Tech China Post #105

a weekly on tech in China
Tech China Post
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2019

Qualcomm joined a number of Chinese device manufacturers to showcase 5G devices. Qualcomm shared that 5G devices will show up in China later in 2019. (link)

Bloomberg article points out that China’s domestic market has expanded 10x since 2000. For example, China is now leading production in wind turbines. Electric vehicle is another example. With strong government support for technology innovation and domestic demand, China’s technology capabilities are moving to higher value areas. (Link)

Chinese space firms Space Transportation and Linkspace are testing reusable launcher technologies. Space Transportation and Linkspace are just two space startups out of a dozen space startups in China working on orbital and suborbital launch attempts. (link)

The Belt and Road Initiative is not just about railroads and commerce but also focuses on science and technology collaboration. China is actively investing in its research institutes, funding scholarships for foreign students, and establishing new research initiatives with countries that joined the Belt and Road Initiative. (link)

Additional good read on Belt and Road Initiative’s path into Europe. (link)

