To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time

Chance McAllister
Published in
11 min readOct 28, 2020

A project showcase from developers around the world!

Reminder: What is Chingu?

Chingu is a flexible & remote learning program for developers and product owners who want to escape Tutorial Purgatory, complete projects and gain experience. We provide a projects, a team to work with, deadlines, collaboration experiences, accountability tools, and a friendly community with shared goals.

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Chingu is also the Korean word for friend (친구). 😉

Ready for some developer projects?!


GoalTrack is a responsive web app that allows users to break their goals into manageable steps.

Tech-Stack: (Frontend) React, NextJS, Apollo Client, TypeScript … (Backend) Express, Apollo Server, GraphQL, MongoDB with Mongoose, Redis

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): TheShah1#0561, Yuting Chu#3381, TomLikeABomb#4575, zenmodeman#4691

Github repo

Deployed here


SweetBeats is a playlist creator that uses the Spotify Web API and OAuth 2.0 API. The application allows the user to creator playlists based on bpm, danceability, energy, instrumentalness, and valence (musical positiveness). Users can enjoy a 30 second preview of songs in each playlist and save them to the user’s Spotify account for later enjoyment.

Tech-Stack: MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Abby Swarth, Jalisa, gitb

Github repo

Github repo backend

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A Fitness App to record fitness activities, and view stats / other users fitness activities

Tech-Stack: React / Redux / Node / Express / Postgresql

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): ingrey #8539; mcchu #8312; Noah #2619; tessg #1317

Github repo

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Gmail Cleaner

Gmail Cleaner app that uses Gmail API to delete/move to trash messages in bulk.

Tech-Stack: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, API, webpack

Chingu project type: Chimeras

Developer(s): Diemention, bents123, Afeez, makneta, Alex17

Github repo

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Teacher’s App

Our app aims at providing a platform for accessing, finding, sharing and reusing content by connecting teachers across schools thus enabling high quality content for teaching at every school. Teachers can also connect, share ideas and collaborate thus providing a platform for idea sharing, networking and personal brand creation across schools.

Tech-Stack: React, Apollo GraphQL, PostgresQL

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): Alekhya #4778, ssousa33 #9373, julundy #1887

Github repo

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Blackjack for Two!

A two-player, javascript-based blackjack game with some rules modified to make the game more enjoyable!

Tech-Stack: HTML, CSS, VanillaJS

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): NewbieCoder

Github repo

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Movie Finder

Movie Finder is an imdb-like website. You can search for movies, see details about them and add them to a watchlist. You can also login and register for an account.

Tech-Stack: React

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): jbonilla8, codecustard, and paulhmorris

Github repo

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Giphy Clone Landing Page

GIPHY is your top source for the best & newest GIFs & Animated Stickers online. Find everything from funny GIFs, reaction GIFs, unique GIFs and more.

Tech-Stack: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): shashi#2371, detoner #0732

Github repo

Deployed here


An app that provides weather based on user location or user input.

Tech-Stack: Vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans 🐦

Developer(s): tomrhudson, omaralareeki, thiagorasouza

Github repo

Deployed here


This app servers as a tool for users to search for recipes and create, read, update and delete their own recipes.

Tech-Stack: React, NodeJS, Express, PostgreSQL, JWT

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): Thinh#6960, Rayhan23 #8477

Github repo

Deployed here

Serverless Chat

A chat web app to provide real-time communication between multiple users via messages, powered by Serverless tech!

Tech-Stack: Svelte, Sapper, Netlify, FaunaDB, Pusher

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Fang🦁, GreatDeveloper66

Github repo

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A project to explore accessibility in websites from a developer’s point of view.

Tech-Stack: HTML,CSS, JS, Python, Flask

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): reginam#7068, nellie#8564

Github repo

Deployed here


An app that helps keep track of what movies to watch.

Tech-Stack: React/Firebase

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): vombatus#1558, Rayhan23 #8477

Github repo

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This app serves as a tool for developers to connect to other people with similar skills, tech-stacks, and interests. Individuals create a profile and then can view other people’s profiles.

Tech-Stack: React and Firebase

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): ClarkJohnsonCodes #0468, liamdavis_dev #6696, Thinh10ten #6960

Github repo

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Feed Me

Feed Me is a mobile recipe app that suggests recipes based on what ingredients a user has at home. Users can also add their own recipes.

Tech-Stack: React, MongoDb, Express, Node, JWT, dexie

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): SHODAN #4505, pierrolabo #0266, Gius88#7005, jidemobell #5311, Marco#0908,

Github repo

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Word AppTeam 2

The Word App allows you yo train english vocabulray

Tech-Stack: Html, CSS, JS, SASS

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans


Github repo

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Toucan Recipes

A minimal recipe web app that helps you choose a meal from a gallery of recipes, built by a team of 🐦s using React & Gatsby!

Tech-Stack: React, GatsbyJS

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): Fang🦁#5361, dmedford#1180, shangshang#5502

Github repo

Deployed here


Simple calendar App with ability to add, edit and delete appointments

Tech-Stack: React Express Mongoose, Node

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): JonHill#0880 Marco #0908

Github repo

Gecko To-Do List

The GECKO To-Do-List Web App is a productivity tool designed for users to help them keep track of current tasks.

Tech-Stack: React, React Bootstrap, CSS

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): @lukecore & @MobiusMan

Github repo

Doughnuts app

E-commerce app for doughnuts

Tech-Stack: React, Redux, node.js

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): yusuke#1288, Yuriko#1593

Github repo

Deployed here

Google Favourite Fonts

This project allows users to preview text in a search bar, select between 4 font sizes, toggle between light and dark theme, and reset these functionalities.

Tech-Stack: leTañada#6465 , Kyndemoo#6919

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Github repo

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This is a pet adoption website, for people looking to adopt a pet during these crazy and lonely times.

Tech-Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): Tarinpratt#7949, smiley#4161, Lindz#2940

Github repo

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Photography Studio landing page

Photography Studio landing page. Multipage layout with 4 pages, built as mobile-first, fully responsive.

Tech-Stack: HTML, CSS/Sass, vanilla Javascript

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): mstanka#8886

Github repo

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Chingu Dashboard

Recreated the Chingu site. Only able to complete some of the static pages but had stretch goals of being able to manage Voyages too.

Tech-Stack: Vue with Express/Mongo

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): snow

Github repo

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A linkedIn for developers to showcase their skills and apps to recruiters.

Tech-Stack: React, Gatsby, Ruby on Rails, sqlite/postgres

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): ninja1 #1014, sophyphreak #9431, chochobeans #2897, matman #6514

Github repo

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Chow Pronto

This app makes food delivery easy.

Tech-Stack: React, Node Express, MongoDB, Styled-Components,

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): Viktoria#3150, Gius88 #7005, gregfletcher #1205, mplayer78 #1981

Github repo

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Blog App

This is a blog app loosely based on

Tech-Stack: Gatsby, React, Sass

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): Yuriko, enrinmu, angelyoung24

Github repo

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File display app that organizes the uploaded files into a visually pleasing timeline

Tech-Stack: React, styled components, dexie, GH pages

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): SHODAN #4505 JonHill#0880 krebeDev #6036

Github repo

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iScholars is a teacher-student communication tool for homework.

Tech-Stack: — Backend: MongoDB, Express/Node.js — Frontend: Javascript, React, HTML/CSS

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): @joanne @liam @chuks @yuto @Gius88

Github repo

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Travel App

It’s a travel website that helps a user to check the weather and things to do and places to visit in a chosen city or town and make a travel list. It’s built in plain JavaScript with open weather API and foursquare API.

Tech-Stack: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): sara90, Zafra, makneta

Github repo

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Landing page clone for a software product.

Tech-Stack: HTML/CSS/JS bundled with Parcel

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): @Robbie#0040

Github repo

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Real Estate Simulator 2020

The user inputs a zipcode into the search bar which returns properties for sale in that area, pulling from a real estate API provided by ATTOM Data Solutions. The user can then click on a certain property and get more details about it, the data provided by the JSON returned from the API call.

Tech-Stack: React, Next Js, Typescript

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Ty#0572, stiforr #9456, Karthikggg #4505

Github repo

Deployed here

Hold Tabs

Hold Tabs stores all tabs on Chrome and you can follow those links later.

Tech-Stack: HTML / CSS / Vanilla JavaScript

Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): jomo.coding #6626, jypark0407 #1243, Keiko#3534

Github repo

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A meeting scheduler app that lets you connect with others in a timely manner!

Tech-Stack: React, Node.js (Express, GraphQL), MongoDB

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): Deep#5708 Yuting Chu #3381 zachgw#3350 grzybek6#2023

Github repo


A personal productivity planning board SPA

Tech-Stack: Svelte

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): SHODAN#4505, bentz123#2977

Github repo

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Trello Clone

It’s a good project that helps reinforce needful skills.

Tech-Stack: React

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): lukecore

Github repo

Chingu Registry

The perfect wedding registry

Tech-Stack: Frontend: React, Next.JS , auth0, tailwindcss, swr, react-hook-form. Backend: node.js, express, mongoose, typescript

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): matthew-burfield#0182; DaStrong#0913; liam#9496; sarebear#5059; Arun 7#2677

Github repo

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Slack Clone

This project clones the popular communication app, Slack, using the MERN stack and

Tech-Stack: React ,Express ,MongoDB w/ Mongoose, Node.js ,,Passport.js ,JWT Token ,Bcrypt

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): merrypjj#3239, jahova #2618,Rusty #5849, igor333m #5306

Github repo

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Solitaire Mahjong game

Tech-Stack: React

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Sivan#1444

Github repo

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Mars Weather App

It’s an app that shows the lates weather reports on Mars as well as some information about the NASA’s InSight mission

Tech-Stack: React, React-Bootstrap and recharts

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Ana S#7990, Olya #2970 and Alo #4125

Github repo

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Mixed Drinks

Search for drinks and view the ingredients and measurements for it. Ability to save favorite drinks too.

Tech-Stack: React node.js

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Kevin F #6156 joelfooxj #3145 Bachir #0230 Kate #3557

Github repo

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The Code Track

A place to map out your coding journey with a todo list, a favorite bookmark saver, and a way to set some specific goals to focus on.

Tech-Stack: Python, Django, HTML5, CSS, bootstrap, javascript, SQLite, FlexBox

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Sophia, Jordan Pheonix, Dj, Nellie

Github repo

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A product landing page for a Spanish language app


Chingu project type: Tier 1 — Toucans

Developer(s): Angie_rodz, yang2020, blenderjake

Github repo

No name

An app for self-taught engineers to study computer science principles through quizzes.

Tech-Stack: React

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): Sal#3658, GreatDeveloper66 #9179, lukecore #5959

Github repo

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No name

restaurant ordering app that is mean’t to provide swipeable options

Tech-Stack: React

Chingu project type: Tier 2 — Geckos

Developer(s): bonno42 #8956 beepbop#3309 LaurenG#2031

Github repo

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Let’s Meet

An app to allow a team to figure out their common availability for meetings

Tech-Stack: React, Node, Express, Postgresql, Sequelize

Chingu project type: Tier 3 — Bears

Developer(s): Roo#8271, tomasChristian#5048

Github repo

That’s it!



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: