Chihuahua Stories: A brand new series!

Chihuahua Greece
Chihuahua Community Updates
5 min readApr 4, 2023


We welcome you to our brand new series “Chihuahua Stories” on Medium! This series is not just weekly updates. The purpose of the series is to share information on the network’s development, significant milestones, community accomplishments, and more! This is going to be all you need in order to keep up with our favorite dog’s adventures! 🗺️

Given that this is a Chihuahua community DAO initiative, it is a good chance to make a small reference to the DAO’s contributions over the last months. 👇

ChiCommunityDAO 🐾

Maybe you saw the latest on-chain proposal and were intrigued, maybe not… In any case, proposal 47 is a perfect opportunity to talk about the Chihuahua Community DAO, its goals, and its achievements so far! Transparency in a truly decentralized chain is key to both its progress and the well-being of the community — without drama!


Why was the Community DAO founded? 🔨

Originally, the DAO was intended to be a group to support the community and the mission of Chihuahua. Its goal was to create, maintain, and have a presence and influence on platforms such as Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and more. The primary focus is the continued presence and expansion of the community across all platforms and encouraging community members to participate in the governance and growth of the network.

In addition to these, the DAO is actively involved in formulating ideas for the improvement of Chihuahua and making recommendations to the community.

In other words, the Community DAO is not just a group involved in the promotion, advertising, and marketing of Chihuahua. It is a group that is also actively involved in the progress of the chain in general by formulating ideas, forging partnerships, and engaging the community at critical times.

Why is it necessary? ⚗️

As it is easy to see, in a decentralized chain, someone has to take on the burden of promotion, advertising, and moderation. Someone may have once made the most beautiful song, but it had no value since none of us ever learned about it to listen to it!

Let’s not forget that all major teams that respect their work have a team tasked with the public promotion of the network!

Having such a group not only makes a substantial contribution but also gives a serious “profile” of the network’s operation and organization to new users or possible new investors.

What has it achieved in the last four (4) months? 🎯

A. Airdrops 💧
The $HUAHUA stakers received airdrops from both $HARBOR and $WHALE. These airdrops were given through collaborations with the creators of these projects. Of course, the active promotion of Chihuahua in various media played an important role. Both the Harbor and Migaloo chain creators anticipate that the airdrop to the Chihuahua community will benefit their work.

B. Partnerships 🤝
Chihuahua is now working with the Eris Protocol and Backbone Labs and has two new options for liquid staking. Also, Chihuahua has been added to CryptoTaxCalculator, and we even earned a discount as a community with the code “CHIHUAHUA20”. Within this quarter, of course, very important achievements were the addition of $HUAHUA and $PUPPY to WhiteWhale DEX, the release of the ERC-20 form of $HUAHUA on AcreChain and Arable Protocol, and the creation of liquidity pools on Comdex with external incentives! 🏊

The process of adding $HUAHUA to Umee has already begun! 🚀

C. Public visibility 🎤
Statistics from social media:

  • On Reddit, we reached about 1500 members (+15%).
  • On Telegram, we reached about 3500 members, even after removing several bots and scammers, protecting the community at all times!
  • On Discord, we reached 3000 members (+20%), also taking the security of the community seriously (no bots or scammers included in these stats)
  • In medium, new articles were constantly added (in Engish and in Greek as the fanbase is sizeable), offering extensive information on most of the network news.
  • A new Greek community was formed having a sizeable and engaging fanbase on Twitter and Telegram (~200 members).

Proposal 47

This proposal simply gives permission to the DAO to use the $HUAHUA (already received from a previous proposal) to fund its members. In fact, in view of the poor market conditions, the DAO removed some members in order to reduce costs (even though their contributions were fantastic). Finally, to prove that the DAO members are long-time supporters of the network, 50% of their earnings will be vested in the Chihuahua community DAO in Juno’s DA0_DA0 for four months!

We want what’s best for the community so let us know how you feel about the DAO’s performance by voting on Proposal 47. A big thank you for supporting us in our work!

Woof woof!

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