Chingu Weekly Vol. 100–100 weekly updates in the books!

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2019

🎉 Congratulations @varun on getting the new job!!!

🎉 Good luck on the interview @Honeybee!!

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥Have a look at Beseder668’s Pre-work project!

🔥Here is a cool cooking measure converter app by sophyphreak!

“It makes it easy to convert recipes in one measurement unit (metric/American standard) into the other, instantly.”

🔥@Willjw3 is back at it!

“I made a simple React component library and published it as an npm package. It lets you fill in props and will render basic d3 bar charts.”

🔥 Here’s another Solo project app — this time by @fsxlima!

Overheard in Chingu

I participated in my first Hackathon this past weekend!!!

We were able to make something that resembles the final project, just need some CSS to finish it off

This is great! Thank you all for doing this!!!!!!!

I am pleased to announce that I got a JOB!!! Collaborating and talking with different people on Chingu discord did help me to present my self as a developer. Listening other people’s experience and what to google, what to share, how to code.. there are so many stuff i have been learning from Chingu. I don’t think i can go away from Chingu. A huge thanks to you guys for allowing me to meet new people and make some new friends. I am extremely grateful for being part of the Community.

We are pivoting toward getting everything online instead of working locally starting today

I finished making designs for several pages for the website

I was able to learn how to configure CI with Travis CI & CD to surge

I finished a website all by myself. Thinking of adding something extra

Worked on building React components. Helped merge PRs. Helped with project management.

Search feature of the app

Finished styling, added APIs

bug fixing

I finished my component and circled back with my team on bringing our work together.

Backend authentication and login

I worked on a feature of the MVP

Worked on nav bar

Added React Materialize CSS and worked on switching from static to dynamic routing

I worked on 3 react components and adjusted other components

finished profile backend

I helped create wireframes for forms on the site.

Building upon the skeleton code

Quotes to go



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: