I’m a Childless Cat Lady. And Damn Proud of it.

Coco Densmore
Childless Cat Lady
Published in
8 min readOct 26, 2024


Smoky the Pirate

October 26, 2024

This is a weird thing that has happened to me. A weird thing about who I’ve become, someone I would not have dreamed I would become even twenty years ago. In retrospect, I recognize this is always the position I’ve held. I’ve only recognized, and embraced, that it was a deliberate conscious decision in the last few years.

There are no children in my life in real life. I see them only in movies. Whenever I watch a movie where the children are in danger, and even when they’re not, when they’re just dealing with the inherent struggles of growing up, I wonder, “Why would anyone want to have children? Why would anyone want to put another human being through that?”

And then I wonder why I would ask that question. Because any “normal woman” would never think something so horrible. Any “normal woman” would take delight in parents reproducing little humans that truly are the joy of the world. And I mean that with my entire heart. Children are the heart of a family’s existence and the joy of the world.

So why do I look upon would be parents and want to scream THINK! THINK! DON’T DO IT!

Is it because of the physical sensation of carrying, incubating really, a human being in your body until it comes out of you in a painful beyond what can be put into words…



Childless Cat Lady
Childless Cat Lady

Published in Childless Cat Lady

Childless cat ladies unite! I’ll fill this out over time.

Coco Densmore
Coco Densmore

Written by Coco Densmore

Coco Densmore writes about Embracing Her Single, being HSV-2+, living with bipolar mental illness, and overcoming childhood sexual abuse. www.cocodensmore.com.