The Cultural Revolution’s Shadow Play: Sports as a Tool for Indoctrination

China Underground
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2024

China’s Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), a period etched in memory for its political upheaval, also holds a lesser-known story. Beyond the purges and ideological campaigns, a collection of photographs unveils a surprising facet: the weaponization of sports.

These images aren’t mere snapshots of exercise. Gymnastics, basketball, swimming — each vigorous activity became a brushstroke on a grander picture. The regime wielded sports not just to sculpt bodies, but also to mold minds.

Propaganda posters from the era burst with color, depicting figures engaged in a vibrant dance of physical exertion. Slogans, like rhythmic chants, urged participation, weaving a narrative of communal sportsmanship. This visual symphony wasn’t mere decoration; it was a call to arms, a rallying cry for communities, and a meticulously crafted portrait of a new China brimming with vitality. Bold colors and dynamic compositions trumpeted progress and vigor, drawing an implicit line between physical fitness, political loyalty, and national unity.

These photographs expose the Cultural Revolution’s calculated approach to weaving physical culture with political aspirations. Sports became a tool to forge a citizenry united in purpose, sculpted not just in physique but also in ideology. This facet serves as a stark reminder of the lengths to which the Chinese government sought to infiltrate every aspect of life, transforming even the most seemingly innocuous activities — like a game of basketball — into potent platforms for propaganda and ideological control.

Read the full article about Propaganda & Fitness During The Cultural Revolution at



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