tianshu luo
Chinese students in America
1 min readDec 13, 2017


His story

Shuyuan is my boyfriend. He is a current graduate student at Marquette University. His major is Applied Economics. We know each other almost one year. He is a funny guy.

This year is his fifth year being in Milwaukee. He came to the United States in 2013 February. In the interview, he said he still remembers the first time he comes to the United States. “It was snowing outside of the O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, my flight to Milwaukee has been canceled due to the heavy snow.” He was flustered and did not know what to do next. Fortunately, he finally found the staff to help him change the flight. “When I arrived at the Milwaukee, it was about 1 am. And it was freezing outside.” He mentioned that. The weather seemed to be unfriendly to him because, in his hometown, he never suffered this kind of cold before.

He started his college life at the ELS Center where students can learn English. At the same time, he said, this experience helped him to accept the America culture. He made a lot of new friends during the learning. “You know, sometimes, different culture leads to conflicts during making friends. However, if you overcome this and try to understand others, you will find your new friends.” Shuyuan said. Making new friends also helped him improve his English quickly.

“I love here,” he said. After 4-years of study. He saw Milwaukee as his second hometown. Being in the United States gives him a different experience in his own life.

