Day Zero — FCC Speedrun
So it has started. Today I will begin to work on speedrun challenges, and for the beginning I will focus on easier tasks as Portfolio and Tribute page projects, just to have few more days to cement my Javascript knowledge and DOM manipulation, which I will need for later projects.
As I’ve said already, I will be using FCC front-end stack for projects, with an addition of React or Vue.js in later projects if I learn enough to feel confident in using them.
Initial Project planning:
- I’ve made a decision to make my projects Warhammer 40k themed as much as I can because I am a fan of the franchise and more important because it will be cool :D
- I will take notes all the time, to document my progress and to understand what I’ve done when I look again at my projects in a month or two.
- Probably will include Bootstrap framework in few projects, to reduce time spent on page design code.
- Going to host my projects on gitHub(as expected).
- Probably will make a few more decisions about projects as speedrun goes, I’ll try to follow everything up with Medium posts.
Good luck to all other speedrunners, may the Emperor’s light guide you!