Chingu Weekly Vol. 86 — Another Pre-work batch unleashed!

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2019
@pmutunga’s app (see below)

🎉 Congratulations @MxOliver on the new developer job!!

🎉 Congratulations Sfk on the developer job!!

🎤 The Voyage-10 Pre-work has been launched! Another 450+ people in the mix!!

✊ Congratulations on the new Pre-work members! Best of luck!

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥 Check out @pra-bhu’s Connect four app!

🔥Here is @Laasrinadiaa’s landing page project!

🔥 Jim did another wonderful AMA for the Pre-work session! For new Pre-work people, you should definitely check this out!

🔥 From @willjw3 → “My official Gatsby Starter in the Gatsby Starter Library”.

🔥 Here is @pmutunga’s Friend Finder app! See the cover page for this week’s update above for a screenshot. 😉

Overheard in Chingu

I got a job today!

we’ve started on the layout and my teammate did a awesome job!

I wasn’t entirely hopeless this week. I learned testing better (weak area that I truly wish I could get past once and for all! :)

Became proficient with Zenhub!

Deployed our first version of the app

First time I built the full stack successfully

scheduled a meeting, built trello boards for our team project

Schedule a meeting, discuss their project, and laid out tasks for us to do this week

Created a prototype of our redesigned website

we made each scheduled meeting and are way ahead of our timeline

we had on meeting on zoom

Completed half of freeCodeCamp’s Basic Algorithm Scripting module

We agreed on the mvp and on the framework to be used.

Teammate helped me learn git in a group setting, personally learning React for the project.

I finished a basic php tutorial!

Researched various APIs and how to use them.

Scheduled a meeting

Completed a portion of the landing page clone

Was able to create the React front-end from scratch with a customized webpack configuration for the first time. Previously, I had always relied on create-react-app, Next.js or Gatsby.

We’ve had meeting to decide what to create and I finished making search bar section(it can choose search engine to search)

Scheduled a meeting

Scheduled and completed meeting last week

scheduled a meeting

Nothing special yet.

first in person meeting

I have really learned a lot about Material Design and my designs have really improved.

completed milestone on time

had several great meetings and I’m so happy about the team idea

Had multiple discussion around the theme of the app; features identified for MVP & designing mockup

meeting with partner

We finish our project (base design), so now we think how to improve it.

scheduled meeting to share git/github knowledge

scheduled a meeting, started coding the UI mock up, finished two of the app components

I finished a tutorial about graphql that we were supposed to use for the backend, but the team decided to use REST backend instead days ago. I’ve also been learning advanced stuff with vanilla JS.

Resource of the week

Perfect for everyone, but especially people new to Chingu in the pre-work.

Posted by @jdmedlock:

Chingus of the week

Galadriel, Emilie and Nishavijai, pathemar#0071, Adeline, Carlos F., emmisteel, @ashiyaman @AndrewD, pmutunga, josephk96, DMethan, ashiyaman, Erik, @Emilie, Ak4ra, @avic, @HoneyBee, Lewis#1495,@Elisheba, Nasser, @avic & @ironpurush0, Angelo#0494, @sheadev

Also loved this: “On the solo path, I have been trying to talk nicely to myself more often, offering words of encouragement.”

That’s all for this week. Happy building!!



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: