Building a House of Children in Bulgaria

ChildPact’s Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2015

By Ivan Hristov, National Network for Children Bulgaria.

The House of Children Project

Once upon a time there was a little girl who used to ask questions all the time, about everything. The fact that her parents were not always happy about her habit or they did not know the answers did not matter to her. She was curious about a lot of things: what would it be if we stopped using bad words at class?, do the neighbours have enough food to feed all of their five children?, what happens if the library is not surrounded by guards in uniforms?, how can she make her parents watching the TV channel she likes? All kind of questions bothered her and the girl had no clue where to look for answers… until one night. One night she dreamed about a beautiful lady who sat close to her, smiling. The lady told her: ‘My dear, the world turns by rules, written and unwritten. We can always change the written ones if we are not happy with them. But first, we must know these rules, otherwise we cannot change them.’ ‘And who writes the rules? And to whom?!’, the little girl replied with another series of her usual questions. But the dream abruptly finished when her mother awoke her: it was school time.

Every child is entitled to ask the same questions: what are the rules I have to follow and how are they made? Our duty as adults is to offer them answers that every child can understand. Moreover, we have to make sure their opinion about things that affect them is taken into consideration when making rules governing their lives. Child participation is one of the core principles of the UNCRC and asserts that children and young people have the right to freely express their views and that we, as adults, representatives of nonprofit sector and decision-makers, have the obligation to listen and take it into account.

Recent research shows that 51% of young people in Bulgaria do not believe they can influence public life or initiate real change. Only 10% of young people are aware of their civil rights. Most young people do not participate in public life or any volunteering activities. Adolescents are mistrustful of the way in which their public institution’s work — 64% of them do not trust the Parliament. 27% of young Bulgarians are willing to leave the country. We want to change that! We would like to make children and young people believe in themselves and in their country. We want to help them make sure their voice will be heard and they will take their future into their own hands.

And how can we help the little girl find answers to her questions? The National Network for Children Bulgaria offers at least one simple solution: the House of Children. The House of Children will be a laboratory that will equip children and young people with numerous options and opportunities so they can discover and understand their rights through a series of learning modules covering all major spheres of civil education. The project is developed as a social enterprise that not only provides theoretical knowledge but offers the opportunity for learning progress via experience and practice. As a social enterprise, the House of Children will tackle child-related social problems, will improve their communities and facilitate life changes.

At this point you might wonder if such place is still needed in the 21st century, where information is all around and everyone seems to have access to it. True, all kind of information and knowledge are to be found at a click away, but fewer on the subjects that schools and parents are too busy or unwilling to teach: our rights as children and why these rights are vital for our well-being. The House of Children project is not going to be just another facility offering additional school classes, or just a shelter for children in need. The mission of the House is to give the next generations a chance to take a step towards the future they see and plan to be a part of.

The House of Children is planned to open its doors on June 1st, 2018. There is a lot of work to be done by then: we already started by finding a spot in down town Sofia. The next move is to involve our partners, supporters and future collaborators in a participatory process, where they can contribute with money or resources so we can build the house. Lastly, we will develop the curriculum together with all 130 member-organizations of our network so to make sure the project is adequate, interesting and useful for child-participation, parents, schools, nonprofit organizations and public institutions. Yes, the network has 130 member-organizations! And all these nonprofit organizations need a place where they can do their work professionally, in a place friendly designed for children of all ages, races and needs.

To become reality, the project involves investing a lot of money into it. We are sure that with the help of our friends, partners and supporters we will make it happen. But we also need your help to build a house for children of Bulgaria. Be a part of the project and build a house together with us by donating here.



ChildPact’s Blog

Coalition for Child Protection. Our members come from 10 countries, represent 600 NGOs and serve more than 500,000 children.