Check out the remote Developer team projects in Voyage-5

Here are the projects Voyage-5 teams are working on!

Chance McAllister
7 min readJun 13, 2018


Photo by Colton Jones on Unsplash

What is your team’s project idea?

Singapore motorcycle parking locator

Ordering System for NonProfit

Non-profit app

We are creating a website that showcases popular (must experience) events in countries across the globe.

Clone of blablacar (no name yet)

WorkPlay Pomodoro — A chrome extension which helps users balance their work and play activities by creating daily tasks and using pomodoro techniques to manage time better. The new tab page can be set to ‘work’ or ‘play’ mode, providing users with different widgets to optimize their time using either mode.

Recommendation app

Morning Routine Habit Planner

Reffub: The Buffer Clone

We are doing a mobile app for @jarrku ‘s non-profit.

Some sort of feed (most viewed stuff from various media sources). We’re going to use APIs for those and the website will be made in React. We will have back-end too, probably some registration or something like that.

Project Finder

We are building a book manager that will show the user a list of books of his choice, with the ability to mark already read books, get personalized suggestions and purchase books from book stores.

Motorbike Parking Map

Chat app

We are building a book manager that will show the user a list of books of his choice, with the ability to mark already read books, get personalized suggestions and purchase books from book stores.

Voog website clone

eBook Library and Reader for PDFs. Clone of

Discourse : Info and discusstion of previously developed chingu projects

Spotify clone

Project Managment App, more advanced Trello clone

IFTTT cloning

A platform where people can share their ideas, or get some new ideas on for a project

We’re making a clone of a website. We’ll change the features in upcoming weeks. :)

React based project with API fetches, something similar to

Trails website using a trails api to provide users local trails they can hike or explore other trails based on location

Meetup clone

Mutual Project searching

Clone core features of a carpooling app, like:

Browser mobile-friendly game

Book/movie/tv recommendation app

iOS app “Places to visit”

Fresh Baked Games. Simple JavaScript powered games fun for kids young and old!

YouTube Playlist Manager

BitHelper — Coding project teammate recruiting tool

Meditation web app

Books manager, search for books, view ratings, reviews, similar books, signup/login functionality, users can save, import read books and get suggestions based on their read history

new tab for chrome

Sort of a Trello board with a few extra features

A Game

An app that generates quotes or finds quotes with quotes api and shows them.

Momentum clone

Meetup Clone

Realtime multiplayer memory game

redesign cakes4kids nonprofit site

GYM app focused on private trainers and clients

Build a map visualization for current music being played in a specific area using D3.js, spotify api and google api.

Podcast Manager

Job listing app

A Tribute page to the creator of JavaScript

YouTube channel app

Trello clone

A phaser.js powered game!

Chrome extension tab

Project Management App

Music Event/Playlist Application

Pet owners meet up

Road trip music app

Full stack Pinterest clone

Real-time chat app

Quote AppWeb

Pinterest Clone

To — Do List with Note and multi placement functionality

Non-Profit Aggregator


momentum clone

Work/Play Pomodoro — a Pomodoro clock Chrome extension that helps the user

plan their time for productive and leisurely activities

Momentum extension

A Chrome extension that displays a random image on each new tab.

In concise, we are building a Tech News App.


Productivity PWA

We’re building a multiplayer memory game with support for a hall of fame

Google extension

TechShots. Short tech news

Build a site like IFTTT which will enable several integrations between different services

Landing page

We were going to make a website with job postings

Not-for-profit ordering app

A Podcast app

continuation of cms from voyage 4

Twitter clone

Ideas Hunter

Cloning about page.

Portfolio using React JS

Build a chrome new tab extension

Book Recommendation Hub

memory collector

Reverse engineering the TickyBot page.

Cloning the momentum chrome extension

Gym App

Wellness/Motivation PWA

Momentum Clone

Online ordering application for restaurants project suggest by @jarrku

Non profit mobile food ordering app

Media server

Create a food ordering point of sale web app for a nonprofit

media library

A football information site that gives info on each country member of FIFA(the

competitions, the players, the stadiums , …)

World Cup website

“Our project idea is to create a web app where users can daily log the things for which they are grateful. The concept is similar to a gratitude jar.
What is a Gratitude Jar? A gratitude jar is a fun way to provide a visual reminder of the many blessings in our lives. Basically, it’s a place to write down and keep all the things you are thankful for. Whenever you are thankful for something, whether it’s an activity, a kind act, a person or simply some detail of your everyday life, you write it down on a slip of paper and stick it in the jar. Over time, you’ll accumulate a jar full of all the things that make your lives beautiful.”

I’m going to be working on a book management app if I continue alone on the voyage, else whatever my new team is working on if my present team is merged into another.

We are creating a website that showcases popular events in countries across the globe.

Better HackerNews

Reverse engineer Reddit

Sth like Trello

A podcast aggregator

Hiking app

TickyBot ( landing page)

Vacation Itinerary App

spotify clone

A chrome extension which helps users balance their work and play activities by creating daily tasks and using pomodoro techniques to manage time better. The new tab page can be set to ‘work’ or ‘play’ mode, providing users with different widgets to optimize their time using either mode.

Jarkku’s non profit

Meditation apo

Application Tracker

Meetup clone

Gym Application

React Native Youth App

A website for travel info

Spotify clone with a feature to search and book airbnb lodging for concerts

A app that is similar to Yelp

Clone of chrome plugin Momentum

Event Organizer

Trello clone

Non profits aggregator

Building a website

We are starting with a pomodoro app

Quiz app, where people can sign up and create their own quizzes and share them with their friends.

New team, just getting to know everyone


Chrome new tab extension

clone the gitlab home page

Quiz website with ability to submit quizes.

airbnb clone more or less

AirBnb clone

TickyBot clone ( frontend )

Pomodoro timer webapp


A connection site for EFL teachers in Asia and schools

We are creating a website that showcases popular events in countries across the globe.

Spotify Clone

Parking Lot App

Ticky Bot

Schedule for Learning Software programming

Remodel of a nonprofit, cake 4 kids.

Chrome extension

quotes app

An attendance tracking app for schools/teachers

Showcase of Voyage Projects

Combo of spotify, eventful and google maps APIs to make a road trip concert


Tickybot clone

Quiz Application

attendence tracker for teachers

Continuation of previous project

Car pool web service

Job Application Tracker

It’s a web app where you can share, search and recommend restaurants from your past travels or coming one

Chat application (like slack)

Twitter clone

Food order point of sale

Twitter Clone.

Build a tribute page to JS dude. All vanilla

Top music by region app

To Do List App / Google Keep and Trello hybrid

web app

TickyBot landing page

A app for users to plan out trips and coordinate activities with people.

We’re building a daily goals app to help motivate users to keep working on their long term goals each day.

event app

Tic tac toe game

Clone of, scaled-down version

Spotify clone

momentum clone

google form

We plan to build an JS app which will easily save things user want to save (Memory Collector)

non profit via Jarkku

project match — code clean up and feature refinement!

Trello clone

Create a app version of Miracle Morning

Morning routine app

Reffub: A Buffer Clone

Kahoot-Like Quiz App but different approach

reverse engineer TickyBot landing page

To build an app for helping open source developers

Reverse engineering Old.Reddit

portfolio website


Podcast app

Daily Gratefulness Project

We haven’t decided yet

A bot with the MERN stack

A web application which would present the most suitable course pathway for a person in order to learn a subject/topic, customized by the user itself based on hours to be spent on learning it.

Tribute page for dude who created JavaScript

PWA wellness/progress app

Travel app

A gym app

Clone Google Forms

Bot that determines the reading level of your messages

Gym App

To-do list

Bot that analyzes messages and reports stats like reading level.

We want to recreate a landing page


Google forms clone

We are building a restaurant app to recommend users restaurants in any chosen area.

Application to support team development

Quote Generating Web App


A productivity webapp with focus timer, todo lists

chrome new tab extension with weather functionality + other

Contribute an Application to @Jarrku’s nonprofit

Integrate AIR BNB into spotify when you buy consert tickets

A tic tac toe game site

We are building a book manager that will show the user a list of books of his choice, with the ability to mark already read books, get personalized suggestions and purchase books from book stores.



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: