Chingu Frontend or Full Stack Web Development Challenge #1

P1xt’s Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2017


I need something built for a new “topic specific” guide I’m writing and as I was sitting down to code it, I paused for a moment and thought “why hog all the fun for myself, this is an interestingly complex application and others could benefit from the experience” so here’s the concept:

Clone: this regular expression practice application


  • User can signup and have their progress saved / or you may target frontend only and save user progress to local storage
  • User can “practice” to learn the concepts in a level
  • User can “test” to complete a level and move to the next
  • User can “fight” and compete against an AI opponent, matched to challenge at the user’s approximate level
  • User rises in level as they complete sections
  • User gains badges as they complete sections
  • Cheat Sheet is available for reviewing concepts
  • All levels implemented
  • Bonus: additional levels as you see fit
  • Bonus: Implement profile allowing the user to outfit their avatar with items they earn via practicing, testing, and fighting.


  • You may complete this challenge individually or as part of a team.
  • You may use any frontend framework and (optionally) serverside language you want.
  • You may NOT use any assets from the original page. Either create your own or use open source assets, be creative.
  • The app your cloning uses ninjas. You don’t have to. Be creative.
  • You can re-imagine anything in the app so long as the specification is met. For instance: the interface for practicing doesn’t have to look or work like the original app at all, so long as it’s a fun and intuitive way to practice.
  • The completed application must be accessible on the web.
  • The source code for the completed application must be public on github.
  • You must link to the completed application and it’s source in a response to this post.
  • This challenge IS timed, you have one week and selection will be made when this countdown elapses.

I will include one (or more) of the best implementations in a topic specific guide I’m putting together about regular expressions (regex).

