omayeli jemide
Child & Adolescent Global Mental Health
3 min readSep 24, 2021

It is common for individuals to stand publicly and support a movement fighting for the rights of others, whether they are of a difference race, religion, or sexuality of the individual. Instagram feeds filled with black squares as countless joined to support the Black Lives Matter movement sparked in March 2020. Therefore, for these individuals receiving IAT results that in fact match up with their explicit beliefs this can be a positive reinforcer. On the other hand, other results have revealed that our conscious thoughts do not always align with our implicit associations, leaving some in disbelief of feeling defensive.

Having previously taken the religion IAT and the race IAT I opted to take the skin tone IAT, with my results indicating that I have a slight preference for lighter shade than darker skinned people. Was I surprised? No. I had noticed such association earlier on in life, this was simply to confirm my assumptions. Personally, I do not discern his to be a negative thing. As I am of a lighter complexion I feel as though am more likely to favor those who look like myself, and such an instinct is innate in human beings. Additionally, before taking the test the site suggests that having preference for lighter skin is typically observed.

What we need not to forget when taking such test is that the media plays such a huge role in our societal influences in turn feeding our implicit biases. Just the other day a poll of those best dressed at the VMAS showed users preferred lighter skin people as well as white celebrity when verses a black celebrity. Such online polls continue to influence brands advertising strategies in turn continuing to impact our implicit biases.

Nonetheless, I was very curious about how the makers of the test perceived a light skin individual. By my judgement the photographs used in the test showed white people. With this is mind would it be fair to argue that the photographs of light skin people could not be recognized as light skin in all cultures?

In class as we collaborate with other peers and NGOs being aware of our implicit biases can prove useful if applied correctly. Allowing us to be more conscious of the decisions and ideas we are bringing forth as well as ensuring all behavioral interventions are culturally competent regardless of the demographic we are working with, i.e., we should consider religion, race, gender, and sexuality for example.

Some may disregard IAT findings entirely, sure of themselves and that their beliefs are of good moral standing. Regardless, of your results, it is crucial to remind yourself that our implicit biases do not measure if we are good or bad people, in contrast they inform us of the stimuli we have embodied over the years. Furthermore, research indicates humans can change unwanted implicit associations. As a society we need to be more conscious of what we expose ourselves to as the mind is a very powerful place.

