Chingu Weekly Vol. 4 Special Edition!

Chance McAllister
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2016

So, this week’s Weekly Update is going to be a little different, as we have a small announcement to share!

The announcement is: Chingu (aka the cohorts) has been selected to join Communitech, a startup accelerator in one of Canada’s tech capitals.

Chingu will be run out of here now

Now, I should say that this is probably not as exciting as it may seem. I’m not entirely sure how the cohorts fit into a startup accelerator, but what I do know is that it can help give all our members some interesting opportunities we wouldn’t normally have. We started only 2 months ago, but we’ve achieved a few milestones we should all be proud of (finished projects, ALMOST finished a fullstack app with value for a community, helped someone get their first developer job, helped numerous people with job interviews and code problems, and accumulated around 200 hours of pair programming so far). And there’s so much more to come. I can’t wait to get started.

I will be working on the cohorts out of the Communitech offices (same building and style as Google’s campus). What is most important about this is that I’ll be surrounded by dozens of other startups of various sizes and stages who might benefit from getting some remote help from the cohorts.

In any case, it’s a positive development and I’m excited to see where it goes and where we can take this crazy idea!

If you’re interested in learning more about this, have ideas, or want to know how to get more involved in the cohorts, please feel free to send me a message! I should also note that I’m going to be taking this week to step back and reorganize a few things to make some overall improvements, so a few of the projects I was involved with may need to be postponed for a week. I apologize for this.

Chingu of the Week

@slowdata — Last week, Ricardo Dias from the Rhinos helped another member with a project he had to do for a job interview. As I’ve mentioned many times before, it’s amazing how effective it is when people help each other. It allows us to reach places we probably wouldn’t reach alone. So thank you, Ricardo Dias, for helping make the cohorts as helpful as they are!

EDIT: That member (JAN) GOT THE JOB!!! :)

What We’ve Been Working On

Screenshot of the game!

@Rhinos — the first link for the Space Shooter Game is here! Don’t worry, one of the Rhinos’ son tested the game for bugs! ;p There is probably going to be changes made, but here is what we have so far. TRY THE GAME HERE.

Shout outs to everyone that was involved in the project so far, whether that be with helping coding, brainstorming, motivating, or other things I can’t think of right now: @tanya53, Parminder Singh, @velsu, Ricardo Dias, @sharadjay, @ramirop, @phanther, @patbacks, @mkoron, @mikeg22, @mike, Kunal, @gsuxlzt, @eve, Collin Perkins, Chaim Lando, @arodriguez, @a-sep, ivanakri, @friscomm, @gp22

@thelittleblacksmith (Foxes) — A wonderful frying pan and egg with css for Codevember.

@daiolupo (Foxes) — d.aiolupo has been on fire with Codevember as well. Best wishes to him after there was a 7.5 earthquake in his country (New Zealand). Stay safe.

Coming Soon

We have more than 20 people on the waitlist to join the cohorts, so it’s best to make a post in the forum seeing if there others who want to join. This means that we will be doing a “quality cycle” in the next week or two. A Quality Cycle is when we switch out inactive people for people eager to join. Being free, this is something the cohorts will have to do every so often, but it’s pretty awesome because it means we will always be improving the quality of the community. Don’t worry, if you’re an inactive member that was cycled out, you’re always welcome to email me and join again! I understand life gets busy sometimes! :)

Also, we’ve had quite a few new members join in the last few weeks from member referrals. I want to say to everyone that this is completely okay! If you have a friend or know someone who you think could benefit from or add value to the community, let them know all they have to do to join is email me at




Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: