Chingu Weekly vol. 30

Chance McAllister
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2017

Full-stack apps, job/internship, projects and…a bot that utilizes the AI that famously beat the best human Jeopardy player? Yup, just another week. ;p

from @ramirop’s awesome portfolio page

News & Random

— Congratulations Cole Gottdank for getting your dev internship!!

— Congratulations @mozar for getting your SECOND dev job THIS MONTH! You have a different level of devotion to the craft, seeking employment not only for a wage, but being adamant that you’re in a place where you can grow and continue to learn as well.

— New channels this week: #womencode + #cs-students. If you’d like to join #women-code, please send @buoyantair a message! If you want to join #cs-students, please send @kvie a message! :) p.s. new channels coming: #php (shout-out to @piotr who had the wonderful idea and who will be running the channel!!), #digital-marketing (shout-out to @pennyjack the legend!)

—Anyone here from Prague/Czech Republic? If so, please shoot me a message! (@chance)

— NOTE: to anyone going through the P1xt Guides! They have been moved to Github and will be getting some minor tweaks soon!! Here is P1xt’s article explaining the move. Also, here is a poll for the exciting new Guide expansion!

Shout-out & Showcase

@reece — Introducing the beta of LIBRU, Chingu’s official resource library! @reece sent a message a few months ago with an idea of solving the resources challenge. He somehow found time to single-handedly build this full-stack app while house-hunting and later, moving. Talk about resourceful! ;p Sign-in and have fun. :)


@florinpop — Say hello to the beta version of JoyJS, a Trivia-like JavaScript game/training grounds built by @florinpop (also known for his multiplayer football game X-Ball, among others). You can answer random JS questions and receive points based on your answer (you can also add your own questions)! You can join the fun here! And stay-tuned as JoyJS continues to be developed!! :)


@MATCHBOT! — @icartuscrimea & @periman — Another week, another intriguing project from this dynamic late-night coding duo! This time they combined the most famous AI in existence (IBM’s Watson), the Big 5 Personalities, and a hope to improve remote dev collaboration!

MatchBot is a slack-bot that utilizes the Watson AI to analyze your writing in slack to suggest ideal collaboration partners within your team. I can’t wait to see this get tested in the wild!! Have a look here!!

@gsuxlzt — From Jami Carangan: “I tried to learn webpack because I’m certain it will be useful in my future projects. I’ve created a sort of template for small apps that use Bootstrap and jQuery as I think this setup would be the most “noob”-friendly (lol) you can check it in this repo.

@rpemberton — @remberton recently got a new job that requires him to use Vue-js. Here is his first project, a Currency Converter using VUE!

@rpemberton’s Currency Converter

@andrewg — Andrew G has FINISHED Kyle Simpson’s You Don’t Know Javascript book series, and here’s his article post-YDKS adventure article appropriately titled YDKJS-6-ES6 & Beyond.

@coffeecraftcode — Last week Christina Gorton accepted a Remote Front-End developer job, this week she wrote a wonderful article telling about her journey. Check it out :) → “Here is how I went from a stay at home mom to a work at home mom/web developer.

Ramirop’s portfolio!

@ramirop — Check out @ramirop’s wonderful portfolio here!!

@kornil —From the illustrious Francesco Agnoletto himself: “hey chance, I made a simple config that can be used by anyone to jumpstart their react projects similar to create-react-app but without all the garbage, if teams or anyone wants to use it for their front-end projects, it’s here”. ALSO, here’s a guide to help you! Thanks so much Francesco Agnoletto!!

@logachev — From @logachev: “Today I’ve reduced time x25. I’m celebrating. It is possible for me to write code that calculates
*factorial(1 000 000)* in *16s* (sometimes more).”


@jayu —@jayu is back again with another app! Check out this nice Book Club app!

Project Sneak Preview

Here’s an inside look at a Moonshot project currently in development within the cohorts ;) :

testing !!

Chingu of the Week

This week the honours have to go to @amir. Amir Fakheraldeen has only been in the cohorts for 1 month, but wow, his commitment and dedication to his goals are next-level.

To give you a sense of @amir’s tremendous focus, here’s a quote from his most recent FCC Speedrun article:

This marks my 9th project in the speedrun challenge, and with this project I’ve essentially completed all the front end projects in the FCC curriculum. I must say, I wasn’t expecting to complete this many projects during the challenge, much less finish the entire first FreeCodeCamp certificate in less than 3 weeks (I’ve actually been studying for over 6 months though). I’m proud to be writing about this project, and I hope I can inspire others on the same path as well. :)

Amir Fakheraldeen, if you continue to exemplify the dynamic combination of commitment, focus, and an awesome attitude, I have no doubt that you’re going to go on to achieve great things in this industry. Your work ethic is an inspiration to all of us.

If you’d like to see @amir’s collection of articles for each project, you can do so here.

Quotes to Go

“Nine months ago, I had zero knowledge of computer programming. This week I accepted an offer to work as a remote front-end developer. Don’t count out moms in the tech world.” — Christina Gorton (@coffeecraftcode)

@zofrus sent me a link to quotes from Mark Zuckerberg’s recent Harvard Commencement Address and there’s a few gems in there (thanks @zofrus!):

“Purpose is that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that we are needed, that we have something better ahead to work for. Purpose is what creates true happiness.”

“In our society, we often don’t do big things because we’re so afraid of making mistakes that we ignore all the things wrong today if we do nothing. The reality is, anything we do will have issues in the future. But that can’t keep us from starting.”

“Change starts local. Even global changes start small — with people like us. In our generation, the struggle of whether we connect more, whether we achieve our biggest opportunities, comes down to this — your ability to build communities and create a world where every single person has a sense of purpose.” — -Zuckerberg



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: