Chingu Weekly Vol. 88 — another batch of teams launched! 🔥

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2019

🎉 We launched another 40+ teams this week!

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥 Chingu got a shout-out in this video (@ 3:50)!

🔥 Debjani Paul published an article icodemag! Check out the article called Building a Landing PAge with Boostrap and Jquery.

🔥”I 3d-fied my connect4" — @gentlecolt Check it out here!

🔥”I am still working on Airbnb clone using react ( it still need to work on carousels)” — @peppertaro Check it out here!

🔥 Check out this cool project by @tanger!

Overheard in Chingu

Our App is now looking fantastic thanks to my team-mate’s hard work =)

My teammate got the app functionality working, and now I’m working on the design! We decided on a name for the app, and I made a wireframe. Very proud of my teammate for overcoming her doubts and giving our app functionality.

Learned Concourse CI

I am STOKED about my projects and have applied for some remote full stack and front end jobs because the Chingu projects actually prove to me that I CAN meet deadlines and make something really nice, and that I don’t give up when I run into even difficult problems.

We are working well as a team!

Did our UI design.

We have finished about 4 sections of our landing page

I had a phone interview that went well and scheduled an in person for next week! Chingu, as always, looked great on the resume.

We are done with a full static webpage using React, the three of us were new to this library! Now we are attacking the animations :-)

I sent out my first contract to a client to create his website :)

Basically; I finished my project: I did the MarkUp with React; I set the state and change of state with Redux; I set a express server where placing the API for the http requests and set the point of the persistence of the data with Mongo. Probably, this will be a ongoing project further than the six weeks to add more things according I learn more: e.g. deploying to A.W.S. with Docker, set a account where the user can sign up and log in with passport library, and so on.

This is the best

Resources of the week

Posted by @tanger!

That’s all for this week, happy coding!



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: