Chingu Weekly Vol. 45 — Nonprofit bonanza and the update is back!

Chance McAllister
Published in
7 min readNov 11, 2017

Grab the bottles of champagne, orange juice, or limitless coffee (whatever you’re into) and enjoy this momentary lapse into collaboration shenanigans!


News & Random

— Congratulations to @Puritanic who just got awarded this:

Darko has been involved in several different projects (most recently as a Project Manager!), so it’s simultaneously not surprising & down-right awesome to see him get this scholarship!

— Congratulations to the two Chingus getting married!

They met after being paired during a Pair-Programming festival back in the Alpacas cohort and are now getting married! (you know who you are ;p ).

You never know where life will take you!

— Voyage-3 will be starting in the last week of November!

If you haven’t already applied and want to, you can do so here.

— A big congratulations to everyone that has gotten jobs in the past month!

To be honest, since we’ve taken a break from the updates I haven’t been writing down who has gotten jobs, but there’s been so many that’s it’s actually become a problem of sorts in Voyage-2.

(As I was typing the above I got a message from @redrocket saying he just got a job at a Robotics startup! Congratulations good sir!!)

In Voyage-2 one of the biggest “challenges” for teams is people getting jobs and not being able to devote as much time to the team project.

— Congratulations to the Chingu member who got the infamous Google Challenge

and is low-key going through some kind of mysterious admissions process as we speak ;p.

— A big shout-out to P1xt

who has been on an amazing streak with the highly valuable resources she’s providing for people. It’s been so amazing to see the rise of the P1xt Study Guides and how much they are helping people!

If you’re not following P1XT’s blog here on Medium, please stop reading this right now and click “follow”. :)

Also, most people don’t know (because p1xt doesn’t advertise this at all) but you can show your appreciation for all the work she puts in by donating here.

(친구 has donated here and we will do so again in the future because the work she is doing is important.)

— Calling all aspiring/established designers and people who know designers!

We’re looking to experiment with adding designers to our build-to-learn teams! Shoot me a message if you are a designer or know an army of aspiring designers who want to join remote dev teams blast their portfolios into space.

Voyage-2 has been on FIRE!!

A few tidbits:

  • Over 100k messages have been exchanged so far in V2
  • 492,000 lines of code have been laid down amongst the teams (that’s with the dependencies taken out).
  • In the 6 weeks the cohort has been running, there has been an average of 4.2 commits made per hour.
  • How is that possible you may ask? Well…the Voyage-2 members come from 56 different countries.
  • There’s teams of all levels building projects ranging from landing pages to nonprofit projects to reverse-engineering Airbnb (yes that ambitious!)
  • Let that sink in for a second. Almost 500k lines of code written, 100k messages exchanged, 24-hour collaboration with people from 56 countries.
  • Collaboration between life-long learners with shared goals is a beautiful thing. :)

Shout-outs & Showcases

—SONA SAROVAR TRUST nonprofit project!


Several months ago Yasser (Yasser Hussain)reached out about getting help for a project he was doing for the India nonprofit Sona Sarovar Trust. It has been intriguing (and awesome) to see Yasser collaborate with the community-at-large as he completed this project over the months and I definitely recommend checking it out (links below)!

Sona Sarovar Trust is a nonprofit with a mission to provide healthy conditions and education to all in India! Yasser you are an absolute legend!!



— Introducing a series by Musaab Bakheit on the development of the Chingu Dev Network!

Proof-of-concept mockup by Musaab Bakheit

So…a lot of you have written under the “How can we improve?” section that Chingu should have a network of sorts to help organize member accounts, their achievements, and generally be more organized (I agree).

Well…there’s currently a team who decided to do something absolutely crazy and build it! We are aiming to fully streamline opportunities for aspiring and established developers to help accelerate learning and create a collaboration paradise online.

Sound fun?

Check out @thesabby’s first article detailing the process of the Chingu Dev Network

(also if you’re a hungry learner and interested in the vast realm of DB design, thesabby is a DB jedi-in-training so I highly recommend getting to know him!).

— Mmadden (& gmunker) — Nonprofit tool for animal rescue

This project has been showcased in various forms over the last few months because it has been a work-in-progress for that time.

This project will eventually get it’s own Medium article because it’s a great story and it simultaneously exemplifies what is possible when hungry learners come together to build, as well as Chingu’s larger goals of facilitating more impactful projects in the future.

For now we’ll just say that this Voyage project has just been delivered to the nonprofit it was designed for and will soon be used to create impact for a community!

You can check it out the code here and a live version here.

— Kornil on Becoming a Web developer after one year

Francesco Agnoletto aka Monsieur “I Breathe Javascript”! — Anyone who has been around Chingu for awhile undoubtedly knows who Kornil is. His linkedin profile reads “I breathe Javascript” and it is not an exaggeration.

Kornil is a learning & coding machine who in 1 year has achieved so much in his young developer career. It’s been a joy to witness him not only achieve his goals but also develop into a leader.

This article was published awhile ago, but if you haven’t already I encourage you to read On Becoming a Web Developer After One Year.

Sarah SchneiderSix things I learned in six weeks on a Chingu Voyage Build2Learn project.

This one was published right after the Chingu Weekly went on vacation but several people have reached out to let me know it inspired them so it’s worth sharing here.

—@vampiire — I am delighted to say that vampiire has uncovered a passion for teaching others to code. He now works for Launchcode and has recently started VAMPIIRE CODES, a python screencast series of sorts.

If we’re lucky, we can get him to do some javascript or slackbot-related video tutorials. ;p

Link to Vampiire Codes

— @oxyrus — Oxyrus wrote this wonderful and helpful article on when projects fail called Mayday Chronicle of a Fail Foretold.

— @pankaja — Pankaja is one of the most industrious aspiring developers I’ve met. Check out her recipe box project! Also, here is an article she wrote for the project.

— @andreW — Andre recently finished Udacity’s Digital Marketing nanodegree and wrote a review for anyone who is interested! You can check it out here!

svmi’s app

— @svmi is always learning or building something interesting, and this is no exception! Check out this super creative Shakespeare decryption app by @svmi!!! Here is the LIVE version and here is a medium article about the project.

— Bolu — Check out Bolu Ajibawo’s awesome project called HOTSPOTS. He also wrote an article on the project which you can see here.

— @shivam3000 — check out this Image slider by Shivam!

— EddyWilson — Check out Eddy’s article called Suck Less at React.

— serhii.css — Check out @serhii.css’s CSS challenge entry! This beautiful button is almost therapeutic to press.

Chingu of the Week — BOLU

You know something is going right when someone with decades of experience in the IT field reaches out just to say “I’ve been reading more of Bolu’s Medium articles and posts. He’s developing into a good webdev.”

This week the honors go to Bolu, a long-time Chingu member from Nigeria who for as long as I’ve known him has consistently showcased a ferocious combination of enthusiasm and industriousness.

Not only that, but Bolu has also inspired quite a few people with his humility and openness to share not only the high points, but also the low-points that come with learning to code.

Bolu Ajibawo’s an inspiration to this community, and we’re super lucky to have him hanging around!

Quotes to Go

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” — Alvin Toffler

“Where manufacturing was key to middle class years ago, coding is key to the middle class today and tomorrow,” — Tim Cook, Apple CEO



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: