Cat & I: Django + Mieke

Chilled Cat
Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2016

Modern life doesn’t allow for much relaxation and reflection. Perhaps this is why feline companions are cherished by so many — they bring the fun back into our lives and remind us of what’s really important.

Our monthly series will explore the modern relationship between owner & cat — the challenges people face and the incredible benefits of owning a cat in this stressful, fast-paced world.

This week’s duo is Mieke & Django. Mieke is a Social Media Creative who lives in East London with Django her one year old mixed breed.

We sat down with Mieke to discuss how she balances work and cat, the challenges she faced when moving with Django and what makes her relationship with him so special.

Is it difficult working in London when you have a cat?

We’re really lucky because he’s always had a garden. Initially, I really wanted him to be a house cat because I was scared about letting him out in London but after a few trial runs, I realised how much he loved being outside and that he’d always come back as soon as he was hungry.

Also, I soon realised that he’s quite the character and that he can hold his own, which reassured me. He’s so independent, living in London seems to work fine. He has a cat flap so he can go in and out as he pleases during the day. I get up early in the morning to play with him and he’s waiting as soon as I get home for food and attention.

Has Django had to overcome any obstacles in life?

We had to move home twice this year and he hates travelling. The first time was a really horrible experience for both Django and I because he got really panicky, which was heartbreaking to see. Also, because he was separated from his mum at 3 weeks old, he’s really sensitive around new people, which meant it took him some time to get used to my new flatmates. I read up a bit more about it before the second move and was recommended by the vet to use Feliway for both the journey and to help him settle. It was a much easier move for both of us. It’s really nice to see him finally settled in the new house. I can tell he’s a lot more comfortable. Even when strangers are around he’s a lot more sociable and even goes in for a cuddle now and again.

What is his behaviour like at home?

He’s still really young so he’s very mischievous. He wants to play all the time and you’ll know if playtime hasn’t ended. On the other hand, he’s also really well behaved for a cat his age. He will never swipe your food or scratch the furniture.

What’s the best thing about Django?

He’s really funny. He’s hilarious to observe — you could watch his strange behaviour for hours. He’s like your shadow and always wants to be near you but will only be cuddled and petted on his terms. On the surface he can seem a bit cold but when you get to know him he’s really warm and affectionate and always there for you. Some people wouldn’t appreciate his aloofness but I get it. He also wakes me up every morning by nestling in my hair, which has saved me from many snooze buttons!

What is his favourite activity?

He likes climbing trees, which is really scary to watch from afar. He likes sleeping in his cat condo — yes I bought him a cat house and yes my friends mocked me for it. I will buy him the most expensive cat food but his biggest love are these really cheap, horrible fish sticks. He won’t eat one whole — you have to break it up and throw it across the room so he can chase it — it’s so strange. He loves his little toy mouse that he’s had since we got him. It’s really sweet, it’s still his favourite toy. Whatever toy I buy him, he always goes back to this tatty old mouse.

What are your top tips for moving with your cat?

These are the tricks that seemed to work for me:

We got him a large carrier case (one meant for a small dog) and left it out for him to explore a week before we moved. We made it cosy and put his favourite toys in it.

I found that it was best to cover the carrier with a sheet while on the journey because he seemed to get stressed by moving vehicles when he looked outside the window. I still left a little gap so he could see that I was there.

24 hours before the move, I plugged the Feliway diffuser into the new house and prepared him a little room with his stuff in it. I also made sure there was no way he could get out of the new house so that he had time to settle and get to know his new environment.

I put plenty of familiar things around him in the new home. His blankets, food bowls etc

I took a day off work to ensure he wasn’t too stressed and that he felt comfortable.

We put his cat house indoors in the corridor, which seemed to work well because he slept there most nights until we put it outside again.

