How to Catch an Illuminati?

What is the necessary mindset and how you will be successful!

Chili Prepper
Chili Prepper’s Sauce
7 min readDec 16, 2020


Once in a while, we feel so desperate and hopeless that we ask ourselves, how did the world get into this awful mess that it is in right now? How did it come that every solution we develop turns into another problem that we have to solve?

Only until we notice that this new solution is turning again into a problem, and we start to ask ourselves why the devil is not only in the details but must be behind everything that humans touch. If the devil is behind everything, then there is no hope left, and we are lost because we can’t do anything about it.

Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830), founder of the Bavarian Illuminati

So, we hope it is not that dark, and it is only some evil mastermind or organization behind all that mess in the world.

Because then we could find out who these bastards are that are doing this to us and why they are ruining everything good in the world.

If these evil masterminds are the Rothschild's, the Club of Rome, the sages of Zion, or sages from I don’t know where doesn’t matter let us call those people right now only Illuminati because calling them Illuminati is an apt name for hidden powers working with hidden agendas.

You know there are two kinds of people, the first ones, are the people
who are happy to live a life that is not challenged, who always go with the current, who don’t want to think because if they start to think they could run into uncomfortable truths.

The second kind of people are the people who want to know what is going on, who take the effort to look into things, people who are curious, who don’t care to leave the old trodden paths of mankind and don’t mind if it is getting a little bit uncomfortable, maybe even a little bit dangerous.

You probably know all about it, it’s the pill question. Are you the red or the blue pill guy and if you are the red pill guy, proceed and if you are the blue pill guy, all I can say is, there were many people in human history, who said there is a different universe out there, and maybe you should think twice about it!

But that is up to you! Let me proceed with what I have to say.

Why we couldn’t be just a super detective, with superintelligence and enough money to travel the world, then we could trace these bastards down and smoke these suckers out of their Illuminati holes where they have hidden to plan their next misdeeds to ask them what the hell is going on with them.

Only to find out what we already knew, that the Illuminati are through and through bad, and they have to find out in an epic battle who is the strongest while we teach them the lesson that we don’t have mercy for them.

Wow, what a dream? But couldn’t we do that, really? Okay, hunting Illuminati is probably dangerous and when one is fighting with demons, then one has to take care not to turn himself into a demon. But couldn’t we study the literature and, of course, the internet and chase them from a safe distance, so we could reveal their identity even only for the satisfaction of knowing about it.

However, where has one to start to chase the Illuminati? It shouldn’t be easy! There must be many difficulties in this hunt. Millions of fake, promising traces that may all laid by Illuminati assistants and lead into nowhere or somewhere where we can get easily lost fighting against shadow projections that are only produced by ourselves while the Illuminati observe us with a bemused smirk on their faces.

One thing is clear, an essential precondition for chasing Illuminati is a proper mindset or even a Philosophy, a school of investigation that cuts through all hindrances and reveals everything, even the most subtle hints.

That leads us to the next question. What Philosophy is a good one, for chasing the Illuminati?

  • Schopenhauer? Oh no, people made fun of him in his time because he talked to himself while he walked his dog.
  • Nietzsche? Nihilism sounds aptly for this case, but Nietzsche was controlled by his sister, and that speaks not really for Nietzsche.
  • Sherlock Holmes, highly intelligent, but was addicted to heroin and, besides that, not real.

Philosophy is too often too artificial, how can we know that our school of thinking is not manipulated or even created by the Illuminati to fool us?

Oh, wait! We start with a genius move, a move that even the devilish Illuminati couldn’t have foreseen. We turn to a philosophy that can’t be manipulated because our philosophy is Non-philosophy. That means Illuminati checkmate!

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you and let the curtain drop for the man and his philosophy, which we need for tackling the greatest question of our time, and if you are old enough, you may have met him one day, you may have even walked the same paths and looked in awe at the same snow-covered mountains.

He was probably never announced this way, but if I praised him to heaven, I wouldn’t do him justice when I relate my words to his insights, it would be just an understatement.
A man who was called the greatest iconoclast of his time, one of the few incomparable under many comparable, one who always looked for a thinker to challenge him, and I am not certain that he ever found one.
Applause for one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen, applause for Jiddu Krishnamurti and his Non-philosophy.

Krishnamurti 1922 by A. Witzel

Non-philosophy a term that the Zen apostle Alan Watts coined for the thinker Jiddu Krishnamurti, it describes a philosophy that can be integrated into such depth into one’s life that the philosophy is vanishing as an outstanding thought-school because it is now so integrated that it becomes one with the individual.

But how could this Jiddu Krishnamurti and his Non-philosophy help? He was a master of observation and investigation, a master of acuity of thought, which is essential on our quest.

He can teach us how to investigate in this matter, without any fixation on the outcome, therefore no pressure, therefore no motive because a motive for investigation would have a manipulating influence. That is such a subtle approach that it will have only an outcome when we find the truth; otherwise, there is absolutely no necessity to produce a result, which means total freedom on our journey to investigate.

With this approach, we will not fight self-projected Illuminati projections.

Freedom of mind, where the mind is capable of the utmost, possible quality of investigation because the brain is free from any pressure, and it learned to stay silent and learned the ability to wait and to observe without interference.

And more Krishnamurti will guide us to find our way, to the truth, not his truth, or anybody else's truth, only our truth.

His message was that there should be no authority when one has to investigate. He stressed, too, the meaning of humbleness because without this quality this quest will not be successful.

Furthermore, he is questioning us on our old results, for him, there is no thinking when it is set on old conclusions. So, it is not possible for us to block our investigation because we found cheap results like, for example:

“The mass media is lying all the time.”

Because the Illuminati bitches could make us think that the mass media is lying all the time, and they just want to confuse us, so we can’t find missing information.

We will not be content with cheap answers, answers like:

“400 of the richest families are controlling the earth”.

Because through him, we know already that the nucleus for the destruction of the planet is the family and there is no need to blame other families for it.

Through his Non-philosophy we will directly find the leader of the Illuminati’s, we just have to close our eyes and search the room where we are right now. With closed eye’s we feel our way through the darkness to where these Illuminati’s are.

Lower Mustang 2015, Rainer Mensch

When we touch a nose, then we grip it because that could be only a Illuminati nose and when we gripped our nose, then we found the chief of the Illuminati.

This nose belongs to an owner that is probably always and most likely even unconscious, avoiding at all cost living with the uncomfortable truths that life brings. Therefore, is always turning towards pleasure, attaching itself to everything that promises security and comfort without realizing that all that what is bringing artificial security is always under the threat of being lost.

In this way, the Illuminati are bringing more pain and with their everlasting struggle for security, more evil in this world until the whole world is devoured for their need for security, only then they will realize that nothing is left and security is nothing worth anymore because they are already in hell where the only thing they can do is waiting for death because the beauty of the world is gone.

Author’s note:

We are right now, in the middle of a pandemic, that consists out of fake
news and conspiracy stories. It is created by confused individuals or
humans with personal or political interests to gain an advantage. If you are
interested to stop the spread and if you like my articles, then share them,
there should be enough possibilities. Thanks



Chili Prepper
Chili Prepper’s Sauce

Karma is a burning rosette, because of too much Sambal Oelek. I like topics about meditation, zen, psychology, politics and art. Special interest Krishnamurti.