Believing in Your Small Business Even When It Gets Hard

Brittany LeMoine
ChihuaWords Marketing
3 min readJan 28, 2021

When you decided to start your own small business, you made a big decision. You didn’t know what the future would hold, had no way to know whether you would find success or not. You simply believed in yourself and your dream enough to take the leap of faith and make it happen.

And you did! You created this! So just because you hit a bump in the road every once in a while doesn’t mean you can just throw in the towel on your dreams.

This is your business. You’ve got to keep believing in it, no matter what comes your way.

No One Said Being a Business Owner Was Easy

Of course there are going to be times when it gets hard. No one said running a business was easy! From financial rough spots, poor PR, and regulatory issues to no-exaggeration disasters, it can get tough.

But these troubling times don’t have to be the end of your journey. You can make it through almost anything with the right mindset. Your faith in yourself and your business is your greatest strength to get through it all.

How You Can Keep Believing and Make It Through

You only got as far as you have with your small business because you believed you could. That belief is what gets you through, and it will continue to do so even through the toughest of times.

It just may take a little bit of effort to channel your belief into moving you in the right direction.

Remember Your Motivation

When you first started your small business, you probably had a pretty good reason for why you wanted to pursue this goal. Maybe you were motivated by a desire to have something all your own, where nobody else can tell you what to do. Perhaps you had a particular passion related to the sort of business you chose to start. Whatever it was that pushed you to get started way back then, let it push you forward now.

If you’re finding it particularly difficult to keep going, you may simply not have enough to motivate you. But remember, you’re never really in this alone.

Surround Yourself with Supporters

Every small business owner needs their support network. You simply can’t do it all on your own, no matter how hard you work. You need all of those that gather around you to cheer you on and supplement your capabilities with advice and support.

Of course, when times get tough is when you need your supporters most of all. Don’t be afraid to turn to friends, family, and other connections when you need a hand. That’s what they’re there for, after all.

Do the Hard Work

Obviously, solutions to any problem cannot be achieved with nothing more than faith and trust (even if you throw in some pixie dust for good measure). Being a small business owner is all about putting in the hard work, day in and day out, whatever it takes. You may not always get it right, but you won’t get anywhere at all if you don’t make the effort.

Believe in Yourself!

It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to get done, and the only way for that to happen is if you believe in your ability to get it done.

Sure, it would be great if everything could just go according to plan. However, when that’s not the case, believing in yourself will be what it takes to see your small business through. Just remember, you can do it!



Brittany LeMoine
ChihuaWords Marketing

Lover of Words. Compelling Storyteller. Above all: Writer.