Cat & I: Sarah and Cosmo

Chilled Cat
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2017

Our monthly series explores the modern relationship between owner and cat — the challenges people face and the incredible benefits of owning a cat in this fast-paced world.

This month’s Christmas special duo is Sarah and Cosmo. Sarah is a mummy blogger who lives in Portsmouth with Cosmo, her 9 year old Crossbreed. We sat down with Sarah to discuss how she found Cosmo, his mischievous habits and why he’s so special to her.

How did you find Cosmo? Tell me the story of how he came to you?

I’d been looking for a kitten for a while and came across an advert online. When I went to go see her she was absolutely tiny and was not in a good place at all. The house was really dirty, had ripped off wallpaper, exposed (dangerous looking) floorboards, and there were cats and ashtrays everywhere. The woman pulled Cosmo out of her fleecy jacket pocket and just handed her to me. I knew I couldn’t leave her there. She turned out to only be 5 1/2 weeks old and so I ended up having to hand rear her for a bit to get her weight up.

What was he like as a kitten? How did you go about training and socialising him?

She was a super cuddly but very crazy kitten. The amount of shower curtains I went through because she tore them to shreds was unbelievable! She used to run up and down the hallway of my flat for ages sliding at the end and rolling round to face the other way and go again! Training wise, she learnt to use the litter tray pretty quickly and she’s always been great with other people. Not overly friendly but civil!

Has Cosmo had to overcome any obstacles in life?

She’s had to put up with another cat moving in, two babies and three house moves so far. I got her when I was studying at university so when I moved to London she stayed with my friend in our flat for a while and then went to my parents until I could I have her with us. Then when I got pregnant with our second child I had to move back up to my parents for 4 months whilst my husband was deployed, so Cosmo came with me again. She settled back in really quickly.

What is Cosmo’s favourite thing to do?

Scratch the carpets, sleep and sit on the tree stump in the garden watching the world go by. The day the Christmas tree goes up is definitely a highlight in her year and she thoroughly enjoys to play with the (non breakable) decorations on the bottom of the tree.

What is Cosmo’s personality like? Does she have any mischievous habits?

She still finds pyjama bottoms irresistible and if you walk by in a pair she’ll jump out, attack them and then run away again.

What makes your relationship with her so special?

She’s a bit crazy but she’s the first pet I got on my own (so not including family pets) and got me through some tough times in my early twenties. Wouldn’t change her for the world!

How does Cosmo spend her Xmas? Have you bought her any Christmas presents?

This year, our neighbours will be looking after her while we go away. We will spoil her beforehand with a Christmas meal and stocking filled with pressies. The good thing about a cat is that anyday can be their Christmas Day!

