Chingu Frontend Web Development Challenge #2 — with a mobile twist

P1xt’s Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2017

As a counterpoint to the strictly Frontend challenge, this challenge involves creating a Mobile App (or a native app on the platform of your choice) and it’s associated web site.

The challenge — clone this mobile app and web page, using the frameworks or libraries of your choice.

This challenge is for those of you would like to stretch your Angular, React, or Vue experience and work a bit with Ionic, React Native, or Vuex. (Though if you prefer to go Native, coding the app in Java or Swift works too) :D

The rules —

  • don’t use the assets from the original page or mobile app, or any non “open source” assets
  • look at the code all you want to figure out how things are done
  • use any frameworks or libraries you want
  • you must deploy the website
  • you need not deploy the mobile app, but you should at least test it on an emulator, if you don’t deploy, make a video showing the app in action.
  • if you would prefer a different platform for the app than mobile, feel free to implement it as an app in any domain other than “web”. For instance — windows app, linux app, mac app, browser plugin, etc.
  • Feel free to team with others or to work alone, whichever you prefer.

Your solution should contain the following features of the original —

  • Allow user to input reminders
  • Turn reminders into a stack of cards
  • Swipe cards up to mark them complete
  • Swipe cards down to snooze them for later

Bonus Points for —

  • implementing checklists feature
  • implementing location feature (certain reminders only appear when you’re in a particular location)
  • implement collaboration feature to share cards with other users

The timeframe —

take as long as you like

When you’re done —

  • deploy your project to the web
  • either deploy your app to the app store or show it off in a video of it being used
  • link to your project in the comments here or show it off in the Chingu Slack :D

