FCC Speedrun- Random Quote Machine

Antonia Patterson
Chingu FCC Speedrun
2 min readAug 8, 2017
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Since I completed the tribute and portfolio projects before this speedrun my first project for the challenge was the Random Quote Machine. This would be my first project using Javascript so I was a little worried if it would work or not. For this this project I decided to store my quotes in an array instead of using an api because I wanted to use specific book quotes.

I later figured out it was the longer way of completing this project but by that point I had finally got the quotes to sync up with the book titles so I was determined to carry on.

The part that turned this speedrun into a speedcrawl was getting the twitter to autofill the current random quote. Finally, with the right combination of words in google search and several stack overflow answers later I figured out that my variables needed to be declared globally. Once I fixed this twitter autofilled each quote perfectly.

Generate literary genius here on Codepen.

For the next project I want to get practice using api’s so I might go for the Twitch.tv project, don’t hold me to that though!

