Overheard in Chingu

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu coding cohorts!

Chance McAllister
6 min readMar 25, 2019


Photo by Maxime Bhm on Unsplash

I overcame a mental block that previously prevented me from contributing to open source development.

We are together learning js and encouraging each other with a small project just for practice

Scheduled a meeting

We set up all the APIs we were going to use for the App. Plus all the tasks have been assigned to all the team members and we’re actively discussing about the project everyday.

Personal achievement : completed my first real website (only deploying it is left). Team achievements : Had 3 voice calls and two text based chat sessions. We set up this week’s availability, decided on project, tools and this week’s tasks.

Already had 2 successful Meetings

we had a team meet , although rushed through and with lose ends , we managed to get an MVP and some designs!

With Manjila at the helm, we really sorted out how to get this project rolling quickly and efficiently. I think that’s a pretty good accomplishment :)

Assigning tasks, git repo

Established a strong baseline as a team. Focused on our partnership rather than solely on a project. Getting everyone comfortable with GitHub by forking repos and practicing push/pull requests has been fun to practice with others.

Scheduled 2 meetings and discussed our project MVP

Setup the repository with a skeleton foundation.

I finished the freecodecamp front-end certification!

Personal — Learned some GraphQL and how to build a site using Gatsby. I then powered my blog with Gatsby and deployed it to Netlify. Took one day.

personal scheduled various meeting with the team. as a team we had some disagreements but we were able to decide the voyage project

Scheduled meetings and our group members are in a harmony to work together.

We set our meeting and split a task for everyone

My personal achievement is that I get to know things like trello board and found out about Continuous Integration approach and tools to use it for.

We had meeting discussing about project to do and as well suggested so many ideas but we want something we can complete within 8 weeks of the voyage. It was great start with the team.

had two meetings and decided what to build with what tech stack

Watched 20/44 of Vue.js thenetninja Youtube series and M001: MongoDB Basics first assigment completed

Successfully managed to have our first meeting on last Saturday, make a list if tasks to complete our project, assigning the task to each member.

We decided on most of the organizational tools: set up the trello board, pretty much agreed on what project to do, found a poll site (pollUnit) to make decisions more easily, defined loosely the techstack and gitflow/formatting required. We also completed most of the Chingu’s recommended Sprint0 tasks on the guide. We are about to create a wireframe to define the site’s look and sharing ideas about it!

Team: is We’ve decided on a project from a list of amazing ideas. The first few commits have already been pushed to the repo.

We had a great first team meeting and decided on a project. Tasks were given to individual to complete for the next meeting. The momentum is going great for the first week

We’ve had our second meeting and I created the basic react web page along with assigning my team members their weekly assignments.

I learned to successfully fork and submit a pull request which was pretty foreign to me up until this point. I’ve also started learning React which I’m excited about.

We had a tri programming, going through project setup.

We all started to contribute on our GitHub repository. Someone is building a database, someone added components… And we’ll have a weekly meeting in 2 hours.

We just defined the project, the MVP and the tech-stack

Good Brainstorming

had our first meeting!

scheduled meeetings

Scheduled few meetings, assigned firsts tasks, decided on tools

We have set a lofty goal, but EVERYONE IS ACTIVE, so we will achieve it!

Had our first team meeting, decided on a tech stack

We had a great team meeting, able to do github workflow walk-through via screenshare; flush out user story and some cool GUI ideas.

Had our first meeting and defined the project!

We had a great first meeting and have our workflow and project established. Today is the start of the 2nd sprint and we have a stand-up scheduled to make sure our sprint backlog is complete.

We had a video meeting and discuss our project, mvp and possible tools.

started new job at tech company

Had a team meeting

Scheduled a meeting and planned a design session today

Scheduled a meeting and started wireframing.

We have had 3 meetings by now and they’ve been great! our team is getting along pretty well and we’re moving steady towards our goals

We had a fun first meeting!

Vienna is lovely

Someone got a job :)

scheduled meetings, organize the project in sub tasks, assign tasks

Had a successful meeting and decided on a project.

Created a backend API for our project!

We successfully completed our second meeting and scheduled our third! We have an agenda for this third meeting and hope to be able to divide the coding tasks afterwards. Hopefully we are on the path to success.

Decided on a project, Created and discussed mockups.

Scheduled a meeting, two of the team members got to the second phase of a job interview.

Been consistently studying and solving algorithm challenges daily including whiteboarding. Made a mock up for Chingu project and shared with team mates for feedback and improvement.

scheduled our first team meeting and team chat Had some initial tasks

Suggested a bunch of app ideas

I a) suggested a number of app ideas; b) added Git workflow best practices to our team Wiki; c) made a number of cogent suggestions and critiques in our team chat. The team 1) decided on an app idea; 2) made a series of wireframe mock-ups; 3) create a basic repo with front-end and back-end components

First successful team meeting

Managed to finish our first meeting despite schedule conflicts

We met in person and began breaking down our project

We scheduled a meeting!

Working on making a mockup for the project

We got our plans for our project set and our sprint is going off without a hitch!

We had our first meeting, created GitHub repo and successfully merged it

We wrote user stories and done some 1st draft UX designs.

Scheduled the first meeting and set Git workflow guidelines

Team finally decide on the project to build

Picked a project, tech stack, management tool, begun specs and design phase

We successfully had our first team meeting

scheduled meeting

communicating a ton, setting realistic goals, incrementing after accomplishing said goals

We scheduled a meeting, checked-in on each of our levels of programming skills, and made goals for next week’s check-in

for the first time, I have done the boilerplate for full stack app with react and Express to quick start our project

Started our wireframes

Held our first planning meeting.

Meeting has been scheduled, Jennifer has created mockups

we found a UX team member to collaborate with us on designs

scheduled a meeting, chose our project and technology

Well we are almost ready to begin this week once we refined all our thoughts down.

scheduled a meeting, began coding

I used Adobe XD for the first time ever to help with the design for our page!

We define the workflow and started to do the project

Made a sketch for the wire-framing. Meet with all the team members and had a long chat about the project and the tools. We set days of the week to help each other out.



Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io