How To Go From Cold to Hot Traffic on Facebook Ads

The Chill Project
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2018

What does everyone want from their Facebook ads eventually? More sales!

That’s why we’re surprised when people tell us they’ve tried to sell directly to people who have never heard of their product.

It would be like going to a party and, before introducing yourself and making small talk, trying to sell people your products. That’s not what either of you came to the party to do, and the person you tried to sell to will leave with nothing but negative thoughts about you.

Don’t be this guy, nobody likes this guy.

People won’t buy from brands they’ve never heard of, but are more likely to respond to brands that try to build a relationship with them. Digital marketers typically refer to traffic in three stages to keep track of what to expect from you audiences- cold, warm, and hot.

Cold traffic is the people at the party who don’t know you, your product, and frankly, don’t know enough about you to care. Selling directly to these people is one of the biggest Facebook marketing mistakes we see people make regularly.

That doesn’t mean you can’t tell these people about your product, or that they don’t have a use for your product. You can convert these people into warm traffic by providing them with information they can use. Figure out what questions you audience is asking and how you could answer those questions for them.

Things like blog posts, ebooks, surveys, or research data are all good examples of content you could show to cold traffic to warm it up. Forming a relationship with people is always a better answer than hounding them to buy your product. After all, even if they don’t become customers now, they may in the future.

That’s when you get to HOT traffic. These are people who know your brand, love your product, and are ready to take that next step: purchasing.

Though the levels of traffic should always be a factor in your marketing strategy, Facebook has some extra precautions that keep you from diving head first into conversion campaigns. When you launch an ad set with a new audience, you should always warm it up first.

This means that when you start creating campaigns with a new audience, you should always run some engagement campaigns through it first. Engagement campaigns are centered around a page post that urge the viewers to like, share, or comment. You don’t have to run these for very long, just enough to grab some social proof and get your viewers familiar with your brand.

Then, you can take the people that engaged the most with your content and put them into a new audience. This audience is now full of warm traffic that is ready to hear more from your brand. You can continue to target the original audience as well, since they’ve become familiar with you as well.

Hopefully, you have the Facebook Pixel installed on your website and can track what actions users are taking after seeing your site. If you don’t have it installed yet, check out our guide.

So now you need to get that warm traffic HOT. Continue providing them awesome content, and maybe even serve them with some really juicy stuff they have to provide their email for. This gives you an opportunity to add them to your mailing list and continue building a relationship with them.

You can also start to show them ads that urge them to purchase your product. Because of the way Facebook looks at your audiences, you’ll want to build up what action you’re targeting for. Start with something small like a “view content” that just gets them to your page. After that has some hits, crank it up to an “add to cart” and get people to that check out page. Once you’ve got some people who are ready to buy, crank up your targeting to “purchases”. Then you’re ready to get people to start buying from you, a brand they now know and trust.

Wish someone could do this process for you? You’re in luck, Adchill can scale and automate your ads while you sleep. It will even kill off campaigns that aren’t making you any money, and scale the ones that are. Adchill can replace hours spent tediously tuning your Facebook ads with just five minutes every morning. Don’t believe us? See for yourself with a free trial.



The Chill Project

Re-inventing advertising to decrease CPAs around the world.