Getting Started with Minimalism

Chinar Amrutkar
Chinar Amrutkar
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2020

Minimalism has lately been trending on the internet. As I try understanding and implementing this latest trend, I’m documenting what I’ve learned from it and how it makes life better. So before I share the takeaways from my journey of studying minimalism, let us first understand what minimalism essentially is.

So what is Minimalism?

Minimalism in general means to own as few things as possible. It can also be thought of as living intentionally with things that you really, really need.

Minimalism is Intentional

The key thing to note here is that this lifestyle is very much intentional. Embracing minimalism essentially means to value things that fulfill real needs, and distance oneself from things that do not bring any real value.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Less is More

Minimalism promotes the idea of “less is more”, which seems very counterintuitive in today’s world. The consensus is that the more things we possess, the more fulfilled our lives are. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Embracing minimalism is an attempt to break free from the consuming desire to want more for a happy life. It enables us to slow down and seek fulfillment elsewhere. It emphasizes the importance of experiences and relationships over material possessions. It encourages us to see what we already have, which in turn sets us up on a path of leading a good life.

In conclusion

I hope this article gave you a quick overview of what the essence minimalism is. I’ll be writing more on minimalism and general productivity in the upcoming weeks, so feel free to follow me to get notified when I publish new articles.

Thank you for reading and see you again soon!



Chinar Amrutkar
Chinar Amrutkar

Computer Science student. Machine Learning enthusiast. Learning human psychology by simple observation, one person at a time.