Step out the Comfort Zone

tianshu luo
Chinese students in America
2 min readDec 13, 2017

I also interviewed my friend Frank who is major in mechanical engineerings, and this is his senior year at Marquette University. He said he does not have any classes with Chinese students because the majority of the Chinese students are in business school. However, he can always see Chinese students walking on the streets on campus together. He said he noticed an interesting phenomenon that Chinese students like to stay together and make an isolation circle. I asked him what does he think the factors and reasons cause this phenomenon. He said it might because of the language, environment. The language might be the most significant barrier for them to connect with the outside environment. It is hard for Chinese students to adopt the different language that has different backgrounds and logics. “Although Y and F started to learn English when they were in elementary schools like most other Chinese children, the way English is taught in China emphasizes more on the written form than the spoken form. English is taught mostly through the traditional grammar-translation method” (Guofang Wan, 2001). Moreover, the environment also made a big obstacle for them to step out the comfort zone. People prefer staying with people who can understand them better. It is understandable that Chinese students like to stay as a group because they feel easy to talk and get alone with.

I also asked him if this is good for Chinese students or not. He said it depends on different individuals. For the students who want to get back to China, it does not matter a lot. However, for the students who want to stay here and have a bright future, it is better for them to blend in the environment and step out of the comfort zone.

He also gave some advice for Chinese students who want to get involved in the American culture. He encourages Chinese students to do outside along without their Chinese friends and talk to anyone they met, like the staff in Walgreens or Starbucks. Indeed, it will be hard in the first; however, it is the first step to get better. Moreover, trying to be more confident. Do not be afraid of speaking. It is understandable for Chinese students who cannot say perfect English. We know that, and all the American students know that. As long as they can understand you, you get success. Then, he also mentioned the way to make new friends. He said the best way to find friends is finding someone who has interests in common. If you like to play basketball, you can go to the gym with your friends who also want to play basketball.

“I like to make friends with Chinese guys; they are smart,” Frank said. Do not be afraid and step out of the comfort zone.

Wan, G. (2001). The Learning experience of Chinese students in American universities: A cross-cultural perspective. College Student Journal, 35(1), 28.

