuahua… Press Next

Note: You may choose to scan the QR code

D. Restore with Private Key

  1. Input your 66-digit string Private Key that starts with 0x

Note: You may choose to scan the QR code

2. Input your desired PIN number which will consist of 4 numbers and 1 letter. Repeat 2 times

  1. Choose Chihuahua and all other chains from the list that you want to restore in the wallet. Press Add Wallet
  2. A confirmation window will appear, press Confirm
  3. Your screen should reflect the assets you chose to restore to Cosmostation

Using the functions of Cosmostation

Cosmostation allows you a variety of functions that is similar to web extension such as delegating, staking, claiming, voting and many more. The app also allows you to import and create multiple wallets for each chain including Chihuahua. Let’s dive into them.

A. Delegate

  1. Clicking delegate will show you the existing delegated $HUAHUA on your chosen validator and will give you options to delegate new $HUAHUA, claim or re-compound your rewards.
  2. The Top option will show you the top 125 validators you can delegate to

3. Choosing either claim or re-compound will ask for the PIN you have chosen and will have you choose the amount of fees you want for the pending transaction

Take note that you can have multiple Chihuahua wallets on your Cosmostation app just by choosing Manage Mnemonic/Add Wallet on the Setting options

B. Governance

  1. Clicking Governance will lead you to the list of all proposals available

2. Click on the Proposal you wish to vote. Clicking a passed or failed proposal will lead you to a mintscan link to view the details.

3. A vote option will be available on the bottom along with quorum and proposal details and description. Click on Vote

4. Choose your vote between Yes, No, NoWithVeto or Abstain. Follow through the steps and choose the number of fees to process your voting transaction.

And that’s it! More ways to take advantage of your mobile app and utilize your $HUAHUA anywhere and everywhere.


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