Chingu Weekly Vol. 98 — more jobs and Chingu’s next steps!

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2019

🎉 Congratulations to AndrewKnox who landed React contract job after sending them his Chingu Solo Project! :)

🎉 Congratulations to Olufifun was a session speaker at an international conference — PMI Africa Conference in Tanzania.

🎉 Big shoutout the the legendary Emmisteel working as CS teacher and pursuing Udacity Nanodegree at the same time!

🎉Congratulations to @BlueBoi who recently got his first job as a software developer!!

🚀 Good luck to Edjunma who has multiple interviews lined up!!

🚀 Good luck to YuukiSann who starts her first dev job today!

Big news: The next step for Chingu

We’ve got some big changes happening at Chingu! Feel free to read about it here. :)

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥Check out Lawaldare’s Youtube Trending Video by Country search app here!

🔥PabloWBK created a website for his mother’s business! This is so awesome. Check it out here.

🔥Will created a Gatsby plug-in!!! Have a look here on the Gatsbyjs site!

🔥 Ermarie created this Board Game Meet Up App with Omniauth account verification, using Javascript to respond dynamically on the page. Check it out here!

Overheard in Chingu

Started to learn mern stack

backend done, working in the front end and the leaflet integration

We have had two successful meetings on how we are going to go about our work

Finished my first real-world landing page, for my mum’s business=)

I created my first static blog site in Gatsby!

Officially got started with Angular

Got multiple interviews lined up

Completed our MVC

Scheduled meeting two and set 2nd sprint goals

@Nngo and I were able to master the Github workflow this week

Scheduled a meeting

make authentication process successfully

We setup Google OAuth authentication for our application and deployed to Heroku so we now have continuous development

I was a session speaker at an international conference — PMI Africa Conference in Tanzania.

We finished the website skeleton

finished my style designs and made the first page design of the template

We did some meetings where we solved different problems and blockers affecting our work

Connected to dB. Models and routes are up. Ui design has begun. We have Screen shots

Finished a Linked In Flask API tutorial

We made final touches on application itself, including videoplaye

Designed an app for my internship

I implemented the BloC pattern in my app and created a github actions path to deploy my android app

I can finally create new items and save them in my Firestore.

completed api integration on front end, including animation transitions.

Sent in first PR

We made our first major merge this week

Chingu of the week

Shout-out to these Chingus!!


deni#2806 has shown great leadership skills and is a solid team player. Thanks to him, we have an interesting project concept.



Galadriel #1258





Emilio Franco





Quotes to go



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: