10 Expert Level Chihuahua Training Tips

Justin Anderson
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2024


Alright, folks, let’s dive into the quirky world of training Chihuahuas, those tiny furballs with egos bigger than a Great Dane. I swear, my first Chihuahua, JoJo, thought he was the boss of the house. Training? More like negotiations with a tiny, stubborn CEO. Now with Cheech, it is very different!

· Basics 101: Sit, Stay, High-Five!
· Sit Happens
· The Art of Staying
· High-Five, Little Guy!
· The Power of “Good Boy!”
· Patience, Grasshopper
· The Social Butterfly Effect
· New Peeps and Pups
· Tricks for Kicks: Beyond the Basics
· Shake a Paw, Buddy
· Roll Over, Beethoven
· Brain Training: Keep ’Em Sharp
· Schedule is King
· Celebrate the Little Victories
· FAQs: The Chihuahua Chronicles

Why Train Your Pocket-Sized Overlord?

Ever seen a Chihuahua turn into a pint-sized tornado? Yeah, that’s what happens without training. We’re talking:

  • Ear-piercing barkathons
  • Tiny teeth, big attitude



Justin Anderson

Chihuahuas are my life. I write books and blog posts about them. I also help other pet owners become influencers.