He’s taking the Hobbits to Isengard…or there abouts anyway.

Gandalf the three year old Siberian Forest cat puts your holiday plans to shame. His recent travels across 9 states have made him an internet sensation, with thousands following the Instagram star’s every expedition.

Chilled Cat
3 min readJun 14, 2016


In between adventures to the likes of the Grand Canyon, Yosemite mountains and the Golden Gate Bridge, Dan and Gandalf joined Chilled Cat to let us know a little more about the intrepid explorer.

I realised Gandalf was a born-traveller when…

I first met him. He had such an adventurous spirit. As a kitten he had no fear of anything. I remember on the train ride home he just wanted to to get out of his travel box to say hi to the local Koreans.

I didn’t have to teach Gandalf …

To be a confident traveller. The only help he needed was getting used to moving vehicles as he wasn’t used to that sort of environment. It didn’t take long though and now he enjoys watching them go by.

To get your cat travelling …

Do what makes them feel comfortable. If they don’t want to do something, don’t force them to or they’ll see the activity as a punishment. Slowly introduce them to new experiences, rewarding often by praising them and giving them treats.

Gandalf doesn’t mind travelling between destinations…

Unless on foot. When he’s walking, he goes wherever he wants to go. This can get tricky if we encounter a dangerous area. In these situations I’ve got a mesh backpack to carry him about. He’s still able to see the outdoors, which is important for him, while staying cool and safe.

In the car he…

Likes his own choice of music. Folk music or anything with a violin it seems. Luckily we have the same taste! He also needs space to use the travel litter box and to change the direction he sleeps to avoid being car sick.

Gandalf doesn’t like …

Desert areas. They’re too hot and open. The only open areas he likes are ones with snow.

All pictures were taken from Gandalf’s Instagram feed. You can keep track of his kitty adventures yourself by visiting @ganddygram.

