Chingu Weekly Vol. 20

Chance McAllister
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2017

Welcome aboard Giraffes, Iguanas, Wombats, Flamingos, and Koalas!

the animals of Chingu by Francesco Agnoletto

News & Random

—Last weekend we welcomed in 5 new animals into our zoo of eager and rambunctious dev learning cohorts! We are now 11 cohorts strong, and I honestly can’t believe we’re here. It feels surreal in a way to see the excitement, friendliness and energy of so many people from all over the world as they come together to learn and build.

I’ve been chatting with new members over the weekend, and one member sent a thank you message and said this: “I was about to look for a huge loan just to go to bootcamp to get this exact style of learning”

I remember the empty, helpless feeling I had when I was trying to get a loan to go to a bootcamp 8 months ago, so to see someone write that makes me feel that we’re on the right track. We will continue to try to improve the cohorts to make many of the benefits of coding bootcamps more accessible to people, regardless of who they are, where they’re from, or how much money they have.

gorgeous new design by Kenneth Amanfo Junior

It’s been a wild adventure these last few months, and I can’t wait to see what you all build next! For new members, here’s something Jim Medlock, a Red-Panda and all around wise human, wrote about what makes us an interesting group of learners. I show the excerpt because this is what you’re surrounded with in your cohorts. The opportunity is there for you to make the most of, but that challenge is on you. ;)

excerpt from Jim Medlock’s article (linked below)

— In the coming weeks, we’re going to have a few interesting announcements to make. Chingu is all about people coming together to collaborate — whether that is learning together, supporting each other, or building together. One of the great opportunities of being 11-cohorts strong is that we can start to work on more interesting projects that can make your portfolio standout in the sea of pomodoros (ps no hate for the poms, building them are great learning experiences ;p). So keep your eyes out for that news in the next few weeks when we find out more.

— Reminder to existing members and for all new members: if you write an article, feel free to send it my way. I used to be an editor and don’t mind at all doing a quick proof-read of your work (unless you’re Florin Pop, he writes like 10 Javascript challenge articles a week ;p). Just joking, also here’s his latest: Largest Palindrome Product.

Shout-outs & Showcases

@eelsie — Here is @eelsie’s portfolio. I love her decision to go minimalist to showcase her many wonderful projects.

@codejunky — Congratulations to @codejunky who was recently asked to speak at a Google conference in Algeria!!!

@jdmedlock — Jim was graciously a part of last weekend’s Welcoming Team, and he wrote a short article about his experience called: I Spent the Weekend with Giraffes, Iguanas, Wombats and Lived to Tell About It.

@vietang — @vietang was at a hackathon last weekned AT GITHUB’s campus! His team built an app around the open table API. Here is a picture of the slack integration they made:

this is awesome

@vera + @alanna — they pair-programmed for 3 hours (perhaps more) last week and built this slick hangman game! It’s super fun.

@nativedone & koalas — The above screenshot was posted by @stender_iam from the Koalas over the weekend. @nativedone asked if anyone wanted to learn about working with CSS styles in React, and a group got together for a google hangout feed for it! I’ve been told they now wish to work together to build something in the future. THIS IS WHAT I LOVE TO SEE, and it shows what is possible when you put yourself out there in a community like this. :)

@tommygebru —I’ve only known @tommygebru for a little bit, but I can tell he’s a prolific builder. Check out this cool paypal credit-card and shop-submit page.

@kimkwanka — Here is a game built by @kimkwanka, a member of the Giraffes. Careful, it’s addicting.

@mahaveer — Here is @mahaveer’s weather app! It’s has a great straight to the point minimalist design. Well done!

@thelittleblacksmith — Last weekend was St. Patrick’s Day, the famously green Irish-excuse-to-drink-beer holiday, and @thelittleblacksmith created this interactive codepen in celebration. Ps. quick tip, check out her other codepens to see some wonderful work. ;p

@ron — Check out this SLICK pair-programming connector app in development by @ron!

@frenata — @frenata was volunteering at a tech conference this weekend in Jakarta. Here is a picture from the AI/Machine learning talk (so awesome):


@kornil — For anyone wondering where all the animal favicons came from, they are all made by the skilled Francesco Agnoletto. You can see the favicons in their entirety here.

@nionata — Good luck @nionata on your Lockheed and Martin internship interview!!

Quotes to go

To do is to know.

Knowing is not enough. Knowing too much can encourage us to procrastinate. There’s a certain point when continuing to know at the expense of doing allows the mess to grow further. — Abby Covert

That’s all folks, HAPPY CODING!



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: