How does your team communicate bad news?

Sprint 5 — Thursday

Jim Medlock
2 min readSep 30, 2021


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Teamwork is based on communication that leads to effective & efficient collaboration. But it’s not just about telling everyone what they want to hear. It’s about providing information they need to hear.

Part of being a good teammate is being able to deliver unwelcome news and provide feedback that may be uncomfortable.

The key to having difficult conversations with the team or your teammates involves:

  1. Being respectful & empathetic
  2. Realizing that communicating is more about listening than speaking
  3. Removing ego and emotion from the conversation
  4. Continually asking yourself “will this improve the team and our ability to meet our goal?
  5. Viewing these types of conversations as a win-win instead of as a zero-sum game

High performing teams understand this and work just as hard at communicating as they do on coding.

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Jim Medlock

I manage Operations at Chingu, Inc. We help bridge what you have learned to get the experience employers seek. Come join us — Https://