Build, hack, learn: 50+ remote developer projects from the Chingu cohorts to start your day off right
Hello again rambunctious learners and voracious coders!
For those who just stumbled on this article and are like “what the $!% is a Chingu?”
Chingu is building a remote collaboration city for motivated tech learners & builders. Developers, data scientists, designers, and digital marketers all can join teams to find level-up opportunities.
Here is what we do: put motivated people with similar goals together in an environment that gives them the opportunity to level-up in a way they couldn’t otherwise.
Chingu is also the Korean word for friend (친구).
So, a lot has happened since the last Project Showcase…
Maaaaany projects have finished
Maaaaany people have gotten jobs
Maaaaaaany people have applied to join future cohorts
A legendary Chingu wrote a MERN-stack book (set to be published next month so keep your eyes out for that 😉)
And I’ve moved to Prague (gorgeous city — drop me a line if you come visit!)
Thanks to everyone who made this possible!
I want to give a big shout-out to every wonderful soul who contributed to the Chingu project over the past 3 months— from Cohort-Leads to Project Managers to the infamous Chingu-X team (what up Van Tabbert, Jim Medlock, El Sabbador Musaab Bakheit, & Vampiire). And to everyone courageous enough to step out of their comfort zone and build with others!
This is no small feat.
Thousands of people from 70% of the planet’s countries have participated in Chingu in the last year and a half and we’ve collectively built hundreds of projects together (not to mention the unruly amount of friendships/levelups).
We’ve done nonprofit projects, teams have built impact-generating apps, and at this rate, it won’t be too long before we reach 1000 projects finished. The Chingu Moonshot is to one day see a team build a project that turns into a product and they go from trying to get a dev job to creating dev jobs.
We are definitely in a new age of education and it’s people like you that make me so excited for the future.
Kevin Kelly, founder of Wired, on the importance of Collaboration in our age:
The things that are most surprising all have to do with collaboration in real time at a scale that was really unthinkable before, and that’s where a lot of these surprises have been originating (big innovations). Basically we’re kind of organizing work and collaboration at a scale that were just unthinkable before and seemed impossible.
Without further ado, I present you a couple of projects. 😜
The Projects
Note: I apologize in advance as I have inevitably made several mistakes with links, missing projects,names etc. Consider this article a work-in-progress as I’ll continue to edit and fix mistakes (please DM me if you have found any mistakes or missing pieces).
Quizzly Bear
A quiz creation app featuring a drag-n-drop quiz builder, quiz analysis and a dashboard. See the top quizzes, like your favorites and take quizzes!
Stack: React, Redux, Express/Node, MongoDB
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Louisheimel1, Kevin Galang, Vannya
Github repo
Methodize is a mix of Trello and Momentum aka Project Management meets a gourmet Productivity app.
Stack: React, React DnD, Redux, styled-components, express, mongoose, and jwt
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: @Lucas T. @designbyinna @LadyV
Github repo
This is the Reverse engineered app for the famous
Stack: React,Node.js, MongoDb
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: ram, SandunWebDev, Anshul2166
Github repo
A video-music app
Stack: MERN (React/Redux/React Router, Webpack, Babel, Express, Node, MongoDB, SASS)
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: @marylicious @Oliver @Raymond @ziggysauce
Github repo
SAFE Gardening — A Nonprofit project
Updated the website for a non-profit organization to deliver a better UI and UX so that visitors to the site will want to stay on their site
Stack: HTML, SASS, JS, Making it into a WordPress Theme for our client
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2, NONPROFIT
Team: sosodope, beboptank, jemma, jin
Github repo
Cryptex — A Crypto Portfolio Guide
We offer a free cryptocurrency portfolio planner. It pulls the current top 20 coins and suggests an investment amount for each, based on our formula and the user’s investment amount.
Stack: Gulp, Bootstrap v4, Sass, PUG, ES6
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1, Clone
Team: FancyAction(PM), sparta, Karthik
Github repo
Speech recognition app to do tasks based on the user’s voice input.
Stack: React, Webpack
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: @shashank7200, @adeen-s and @Arvee Sprogner
Github repo
An uber for grills.
Stack: MERN, Apollo-server, and react apollo
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: underwoodkats, fmtabbara, yordanzhelevdev, andrwsalc
Github repo
This project aims to connect programmers with the same interests over specific projects. Users can publish a description of their projects (current or planned) and others can browse through the projects and contact their author to discuss working together.
Stack: React, node.js, Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Jest
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: @heyjp, @Sylvie
Github repo
Allows the user to create, share and listen user-created playlists using different services such as Youtube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, etc.
Stack: React, Redux, Redux-sagas, Express, Webpack, Passport, MongoDB
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Cristhian Ferreira, marianoheller, vitof
Github repo
World Community Grid
A clone of IBM’s World Community Grid site.
Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: stufinn, laureng, laurend
Github repo
What’s the Scoop?
What’s the Scoop is an ice cream themed, mobile first, Twitter clone.
Stack: React, SASS, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: jordanleo7, Misomighty, Tyler, ironicsushi
Github repo
A momentum clone. Increase productivity through a new tab, chrome store extension.
Stack: React, Node.js, MongoDB
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3, Clone
Team: Eric H, Jai, valerie.s, glandon22
Github repo
Pet Trackr
Online message board for lost and found pets.
Stack: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, EJS
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: tmattlee Veredrec caleb-cox
Github repo
A full stack application that allows users to upload pet pictures and have other users vote on their pet’s cuteness (or lack thereof).
Stack: React, Express, Node.js, MongoDB, cloudinary.
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3, Organic
Team: @Kevin Briggs, @John Gillespie, @mayerxc, @Dereje
Github repo
This is a clone of the site.
Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery
Chingu project type: 🐦Tier-1, Clone
Team: Jon Maldia 🚀
Github repo
VS Code Clone Code Editor
A simple code editor in the browser
Stack: Vue, webpack, jest, travis, scss
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: @matthewburfield, @alyscole, @kaizen, @buoyaintair
Github repo
Project Match
Project Match is a web app created with the MERN stack with typescript integration. It’s primary function is to help programmers and designers match with projects they would be interested in. Project Match will then provide team collaboration tools to support new teams with features such as a dedicated platform for mockup reviews/redlines and group chat.
Stack: Mongodb, Express, React, NodeJS, Typescript, Mongoose
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: lilgangwolf, luoto, eric-miller, ilvcs
Github repo
It’s a clone for a landing page that we loved!
Stack: Html5/CSS3 + Bootstrap + Js basics
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1
Team: @Loubna / @Ana Veiga
Github repo
Adopt-A-CutiePie — Nonprofit project aim
Site to promote pet foster homes. Why? They provide a lifeline to animals who are out of options. Now this webpage needs a home too. Any animal saving organization is welcome to have this site customized and donated to them.
Stack: Html, CSS, bootstrap, jquery
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1, Organic
Team: Fullstackdad, kubie, Michael
Github repo
It is an organization and a tribute website for the Blade Runner movie and Relicants.
Stack: Html, CSS & JavaScript
Chingu project type: 🐦Tier-1
Team: @lucygracesmom @Javilag @Haberdashery @Jesica
Github repo
Gecko Fit
A nutrition application that users can use to look up the combined and separate nutritional values of a list of ingredients.
Stack: CSS, HTML, React
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2
Team: @SGrimes, @abecel22, @SDBowen
Github repo
We did our best to clone Trello!
Stack: React
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2, Clone
Team: sipofwater, Tiffany, Veronica
Github repo
A site to rate and add resources for development studies
Stack: JavaScript, CSS and HTML
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: dirkduplooy, tasesmuemils, KrakenWhisperer
Github repo
Trello Geck
Trello clone app, project management, create Lists & Boards
Stack: React, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: blarzHernandez, Kenito Henry, Philness
Github repo
Chingu Medium Digest
Chingu Medium Digest allows users to get the latest Medium articles from fellow Chingu members.
Stack: Html, Css (SASS), Javascript, jQuery
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: soreg sadou
Github repo
CMS to replace github wiki for chingu docs
Stack: MERN
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: @gnnsampaio @jenovs @keith1111 @nik
Github repo
Flashcard app
Online study app with digital flashcards
Stack: React, Redux, Express, MongoDB, straight CSS ( cause YOLO )
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Mitalee, Jen, Sparta
Github repo
Voyage is a chingu collaboration project where we can add past Voyage projects are compiled and presented to the people around the world.
Stack: HTML, CSS
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: @Westine Lao @shirlaine
Github repo
A home inventory app to keep track of your belongings. User will first add a location, then they have a dashboard for that location where they can add individual items with details about that item, such as purchase price, serial number, warranty, etc.
Stack: MERN
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Jarold, Jordan, Tia, Jason Mojica
Github repo
A clone of Medium. Non-authenticated users can read articles, while authenticated users can like and publish articles, and edit their published articles.
Stack: React, Redux, webpack, Express, node.js, MySQL, SASS
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Jethro Fredericks, HosTi
Github repo
Bears-15 Cards
Multi-user Flashcards application. Flashcards are widely used to aid memorization.
Stack: Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: @svmi3195 @tymczenko @TomSki
Github repo
Stack: html5,css,javascript
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,Clone
Team: zoey, nils.gova, lazycesar
Github repo
The app purpose is to help anyone to start growing their own food either in their yard or kitchen or balcony. Using a collections of tutorials and a badge winning system.
Stack: MERN stack
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: @Jade @hix @ai @Jazylabs
Github repo
Application for posting local coding meetups
Stack: Vue.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: @rinat @louisf
Github repo
Quiz-drag app (transfer to Voyage-5)
It is an educational drag and drop tool for students to learn different computer ports
Stack: React
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: Briahna, Regina, Gabrielgs, Adamabundis
Github repo
It is the clone of landing page for a baker site
Stack: HTML, CSS
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: sanjana-1604
Github repo
Task-management app
Stack: javascript, css, html
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: Marcel, vince, brian, isac
Github repo
Travel Memories
Stack: html, css
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: Mufasa, Jeminah, @Yacine
Github repo
A Fitness recording application, where a logged in user can register fitness data, like distance covered, time spent and weight
Stack: Graphql, apollo-client, apollo-server, reactjs, mongodb,nodejs,flexbox
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Joseph Myalla
Github repo
Portfolio Website
A portfolio website to showcase future projects.
Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: @kmicks @Carolyn Shin
Github repo
Pinterest Clone
Stack: MERN
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Sjbrimley26 rbertram8 jorlee92 shil509
Github repo
Crypto landing page
Stack: html, css, java
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: akinwale-habibullah
Github repo
Stack: HTML/CSS/Angular5/TypeScript
Chingu project type: 🦎Tier-2,
Team: @Rodiel Martinez @luisjaquez
Github repo
Ever had a killer idea for an app, but never got to finish it? BitHelper is here to help you find new team mates to finish your apps or join exciting new projects to develop together!
Stack: React, Redux, Express, MongoDb
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: Gherds (pm), shibatas, heyjp
Github repo
Atomist clone
Stack: HTML , CSS and Vanilla JavaScript
Chingu project type: 🐦 Tier-1,
Team: @juzQrios and @suman
Github repo
Easy progress tracking for P1XT’s Speedstudy
Stack: React/Redux, Mongo, Express
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-3,
Team: @Maria B @codepapi @jp_lacy
Github repo
Student accommodation issue tracker.
Stack: Mongo, Express, React, NodeJS, Redux (MERN)
Chingu project type: 🐻Tier-4, Organic
Team: Mortuie, nik, vivek
Github repo
grad.then() is aimed at you, to give you the information and tools you need to get a job after completing your training.
Stack: Gatsby (react), styled-components, apollo
Chingu project type: Tier-4
Team: mar-bi, miljan-fsd
Github repo
Stack: MERN
Chingu project type: Tier-4, Organic
Team: @bakunawa, @snowleo208, @jordanleo, ellereeeee
Github repo
GitaClue — Infrastructure for a remote collaboration city (in-progress)
Chingu is innovating on how learners collaborate to level-up. This is a small piece but with incredible importance to that mission(more info in the next showcase)!
Stack: Javascript, NodeJS
Chingu project type: 🚀 Chingu-X
Team: the legend himself, Jim Medlock!
Github repo
Duo — Infrastructure for a remote collaboration city (in-progress)
Optimal pair-programming matcher for motivated learners around the world
Stack: In-progress
Chingu project type: 🚀 Chingu-X
Team: ziggysauce, Vampiire, @sparta, Daniel Segovia
Github repo
Express — Infrastructure for a remote collaboration city (in-progress)
Stack: In-progress
Chingu project type: 🚀 Chingu-x
Team: Chingu-X (ziggysauce, Vampiire, @sparta, Daniel Segovia)
Github repo
Help-board — Infrastructure for a remote collaboration city (in-progress)
Stack: In-progress
Chingu project type: 🚀 Chingu-X
Team: Chingu-X (ziggysauce, Vampiire, @sparta, Daniel Segovia)
Github repo
That’s all for this time! Check back in a few months for the VOYAGE-5 SHOWCASE!