Training Your Chihuahua to Walk on a Leash: A Comprehensive Guide

Justin Anderson
Published in
9 min readJan 24, 2024


Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed, but they have huge personalities stuffed inside their tiny bodies. Their spirited nature can make leash training Chihuahuas a unique challenge. However, with patience and persistence, you can teach your pint-sized pup to walk nicely on a leash.

Understanding Chihuahua Behavior

To successfully leash train your Chihuahua, you first need to understand their inherent behaviors and temperament. Here are some key traits that influence their training:

Strong Personalities

Chihuahuas are famously feisty. They have lively, alert personalities and aren’t afraid to assert themselves, despite their small stature. This confident nature can translate to stubbornness during training if you don’t establish yourself as the pack leader.

Strong Bonds

Chihuahuas become intensely devoted to their favorite people. This strengthens your bond, but also makes them prone to separation anxiety. They crave constant companionship, so include them in your daily activities.

Potential for “Small Dog Syndrome”



Justin Anderson

Chihuahuas are my life. I write books and blog posts about them. I also help other pet owners become influencers.