Experience with RKSS

Child & Adolescent Global Mental Health
3 min readDec 3, 2023

ith the end of the semester approaching, our work with RKSS is slowly coming to an end. This experience has been truly a unique one. From the start of this project to now, there has been a fair share of great memories and obstacles. I think back to the beginning of the semester when we were asked to list which groups we’d like to work with the most and RKSS was in my top three. The reason why I gravitated towards RKSS was because of their mission statement and their background. To work with students who became our fellow project partners was definitely an experience that I won’t forget. From introductions to learning about their goals within the project showed that there are mutual understandings regarding the approach to the design brief. Although we had different approaches, there was still a common ground shared with both parties to create something that can be potentially beneficial to RKSS.

Throughout the semester, there have been times where I personally felt challenged by the project. The design brief is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the challenging parts. To create something that would benefit RKSS was no easy task. With clever and bright group mates, a design brief was in consideration and was something that was proposable. I truly believe that my group mates were the reason why we got so far and seeing how interested they were with the proceedings of the project made the experience even more enjoyable. Since our project originated in Mumbai, India, we had two group members from the same background keep in touch and kept the communication alive. It was very wholesome to witness.

Another challenge that I’d like to touch base on that should be brought up to perhaps next year’s class is the time management. For instance, we were working with students who reside in India. It was challenging due to the time zone and the hours didn’t align with my personal schedule. On my own behalf, I wish I could’ve contributed more by attending scheduled meetings but life and personal things do get in the way. What I’m suggesting is that if this class is being held again, to make note of the potential work with other students who live elsewhere so the time zones don’t clash and become inconvenient. Other than that, things worked out great and we were able to complete the work at their respective due dates.

Overall, this project has been enjoyable. Working with students from different countries and maintaining similar goals while sharing progress is something that was semester long. From our NGO to working with fellow students from the same program was quite a fun experience. To learn about others’ backgrounds and their missions is vital to growth, given that others’ issues must be heard. Knowing that we helped address issues that RKSS wanted to bring to light was worth the hours spent. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you to those who have helped my group and I along the way!

