Common signs of stress in cats

Chilled Cat
Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2017

Early symptoms of chronic stress are subtle in cats and can be difficult to recognise. Cats tend to be quite aloof in their nature and make it tricky for us to figure out whether they’re being their usual disenchanted selves or whether they’re actually feeling unhappy.

If ignored, the more subtle signs can develop into much more serious issues. It’s important to know your cat’s personality and routine behaviour. If you’re in tune with your cat, it will be much easier to notice if they’re acting up.

Below we take a look at common signals your cat may be suffering from stress:

Urinating outside their litter tray

Cats that urinate outside their litter tray are usually trying to tell you something, especially if they’re previously house trained. If there has been no changes to the litter tray something may be worrying your cat.

Hiding and avoiding humans

Being independent is second nature to cats. However, a cat should not be actively hiding from you & everyone else in the house.

Excessive vocalisation

Cats will often be vocal when they’re happy, but be wary of any increase in meows and how distressed they sound.

Decrease in appetite

Cats don’t go on diets like humans so it’s important to consult a vet if your cat suddenly loses interest in food or stops eating altogether. If no medical issues are apparent, stress could be involved.

Bad tummy

If your cat is experiencing diarrhea, constipation or hairballs, this could be a sign of stress. Ensure you clean out their litter tray twice a day to keep an eye on any irregular bowel activity.

Low activity

Just like humans, a cat’s liveliness will noticeably decrease with age. However, if your cat is showing symptoms of fatigue and a lack of interest in their surroundings or usual day to day activities, it could mean they are suffering from chronic stress.

Destructive scratching and spraying

If your cat has started scratching/spraying in multiple spots around the house this could be a sign that they’re upset about something.

Aggressive behaviour

This may be displayed toward other animals or toward human family members. This can range from mild irritability to more serious aggression. Of course, cats are well armed, so always seek professional advice especially if your cat is being aggressive towards humans.

Excessive grooming

There’s a difference between everyday grooming & licking a spot raw or bald. This may be due to a skin issue, but once a vet rules this out, this may be a stress-related sign. What does the area look like? You’ll often see a line or stripe down the back or on the foreleg of your cat with what looks like very short, stubbly hair. This can lead to open sores on the skin which might become infected.

Note that often your cat won’t lick, chew or pull hair when you are around — not seeing your cat over-grooming does not mean they do not do it.

These symptoms can all be related to chronic stress.

Common triggers include:

  • Moving house or changes in the layout of furniture around your home
  • Introduction of a new family member (human or cat)
  • Boredom or frustration if insufficiently stimulated in their daily life and environment.
  • Conflict with neighbouring cats
  • Lack of play sessions with the owner, lack of toys to prey on while being home alone, lack of climbing areas within the home for indoor-only cats
  • New people visiting the house regularly

If you’ve noticed a change in your cat’s behaviour and feel you’re seeing one or more of the issues listed above, your first step should be to take them to the vet. Once all medical issues are ruled out, relieving any distress is the next sensible step.

Try and identify the reason for their distress — the list above may help. This will allow you to understand what seems to upset your cat and take this into account in the modifications you will implement to help your cat.

Using a Feliway Diffuser will help with keeping your cat feeling safe and confident, and encourage more playful and active behaviour.

