Why do I hate vegans?

Chili Prepper
Chili Prepper’s Sauce
10 min readMar 20, 2024


Vegans are part of the human problem, and Veganism is not the one solution!

Do I really hate vegans? Well, no! But If I named the article: “I lost my job yesterday”, nobody would read that article. But what has this article then to do with veganism? Well, I worked the last years as a handyman for a small children’s home, and the place is vegan.

The place has a big garden, rabbits, sheep’s and pony’s. Children’s playground, trees and is mostly quiet, beside the road and an occasional machine gun and artillery firing sound from the nearby woods because of an army training facility. Everything is pretty normal. Normal for our world.

A Tourist Show in Thailand with probably drugged tigers

Well, if you expect now some big child abuse scandal or similar things, I have to disappoint you. The place is and was not real attached to Christian religion. One reason was, that the last owner, a vegan woman, for whom I worked too, had an issue with her priest. That was because one more nice or not so nice day, she decided to blackmail her priest, with her withdrawal from the church. She wanted him to condemn from the pulpit the ongoing massacre of living beings in our slaughterhouses and asked him to ban meat eating for his believers.

Of course, one can question her behavior and, too, the Christian attitude regarding meat eating and what it has to do with their founder. Who, as we all know well, preached so much love that his fellow human beings couldn’t help themselves and in order to prevent all that preaching, they had to nail him to a cross. And of course, all that mindless meat eating is a sin, and she has a point to that, and took a stand against it, but as a result of that blackmailing and her love for animals, she prayed for a long time in solitude and maybe is.

To be clear, this is not a peace of revenge porn because I lost my job! I just use here my layoff to criticize vegans and veganism.

Veganism is superficial

I don’t doubt that there are vegans around, who are splendid, upright, and honest. Vegans who have real depth and who don’t make a great fuss about their veganism and just refrain from meat eating. But beside that, I have to say, vegans don’t have depth, just automatically because they are vegans.
Vegans have, of course, their idiosyncrasies, and they can have it, I have them too. But their care doesn’t mean much, if vegans just care for animals and not for humans too.

Veganism is not a religion, it is not a philosophy.
It is super easy to be part of the vegan club, there is just good and bad. Nothing much between.
Veganism doesn’t require much, only refraining from meat and animal products. Well, it is easier to eat meat instead of being vegan. But if you are a consequent guy, it is not impossible.

It is simple, easy to agree, and you can feel united with other vegans. You don’t have to sit 2000 hours on the meditation cushion to understand the principle of it. But sitting 2000 hours on a meditation cushion is a great help to develop compassion for animals, for humans and for the world. What would solve numerous human problems, but back to the topic. Because veganism is more or less a lifestyle, it is obvious, that it just keeps you on the surface, you don’t gain depth with it. It is not a practice, it has no real transformational quality.

If you are a petty, dogmatic, stupid, ignorant meat eater, you will stay a petty, dogmatic, stupid, ignorant vegan. And if you are a violent human, (here violence is used in a psychological and physiological sense) you just will stay a violent human.
But nevertheless my experience is, I have to admit, being under vegans is pretty safe. One hasn’t to be afraid of being clubbed, from the back, on the head, shoved in the oven and eaten up, otherwise, apart from that, I guarantee for nothing. Because some vegans I have met in my life have so much deficiency that a lot more of these people would turn the world into a much bigger slaughterhouse than the world already is.

As a vegan, one can feel superior, that one is better than others because one cares, others don’t. That is called snobbery, and it is an excuse. An excuse or a block to dig deeper into our consciousness, to understand more of the human conundrum. Because vegans have found an answer to the world’s problem, and, at least partially, they think it is veganism.

The same happens, of course, to other people too. Environmentalism can be snobbery too, the same with Spirituality. The story goes, we are the righteous ones, whereas you guys; definitely are not part of that club.
Veganism, environmentalism, and spiritualism are conclusions, or answers to the problems of our world. If we stick to these conclusions, our thinking stops. Because of a found answer. We don’t investigate further. It doesn’t matter if our conclusions are appropriate. Because there could be much more to it and by stopping there, it is then overlooked.

The environment and animals are treated horrible, that is a fact. Eating animals and the products we make out of them, wouldn’t be really necessary, it is a cruelty.

Fact is too, ignorant people will always bring pain over the world because they don’t have a clue how to behave righteous, they are ignorant to their mental issues and to the issues of their fellow humans.

Ignorant people will raise ignorant kids, mediocre people will raise mediocre kids, problem stricken people will raise problem stricken kids.
Kids need to be taught, in a way, that they, as adults, have the possibility to understand their consciousness. At the end of education, kids should be able to handle challenges of their mind properly, and that for teaching them, one needs wisdom, not smartness or cleverness, just wisdom.

Orang Utans in an Orang Utan sanctuary in Borneo, probably mother and child

Vegans and violence

Until this moment, I am not certain, why I got kicked out of the company. My ego feels pretty hurt and all I know or can assume, is, somebody, whose ego is much more vulnerable than mine, wanted to heal his ego with my layoff. Funny thing, isn’t it?

But everything worked fine, the kids are going now for fourteen days camping. I didn’t get my birthday present, which was promised to me over one month ago.
I even suggested to talk things over, instead I got the notice of cancelation. And the rest of the team will refrain from criticism, when they notice one of them is gone. Perfect, well, maybe not perfect for a children’s home.

One thing is clear, veganism is all about compassion. To see the suffering of animals because of human activity and the wish not to participate in it.
Here one can raise a question! Is this compassion partial, or is it all-inclusive?
Veganism is in its definition partial compassion, veganism just includes animals. No humans, not the environment, not all living, sentient beings, as it is expressed in Buddhism, only animals. And why is that?

It is because most vegans, as other humans too, are broken up, separated and fragmented humans, hurt and violated, with a heart that is only partially open. Or as it is expressed in yoga, their heart chakra is not fully developed, otherwise their compassion would include every living being.
Or, as I prefer to express it, in a chiliprepperarian way:

It could be that their heart chakra is a little less fucked up than that of others.

The compassion of vegans is not fully developed because they are conditioned beings, conditioned by society and by their past and by their own thinking because thinking is the instrument that keeps up the conditioning.
And if it is true that they are conditioned humans, then it means that there is an ongoing thought process in them; otherwise they wouldn’t be conditioned.
This ongoing thought process acts as a barrier to their environment and because of that barrier, they can’t have real compassion.

Thinking is always comparing, measuring and judging, If you live entirely on this level of consciousness, as most humans do, you have no real relationship to anything. You can be vegan as much as you want. But it could be that you are just a jerk who pretends to care about animals or everything else, but in reality you are not giving a damn because your relationships are just superficial.
And if you are pretending you are related to animals or humans, and you are not, then it is hypocrisy because you are just acting in a compassionate way.
Clarity is not where hypocrisy is; otherwise there wouldn’t be hypocrisy, and if there is no clarity, there is only mediocrity. Mediocrity in general because of mediocrity in consciousness. You can be as fast as you like, winning gold metals in every discipline, but that doesn’t change anything, you will always be mediocre.
Of course, mediocre people are not happy, to be around people, to whom reality, truth, authenticity, and clarity have a special meaning. It would make them feel mediocre. They rather prefer not to be disturbed, in their mediocrity.

Eating meat belongs to the big category of human violence. That is where vegans stop. But violence is part of our daily existence.
Violence is part of the inner core of our being, our psyche. To most people, it sounds strange, when I say that suppressing thoughts, and not integrated sides of our psyche, is part of violence too. Although, what else is it, when one part of our psyche is dominating other parts, or when thoughts try to control thoughts?
Violence in the world will exist as long as it is part of our psyche, that is the core of the problem, which veganism can’t work out because their approach is more or less superficial. And as long, there is violence, there is no real compassion, there can only be, just partial compassion.
And where is partial compassion there is conflict and according to the philosopher J. Krishnamurti, where conflict is, there can’t be love.

Now in the year 2023, the climate change/catastrophe is really apparent. We have a war in Ukraine, military coups in the Sahel zone and China behaving more difficult than ever and Trump is running for a second presidential term. And if all of that wouldn’t be enough, a vegan has nothing better to do than to be the icing to the cake, the world is serving me.

pixabay picture from user 51581

It is a great sign that animal-free products are available in most supermarkets. It is a sign of human evolution. A sign that the well-being of animals matters to humanity, a sign that humans are more awake, more than it was ever before. But we are progressing in such small steps that it is doubtful that the planet and most species survive our impact on this self-regulating, self-sustaining system what we call earth and some call Gaia.

It doesn’t matter where. If in Tokyo, New York, Paris, or Berlin. Somewhere, for sure, a crazy vegan hater will bite, right now, into a piece of meat and explain to the ghost of the animal that he eats it because he is furious at a special vegan A*hole.
It should be understood that with veganism comes some responsibility, but it seems that not all vegans can work that conclusion out. And for doing mischievousness, one doesn’t need to be vegan, it can be done without veganism and that much more simple.
In all the mess in this world, vegans have surely their part in it, and that is so sure as the amen in the church.

A children’s home should be a peaceful place, a place for learning, and not only a place for people's ego.
Of course, vegans are just humans, like everybody of us, and humans make mistakes, but finding out, that vegans have as less self-reflection as “normal” people, is depressing. The question, if we are real humans or just better adapted and smarter apes, which are wonderful animals, is still left to be answered.

Vegans are mentally injured people too

Well, after a few weeks since my layoff, I feel a little milder now, and I understood that some bosses have a problem with critics and that is something that they have in common with many other bosses. There is the theory around that the people who are most eagerly to step up the ladder need it the most.

I am no expert on this field, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that is some sort of early traumatic childhood experience, if people can’t stand critics.

But such a behavior is bad for every company, not only for a children’s home. If people have no ability to accept criticism, part of the main communication process is broken, and their environment will act mostly only in a way, so they are pleased with.
In a children’s home it causes, not only disturbance around the workers, but around the children too. They see how adults act, and they learn from that. If they see authoritarianism is a reasonable way to treat people, they will imitate that. Children’s notice, too, when the workers are insecure, not able to communicate openly and, worst of all, when they just disappear.

I don’t mean the workers there disappear really, like eaten up, I mean they just received a notice of cancelation, it is a vegan place, do you forgot?
Well, but when I think it over! I was not so really well-connected with my fellow workers and maybe some of them, who disappeared, disappeared really, who knows? Perhaps, too much criticism?

Mural of a laughing Buddha in Leibzig, Germany

Now after 7 months after my layoff, my letter of recommendation hasn’t arrived until now, even though I had asked again for it. But the good thing is, this article, hasn’t turned into a monster of an article as I feared it to be. But nevertheless, excuse me for the length. I hope it gave some joy and insights too, and let me end the article with the words:

“May all living beings be happy”.



Chili Prepper
Chili Prepper’s Sauce

Karma is a burning rosette, because of too much Sambal Oelek. I like topics about meditation, zen, psychology, politics and art. Special interest Krishnamurti.